Tick Tock Tick Tock

by Brittany
(Albuquerque, NM)

listen to the little clock telling us the time has come to go to sleep.

Coo Coo, Coo Coo little birdies telling you hush a bye close your eyes and go to sleep.

My mom sang this to me and I can't remember all the words.

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Mar 07, 2018
thanks, found it!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for this posts. I was looking for this cd for so many years, a had it and lost it and thanks to you found it in iTunes, Thank you!!

Jan 10, 2014
The "I Love You" CD
by: Anonymous

I have looked all over the Internet for this CD! I'd just about given up hope when the "Tick Toc" song came to mind and I thought I'd look again! THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me find it!! I can't wait for my granddaughter to hear these songs and enjoy them like her Mom and her Aunt and Uncle did 20 yrs ago! SO HAPPY! Thanks again!

Oct 30, 2013
tick tock lulliby song
by: april spears

I had a lulliby cd that had this song on it when my third daughter was born. I use to rock her and sing this song to her. I don't remember the album or artist but i would love to find it again, because it brings back very special memories for both of us...and there was a part of it that went ....
Ssshhhhh listen, I can hear the little clock,
telling us that now it's time to go to sleep...

Feb 04, 2013
more words
by: Anonymous

in addition to the words you've already remembered. . .

Ding dong ding dong grampa clock has clock has sung his song, lovely chimes say it's time to go to sleep.

The sun has set, the stars are bright the time has come to say good night.

tick tock tick tock listen to the little clock.

Dec 11, 2011
by: Jade

http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/page_bobbi/albums.jhtml?albumId=670234 I beleive that is the album you are talking about. You can also find it on itunes, simply search "teddy is ready" and the first result should be from the "I love you" album, by Rita Biloche. You should be able to view/ purchase the album by clicking on the album name. Hope this helps

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