There's a snug little ship. That makes a round trip.

by Gretchen
(United States)

My grandma use to sing this song to us when we were young and this is what I remember of it. I would really like to find the whole song so that I could sing it to my grandkids.

There's a snug little ship, that makes a round trip each evening to sleepy town. The sails on the ship are a white pillow slip and the crew wears there little nightgowns. Now the man in the moon is the captain you see with the bright shining stars looking down.

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Jan 22, 2011
Aunt nunny
by: Jamie Zeller

Gretchen. It's mom Kurt and me! I came to celebrate dads birthday and mom and I were trying to figure out the rest of the lyrics ( be aide you asked for her help) I googled it and your question came up...what r the chances of that lol. Love ya cuz

Jan 08, 2011
Thank you!
by: Gretchen

My grandma would sing another verse about when we wake up and mom or grandmas would welcome you home from your voyage to sleepy town. I wish I could find that whole song somewhere. I have tried to find it. I was beginning to think grandma made it up...LOL

Thanks so much for the end of that verse and if you know anymore I would LOVE to know what it is.


Jan 08, 2011
There's a snug little ship. That makes a round trip.
by: Amy

Heres the rest of it.

And fairies are waiting to play there with you.
In the shadows of sleepy town.

My grandma used to sing this to us I was little as well.

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