tell me a tale of kings and queens, tell me of peter pan

by Samantha Boechler

Tell me a tale of Kings and Queens...
Tell me of Peter Pan...
Tell me of when you were a boy, of when I shall be a man
I like to lay here in the dark...listening to all you say.
(now I draw a blank on the last line)

Next Verse
Tell me a tale of kings and queens...
tell me of snow white too...
tell of when you were a girl...of when i shall be like you
I like to lay here in the dark, listening to all you say

next verse
Tell me a tale of Kings and Queens,
: tell me of Peter Pan,
: tell me of when you were a boy,and of when I shall be a man,
: I want to stay here in the dark listening to all your say,
: I feel so lonesome by myself and I wish you let me stay...

its important to me because my mother played it for me while i was in her stomach and while i was a child and now i am pregnant and would like to find it for my unborn child

please email me if you know the name or can find it online...

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Oct 02, 2024
The perfect pacifier NEW
by: Anonymous

The song on the perfect pacifier is absolutely nothing how it's been sang in my family for generations. Same words but the tune and melody is crazy different. I wish I could write music to show yall! My daughter said she hates their version. Lol

Jul 16, 2024
Sweet memories NEW
by: MissyAnonymous

My baby is having her first baby this week. "Tell me a tale" was my all time favorite lullaby I sang to my 3 babies. As the years went by this precious song would randomly pop in my head.Though the words were hard to remember past the first two lines,I have hummed it a million times over! Now my babies ( 31,33,35 )are having babies and this will be passed along as a very sweet memory.

Thank you for the smile tonight.

May 21, 2024
Recording NEW
by: Stacey Dyer.

I recorded a lullaby for my first grandson last year. It includes "Bedtime Song", (Tell Me a Tale…). Here it is.

Sassy Sings Lullabies

May 21, 2024
piano chords?
by: Dreama

is it possible to get the piano chords to this?

I sang this song to my nieces and nephews their whole life and to this day it's their favorite memory. I would love to learn this for them and record me playing and singing it so they have it after I'm gone.

Jan 14, 2023
Happy memories
by: Richard

My wife of 30 years passed away last September 3 months before our first grand child was born. I was holding him last night trying desperately to remember this lullaby my wife would sing our son. Thank you for posting this lullaby it has brought tears and warm thoughts of her. I will start singing it to him. His name is MASON JO. Named after my wife Jo Marie.

Oct 19, 2022
Bedtime Song
by: Anonymous

Here it is, finally! This came from tube, a cd called Perfect Pacifier. Enjoy! I know I will!

May 23, 2020
Great memories NEW
by: Anonymous

I used to sing this lullaby to my son when he was first born. He’s almost 25 years old. Never thought I’d find the lyrics to this lullaby. Thank you ❤️

Jan 18, 2020
Sherri Huffman - Bedtime Song
by: Janelle Lanuzo

It was Sherri Huffman who sang "Bedtime Song". I was the one who put up all the videos of the original cassettes she recorded on my YouTube channel.

Jul 05, 2017
Sherri Huffman NEW
by: Anonymous

Sherri Huffman was the singer.
Some wonderful person has put videos up on youtube of the original cassettes she did.

Just go to and type her name in the search bar.

Jan 17, 2017
Rock-a -By Oh Baby Oh! NEW
by: nancy

The music you are looking for is The Rock -a-Bye collection ny Tonya Goodman. It included Teeter Totter, Lavander's Blue and a lot of other wonderful songs. I bought it for my oldest in 1991 and it is still my favorite set of lullabyes

Nov 07, 2016
Great Lullabies NEW
by: PreK teachermous

I found all four cassettes in a small little white baby carriage carrier. The cassettes had never been opeed because the plastic wrap were still on them. The songs are so soft, beautifil and mellow.

Aug 20, 2016
Memories NEW
by: Amanda

Omg I've been looking for this everywhere. My mother played this for me to go sleep to the point the tapes got ruined. Now I have a child and want it. I still remember the songs and sing them from time to time. If anyone knows anything PLEASE speak up.

Jul 27, 2016
Bedtime song NEW
by: Superoot

has anyone found the cd. It came in a boxed set of 4 cassettes 25 years ago. Played it for my children and now I'm looking for it to play for my grandchild due in September

Apr 16, 2016
Yes! NEW
by: ttrombley

It was a cassette done by Lullaby Cradle, in a set of 4. You are looking for cassette #7067.

Song list: Bedtime Song(kings and queens), Rock A Bye Baby, Sweet and Low, Little Bo Peep, Nature's Goodnight, All Through The Night.

Mar 11, 2015
update I think
by: Mike

My wife thinks the singer is Joanie Bartels. She has a bunch of songs I remember and the voice sounds right but the song on this post is not listed anywhere for her. You can hear them on Amazon and Itunes.

I still need to find that tape.

Mar 09, 2015
love this tune
by: Mike

My family has this tape somewhere. My kids were very young when we got it, they are now 19, 20 and 22.
I came across this site looking for the name of the song. As I recall, it was a 2 tape set and was dark purple in color. The one we have is the same song as mentioned here that you can get on Amazon but not the same singer. The Amazon one, although decent is no where near as soothing as the version we have. The lady's voice is very sweet on ours. I will save this link and when I find the tape (which I will find), I will put it on Youtube. I could have grandkids in the next 5 years so need to find it. :-) Annoying to me is that I got it out a couple years ago so I could find it in CD form for my niece. I wasn't able to find the correct one anywhere.

Oct 28, 2014
Same song different version
by: Anonymous

I'm also searching for the song that goes "tell me a tale of kings and queens, tell me of Peter Pan, tell me of when you were a boy of when I shall be a man" The one by Pamela ballingham was the closest I could find but I'm really looking for the version of the one I had on cassette almost 20 years ago, had all the same lyrics but added a softly spoken story inbetween verses, that same tape also had all through the night and I think a song called vitamin c and maybe a willy wonka song? I can't remember them all but I would love to find original cassette for my son. Might be a long shot but worth a try. If anyone else happens to recall this tape from their child hood and can remember anything else about it it would be greatly appreciated!!

Mar 01, 2012
i love this song and listened to it as a child
by: Anonymous

i found this song on itunes called "bedtime story (england)" by pamala ballingham

Feb 03, 2012
Bedtime Song
by: Bonnie for Jordan and SamuelAnonymous

I sang this and played the cassette to my granddaughter, Jordan, when she was small. She is now pregnant with Samuel and wants it for him.

Dec 28, 2011
bedtime song
by: Anonymous

You can find it at, the title is
"A Treasury of Earth Mother Lullabies".The artist is Pamala Ballingham.

May 31, 2011
"Bedtime Song" is the name.
by: Stace

Did anyone ever find the CD? I'd like to order it for my friend's daughter.

Feb 24, 2011
Missing Words
by: Anonymous

"I like to sit here in the dark, listening to all you say..
(Last line is)
"I feel so lonesome in my bed I wish you would let me stay"

Nov 17, 2010
Where do I find it?
by: CS

What is the name of the song and where might I find a CD of it?

Sep 30, 2010
Tell me a tale of queens & kings
by: Karen

I used to sing this to my son. It was his favorite lullaby of all times. I loaned my CD to my sister in law and never got it back. I'm looking for it too.

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