the night is as quiet as quiet can be, so close your eyes and close your ears until you get to sleep

by miriam

Mum used to play it from a tape. Used to put me to sleep when i was little. Does anyone have the melody or the rest of the lyrics? I remem er how it sounded but i cant find the song any where...

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Mar 30, 2020
The Night Is As Quiet lullaby
by: Anonymous

My mom used to play it from a tape when I was a kid as well, and now I sing it to my kiddos. I'm not sure of the source, but I remember the words to the song (at least this is how I remember it and how I sing it)...

The night is as quiet, as quiet can be, you won't hear the softest peep. So close your ears and close your eyes and soon you'll be asleep. The day was long but now it's done. May your dreams be soft and sweet. Just hear my song and drift along and soon you'll be asleep.

Hope this helps! Such a precious song.

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