the puppies go nite nite, the kittens go nite nite

by Bridgette
(Nashville, TN)

The puppies go nite nite
The kittens go nite nite
The pony's they sleep the night through

The birdies go nite nite
The flowers go nite nite
and babies they go nite nite too

And the stars up in the sky
They smile and say good nite
nite nite
nite nite

I sang this to my children when they were babies. Now my son has his first child and I am singing it to him. I was just curious to find out if there are more verses or even if I have the tune correct....

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Jun 05, 2023
A Cappella Lullaby recording - Night-Night NEW
by: Kelsie Troyer

My daughters sing this song on an album we released earlier this year.... You can order one at Otherwise on streaming services, search Kelsie Troyer Lullabies.

Jan 12, 2023
Lullaby CD
by: Anonymous

My mother had my youngest brother when I was 10years old. The songs on the CD stuck with me my whole life (now 42). I recently had my own son, he’s just 8 weeks old and I find myself singing these lullabies to him. The CD it was from is, "A Child’s Gift of Lullabyes". It’s from the early 1990’s.

May 09, 2016
Puppies go nite nite NEW
by: Anonymous

I would love to find the recorded song. I remember this song from when my children were very young ( over 30 years ago). It would be wonderful to share with my grandchildren.

Nov 08, 2012
Youtube Video
by: Teri

Have not yet located a CD, but here is the song from youtube ;)

Oct 09, 2012
by: Teri

Was it just called a "sampler cassette"? I remember having it on a CD....Thank you so much for your response! I will continue my search! My sister just had a baby and we wanted to be able to play this song for our children ;)

Oct 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

It was a sample cassette that was lost long ago.

Oct 06, 2012
Do you have the CD?
by: Teri

Do you know the title of the CD? Or was it a cassette?

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