three cassette lullabies in a white wooden cradle

by Carrie
(Franklin, OH)

When my daughter was tiny, I had a 3-cassette lullaby set that came in its own wooden white cradle holder. It had several beautiful lullabies on it, including "All Through the Night", "Bedtime Story", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", "Brahms Lullaby", etc. Now she's about to have her first little one, and she wants a duplicate of this set. Does anyone know how or where to get one? The name of this set?

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Sep 27, 2023
I’m also looking… NEW
by: mpioch

Hi! I’m also looking for Sherri Huffman’s 4 cassette My Lullaby set. Either the original with the rocker, or the new CD. I looked for it on Amazon. No luck. Now I’m searching on Etsy. At least you all gave me the name of the artist and the name of the set. I’ve been searching for 10+ years. Thanks for the help. :)

Aug 04, 2020
Wanted:lullaby cradle cassette set
by: Anonymous

I am looking for this cassette set, does anyone in this conversation have any they are willing to sell? If so please contact me at

Mar 30, 2020
Lullaby Cradle
by: Anonymous

I had them too when my daughter was a baby and toddler. She loved them so much i always had to bring them when we would go for a car ride. I dont know whatever happened to them but she had a baby 2 years ago and i was able to buy them off of ebay for her baby! I was so thrilled!

May 03, 2019
Wonder Bus NEW
by: Nini

I have a Wonder Bus that is unopened and has 4 cassettes in it. At one time I saw it on Amazon for 1000.00 ! Is that crazy?
In any case it is available for ??
Email me if you are interested
I am in the Vancouver, Bc area.

May 03, 2019
Lullaby cradle NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m also looking for this set from ‘89. Please let me know if you have one.

Mar 06, 2018
Sherri Huffman Bedtime Story NEW
by: Regina

I'm also looking for this set. I believe the one I'm looking for is the earlier version out in either 89 or 90. It has the Bedtime Story. I never had the complete set but I do think it was part of the four piece cradle set. If anyone is willing to sell me a set please contact me

Nov 29, 2016
Available NEW
by: Anonymous

I have o e available. I am in British Columbia, Canada. If you are interested my email is

Nov 29, 2016
where to buy cd?? NEW
by: Anonymous

I see several comments about this cassette set being available on CD? where? please share a link. Thanks!!

Apr 29, 2016
For sale NEW
by: Nini

My Lullaby cradle has all four cassettes. If interested give me an offer.

Apr 29, 2016
For sale NEW
by: Nini

My Lullaby cradle has all four cassettes. If interested give me an offer.

Apr 29, 2016
starstarstarstarstar NEW
by: Anonymous

I ordered the cd but it is missing the bedrime song :(

Apr 29, 2016
They converted to CD NEW
by: Jessica M.

I had the 4 cassettes with the cradle. It's on CD NOW! I bought it and my daughter (now 22) freaked out when she heard her voice! She yelled out "mom, is that my baby music??? oh, the memories! I wish I was a baby again!" and wants me to save it for her baby when she has one!
So I have the CD now :)

Apr 29, 2016
They converted to CD NEW
by: Jessica M.

I had the 4 cassettes with the cradle. It's on CD NOW! I bought it and my daughter (now 22) freaked out when she heard her voice! She yelled out "mom, is that my baby music??? oh, the memories! I wish I was a baby again!" and wants me to save it for her baby when she has one!
So I have the CD now :)

Apr 29, 2016
They converted to CD NEW
by: Anonymous

I had the 4 cassettes with the cradle. It's on CD NOW! I bought it and my daughter (now 22) freaked out when she heard her voice! She yelled out "mom, is that my baby music??? oh, the memories! I wish I was a baby again!" and wants me to save it for her baby when she has one!
So I have the CD now :)

Apr 28, 2016
For sale lullaby cradle with four cassettes. NEW
by: Nini

I have a set with the cradle. I will sell it to someone if they want it. There are four tapes in the wooden cradle.

Apr 08, 2016
These are the best but the website can't be found. NEW
by: Anonymous

I need these but the website mentioned below is not working? Does anyone know where to find these now?

Jan 01, 2016
Beautiful Relaxing Lullabies NEW
by: Janelle Lanuzo

Sherri Huffman has a lovely voice. She brings so many memories! My parents used to have 4 cassettes of lullabies and they recorded them by using 2 blank cassettes. They got married in 1982 and they play all the songs back in 1993 or 1994. Thank you so much!

Jul 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much to the person who directed me to a website where I have finally been able to purchase a "new" Lullaby Cradle. I've been searching for 5+ years! God bless you! :-)

Jul 22, 2015
FOUND Lullabye Cradle!!!
by: Anonymous

She did it!! I found Lullabye Cradle on Amazon before my friend said she was going to have it for sale. I paid more for it than she's asking.. If you are still looking for this, she has it for just $48 and shipping IS FREE!!! I wish I would of waited but it's so hard to find.Anyone wanting it, she just has one--it's

Jun 29, 2015
Found it on amazon. Couldn't wait!
by: Jessidm

That great! I couldn't wait anymore so I bought it on a CD I found on Amazon. Brought back SO many memories once I heard her voice!

Jun 29, 2015
I know where!!
by: Anonymous

I know the owners of a place that is going t have one of the lullaby cradles for sale!! She said it will be up and running on July 1,2015.
Go see

Apr 28, 2015
by: jessidm

LOOK UP YouTube and search Sheri Huffman!
Her voice brings back SO many memories!

Oct 15, 2013
Lullaby Cradle
by: Shannon MacLean

I know exactly what you're looking for!
This set is called Lullaby Cradle - Soothing Lullabies for Baby's Sweet Dreams. It was put out by American Audio Great in either late 1989 or 1990. Vocals by Cheri Huffman.

This set was purchased for me new, and given to me at my baby shower back in September 1990.
I had never really heard lullabies before, and these tapes were so amazing, I played them for my newborn son every night while he slept, until he was about 1 year old. I have no idea what happened to them. Cheri has the most beautiful voice!

I recently decided to look for them. Keep your eyes peeled, as they do come available every now and then on Amazon, eBay, and etsy. Some people sell the cassetts in a set, and some sell them as individuals. They are so hard to find. I wish I still had my originals. Will have grandkids someday ... need these cassettes!

As a matter of fact, I just found two for sale on Amazon, and I purchased one.

Aug 09, 2013
Lullaby Cradle Cassettes
by: Anonymous

It's called Lullaby Cradle and has 4 cassettes.

Jan 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

Can somebody please give me the name of the cassette so I can search for them please?

Nov 30, 2012
no longer produced but you can still find them
by: Terry

These lullabies were a Godsend when My son was a baby. I played them so much,that I literally wore them out. Unfortunately they only come in cassette format, which is becoming obsolete. But if you have a cassette palyer, you can still find used ones on Amazon and Ebay.

Nov 06, 2012
three cassette lullabies in a white wooden cradle
by: Anonymous

That is the same set i had and i am looking for it too :(

May 13, 2012
re: lullaby cradle
by: Electra

I'm sorry that I can't help you but I totally agree that the music in those little wooden cradles was the most beautiful baby/kids' music that I have ever heard. I have them stored away somewhere and am hoping that I will find them soon for my grandkids.

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