where are you going little bird

by michelle
(Salisbury, md)

where are you going little bird little bird where are you going little birdie

does anyone know the rest?

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Jan 07, 2025
Lovely Song In School NEW
by: Roger

I attended a one-room country school in Saskatchewan, in the 1950s. We had a wonderful teacher who was not embarrassed to mention Christianity, and she taught us this song. It has stayed in my thoughts all these years.
~ Roger

Jun 09, 2023
Birdie tell NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother of Scots / English background (Canadian, born in Ontario 1922) sang it this way:
Oh where are you going birdie tell?
Oh where are you going birdie tell?
I am going to the woods, I am going to the woods
I am going to the woods, sweet maid.
And what is in the woods oh birdie tell...
there's a tree in the woods... [what is in the tree]
there's a nest in the tree... [what is in the nest]
there are 4 small eggs... [what is in the eggs]
and ends with the little birds
"they will sing Praise the Lord,
they will sing Praise the Lord
they will sing Praise the Lord, sweet maid."

Jan 04, 2023
Lullaby and Goodnight... NEW
by: Cindy Kaye Crannage

Lullaby, and good night,
With pink roses bedight,
With lilies o'erspread,
Is my baby's sweet head.
Lay you down now, and rest,
May your slumber be blessed!
Lay you down now, and rest,
May thy slumber be blessed!
Lullaby, and good night,
You're your mother's delight,
Shining angels beside
My darling abide.
Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head.
Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head.
Sleepyhead, close your eyes.
Mother's right here beside you.
I'll protect you from harm,
You will wake in my arms.
Guardian angels are near,
So sleep on, with no fear.
Guardian angels are near,
So sleep on, with no fear

Jan 03, 2023
Where have you been, little birdie?
by: Anonymous

I,too had an Engilsh mum. She sang to mnearly every night that I can remember. This was one of the 3 or 4 songs I remember best. The others were "Golden slumbers kiss your eyes, Smiles await you when you rise.
Sleep little darling, do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby."
There was one which began "Lullaby, and good night, now ..." can't recall all the rest. The one I remember best is "White Cliffs of Dover". My mum was a Nottingham girl who wed a GI right after "the war" (II) and came over on a converted Liberty Ship. I almost gave up searching until I saw the other 2 "ANONYMOUS" postings. Glad someone else remembers!

Nov 15, 2022
I found my version
by: Cathy

My grandmother, born 1899 in Newark, NJ, sang this song to us 6 kids. Now my daughter sings it to her daughter. Our version is
Where are you going little bird x 3

I am going to my tree, then nest, then 4 eggs, then birds.
Our singer is Sweet May. The answer to what can the little birdies do was ‘Praise the Lord’.
It was great to find all these versions. I though Nana had made it up herself.

Mar 11, 2022
Little Birdie song from English mom NEW
by: Anonymous

This is the song my mother sang:

Where have you been little birdie?
Where have you been, so long?
Far oer the sea, far off from thee,
Learning for you a new song, my sweet,
Learning for you a new song.

What did you see, little birdie?
What did you see each day?
Sunshine and showers, blossoms and bowers,
Pretty white lambkins at play, my sweet,
Pretty white lambkins at play.

Who kept you safe, little birdie?
Who kept you safe from harm?
The Father of all, all great and small,
Under His dear loving arm, my sweet,
Under His dear loving arm.

Mar 11, 2022
Little Birdie song from English mom
by: Anonymous

This is the song my mother sang:

Where have you been little birdie?
Where have you been, so long?
Far oer the sea, far off from thee,
Learning for you a new song, my sweet,
Learning for you a new song.

What did you see, little birdie?
What did you see each day?
Sunshine and showers, blossoms and bowers,
Pretty white lambkins at play, my sweet,
Pretty white lambkins at play.

Who kept you safe, little birdie?
Who kept you safe from harm?
The Father of all, all great and small,
Under His dear loving arm, my sweet,
Under His dear loving arm.

Feb 25, 2022
lovely tune NEW
by: Anonymous

Same tune. Grandma was German-Schwellensattle maiden name.

Feb 25, 2022
What is the tune? NEW
by: Kris

I, too, remember this lullaby. Learned it from my mom, sang it to my daughters, still sing it to my grandchildren. Our heritage is Irish-Scottish.

What TUNE is associated with your versions?

Oct 21, 2021
By all accounts 100+ years old NEW
by: Becca Thompson

My grandmother sang it to me. She was first generation German-American in about for 1898. She might have learned it in school in Minnesota. I sang it to my children and sing it to my grandchildren. I wish I knew the true origin.

Jun 25, 2021
Little Birdie in the tree
by: Cindy Kaye Crannage

Little birdie in the tree, in the tree, in the tree. Little birdie in the tree, in the tree, sing a song for me.
What will the little birdie sing, what will the little birdie sing?
He will sing you a song, he will sing you a song, he will sing you a song sweet May.
My grandmother, Josephine Schwellensatle Crannage sang this to me in the early 1950s.

Jan 15, 2021
Such wonderful memories! NEW
by: Susan

My grandfather used to sing this lullaby to me and my two sisters when we were small. That was about 65 years ago.

He sang it thus:
Oh where are you going pretty bird? x2
I am going to the old oak tree, x2
I am going to the old oak tree sweet maid.

And what have you there pretty bird? x2
I have 3 little eggs, x2
I have 3 little eggs, sweet maid.

And what will these little eggs be? x2
They'll be 3 little birds, x2
They'll be 3 little birds, sweet maid.

And what till these little birds do? x2
They'll sing praises to God, x2
THey'll sing praises to God, sweet maid.

Back when the world was a much better place.

Nov 15, 2020
Pretty Bird
by: Anonymous

My mother sang this to me and my six brothers and sisters all the time to calm us down or to get us to sleep. Her mother sang it to her as well.
The version she sang had seven little birds as she herself had seven children.

My sisters would also sing this song to their children. So much so that one time when my mother was watching her grandchildren and pulled that song out of her bag of tricks to get them to sleep she started singing, "Oh where are you going pretty bird?" My nephew stopped her in disbelief, "Hey that’s my moms song, how do you know that song?"

Recently my sweet mother lost her battle with cancer. As she laid in her bed surrounded by her loving family. We all sang together this song to return the favor to help her be at ease and go home to the lord. It was an amazing sound that gave me chills as her husband, seven children and 15 grandchildren sang this sweet song to her her one last time.

Oh where are you going pretty bird? X 2
I am going to the tree x 2
I am going to the tree sweet maid

And what’s in the tree pretty bird? X 2
There’s a nest in the tree X 2
There’s a nest in the tree sweet maid

And what’s in the nest pretty bird? X 2
There 7 eggs in the nest, 7 eggs in the nest
7 eggs in the nest sweet maid

And what will the little eggies be? X 2
They’ll be 7 little birds X 2
They’ll be 7 little birds sweet maid

And what will the little birdies do? X 2
They’ll sing praises to God X
They’ll sing praises to God sweet maid

Sep 22, 2020
So many variations
by: Ken Tucker

My grandmother sang this song to me when I was a boy 50 years ago. She was Scottish, but grew up in Saskatchewan. I suspect this is a traditional spiritual lullaby from the U.K.

The bird in her version was going to the sea, not the woods, and was conversing with a sweet maid. It ended with the birdies praising God as mentioned in some of the other posts.

I've looked for some information on this song for a long time. Thank you all for your posts!

Feb 23, 2020
Another version (can anyone find the original and artist name? ) NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember this song from naptime in daycare, and i remember a caregiver saying they were gonna burn the cd and i remember feeling sad cuz i liked the music thinking they were actually gonna destroy it. Heres the lyrics i remember down to the word, i think i forgot the tree verse or maybe it wasnt there but here goes:

Oh, where are you going,
little bird, little bird?
Oh where are you going little birdie?

I am going to the woods(x3)
Little child.

Oh what's in the woods
little bird, little bird?
Oh what's in the woods little birdie?

There's a nest in the woods(x3)
little child.

Oh whats in the nest
little bird, little bird?
Oh what's in the nest little birdie?

There are five little eggs(x3)
little child.

Oh whats in the eggs
little bird, little bird?
Oh what's in the eggs little birdie?

There are five little birds(x3)
little child.
[can't remember if its 'little, ir baby']
And i cent remember if there was more to that version or not but yeah that's how i remember it.

Feb 06, 2020
My grandmother sang NEW
by: Pamela

My grandmother sang:
"Where are you going pretty bird? X2
I am going to the woods X2
....sweet child.

What’s in the woods pretty bird? X2
There’s a tree in the woods X2

There’s a nest in the tree X2

There are three tiny eggs X2

What can the little birdies sing? X2
They can sing "Praise the Lord" X2
.....sweet child.....!

Dec 08, 2019
Pretty Bird NEW
by: Anonymous

We sang Sweet Maid, not may or Mae . We sang Going to the Woods sweet Maid, not Field 1 trees in the woods 2 nest in the trees 3 eggs in the nest 4 bird in the eggs 5 Sing Precious Lord Sweet Maid .

Jun 24, 2018
Song My Mother Sang To Me NEW
by: Anonymous

I have sung this song all my life and have sung to my children and now my grandchildren and great grandchildren when I have an occasion to do it. I have taught my children and they are passing on this wonderful little song to their children. It is a wonderful childhood memory for me of my mama singing it to me. I thought that maybe her mother had sung it to her. My grandmother was Mary Combs Smith, born in 1894; my mother was Della Smith Hurt, born in 1915 and I am 73. I hope future generations will teach their children and hope they enjoy it as much as my family has.

Apr 29, 2018
How I remember NEW
by: Jan

My dad sang this song to me growing up. It was with Sweet May but the ending was,"What can the little birdie sing?" Repeat 3 times "He can sing, Praise the Lord,(repeat 3 times, then ended with) Sweet May."

Mar 27, 2018
Pretty Bird NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother who was born in 1912, learned this song in elementary school. she sang it to my when I was a child. Her version which was a little different. where are you going, pretty bird
I am going to the woods, sweet May.
the nest, 3 little eggs, they will be pretty birds, they will sing praise to God, sweet May

Mar 10, 2018
George family version NEW
by: Anonymous

My granmother, Pearl (Stuart) George, born in 1896 in Eagonville Ontario, sang this song. Lyrics were a bit different. It is now in it's 5th generation. Seems like yesterday.

Oh what's in the tree pretty bird
Oh what's in the tree pretty bird

There's a nest in the tree
There's a nest in the tree
There's a nest in the tree, sweet May.

And what's in the nest pretty bird
And what's in the nest pretty bird

There are four little eggs
There are four little eggs
There are four little eggs, sweet May.

And what will the little eggs be
And what will the little eggs be

They'll be four little birds
They'ĺl be four little birds
They'll be four little birds, sweet May.

And what will the little birds do
And what will the little birds do

They will sing praise to God
They will sing praise to God
They will ding praise to God, sweet May.

(memories of my grandmother in simpler times)

Jan 22, 2018

My Mother sang this song to me from the time I was born for years and years. When I was little she sang it to me while she rocked me. I can still here her voice and feel her arms around me. I think growing up with that song has influenced me more than almost anything. It always gave me a save feeling. I sang it to both of my children for as many years as they would be still and listen. I also sang it to my two grandchildren over the years, but as with many of the things I was raised with my daughter didn't sing it to her children. I don't know why. I never expected to find it when I typed the words into my computer. It's one of the nicest moments I've had in a long time. Thank you,Barbara

Oct 18, 2017
My grandmother of scotch Irish descent taught me NEW
by: Mae

Where are you going my little birdie (×2)
I am going to the woods, I am going to the woods,
I am going to the woods, Sweet Mae.
What's in the woods my little birdie (×2)
There's a tree in the woods, There's a tree in the woods, There's a tree in the woods, Sweet Mae.
What's in the tree my little birdie (×2)
There's a nest in the tree, there's a nest in the tree, There's a nest in the tree, Sweet Mae.

The lyrics repeat to ask what is in the nest.
The bird responds, There's an egg in the nest
The lyrics ask what is in the egg
The bird responds a bird
The song asks what can it do
The bird responds, it can fly away
And that is the end of the song.
The tune was sung in a very old, almost monotone way, but it was beautiful to hear.

Aug 02, 2017
Oh pretty bird, pretty bird NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother sang it to my sister and I. But it was" pretty bird" instead of little bird. I sing it to my daughter she loves it. She sings it along with me

Jun 09, 2017
They'll Sing Praise the Lord NEW
by: Anonymous

My Great Grandmother sang it to me when I was a little boy. She was born in 1899 and I believe her mother sang it to her.

Jun 03, 2017
Where are you going birdie-bird? NEW
by: R.Baird

Our father sang this to us as children, his mother sang it to him. She was born in the 1880's in the Leeds, England area. The extended family never knew anyone else who sang this lullaby:

"Where are you going birdie-bird?
Where are you going birdie-bird?
I am going to the field,
I am going to the field,
I am going to the field, sweet child.

What's in the field birdie-bird?
What's in the field birdie-bird?
There's a tree in the field,
There's a tree in the field,
There's a tree in the field, sweet child.

What's in the tree birdie-bird?
What's in the tree birdie-bird?
There's a nest in the tree,
There's a nest in the tree,
There's a nest in the tree,sweet child.

What's in the nest birdie-bird?
What's in the tree birdie-bird?
There are three little eggs,
There are three little eggs,
There are three little eggs, sweet child.

What's in the eggs birdie-bird?
What's in the eggs birdie-bird?
There are three little birds,
There are three little birds,
There are three little birds, sweet child.

What will the little birdies do?
What will the little birdies do?
They will sing praise to God,
They will sing praise to God,
They will sing praise to God, sweet child."

May 12, 2017
Where are you going little bird NEW
by: Janet

My mother sung this song to me when I was a little girl-different version at the end she would say" sweet child "and I always thought she just made The song up I never heard anyone else ever saying it and I'll be 63 years old ! One of my fondest memories-my Brother and I were adopted our younger years were a lot more pleasant than as we got older so it's nice to have a good memory.

Dec 10, 2016
The rest of the words as sung to me by my mother 65 years ago NEW
by: Anonymous

Where are you going little birdie, where are you going little bird

I am going to the field, I am going to the field, I am going to the field, sweet maid

And what's in the field my little birdie, and what's in the field my little bird

in the field there's a tree, in the field there's a tree, in the field there's a tree, sweet maid

and what's in the tree my little birdie, and whats in the tree my little bird

in the tree there's a nest, in the tree there's a nest, in the tree there's a nest sweet maid

and what's in the nest my little birdie, and what's in the news my little bird

in the nest there's a bird in the nest there's a bird, in the nest there's a bird sweet maid

and what will the little birdie do, and what will the little birdie do

he will sing for the Lord he will Sing for the Lord, he will sing for the Lord, sweet maid.

As sung to me as a child by my mother Bernadette Della Bitta

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