Sweety bear

Every night I climb the stairs
and cuddle up close in grandma's chair.
He likes to listen as I say my prayers.
He was meant for me and will always be my sweety bear.
He sleeps in the bed right next to mine as cute as he could be. With one eye open and one eye shut he watches over me
Oh gee I just can't forget that country fair
when he looked at me with that take me home stare. That's when I knew right then and there.

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Aug 18, 2024
Gentleman bear
by: Anonymous

I loved sweetie bear but there was also another one called gentleman bear. Does anyone remember it? Sang by a woman.

The only lyrics I remember are

"And what will you do when we both get there,both get their.both get there. I’ll stay right here with my gentleman. Bear when we go into town."

It’s driving me crazy


Apr 09, 2021
Updated Lyrics NEW
by: Dancesca

Hi there! I was asked to sing this at a memorial service, so I transcribed the actual lyrics from this YouTube video:

Sweetie Bear by Donald Michael Kasen

Female voices w/ harmony:
Wait till you meet my sweetie bear
Has chocolate eyes and cinnamon hair
Lips sweet a sugar in a fudge éclair
Oh how I love my sweetie bear

When night comes around, we climb the stairs
And cuddle up close in grandma's chair.
He likes to listen when I say my prayer.
Thankin’ the Lord for Sweetie Bear!

He sleeps in the bed right next to mine
And he’s cute as he can be.
With one eye open and one eye shut he watches over me, oh gee

I just can't forget that country fair
How he looked at me with the take-me-home stare.
Something inside me told me then and there.
He was meant for me and would always be my sweetie bear.

My mommy took me to the country fair
And what do you think she bought me there?
The sweetest little teddy bear

Male voice:
That’s me, your teddy bear, oh
I’m everybody’s sweetie bear
Got chocolate eyes and cinnamon hair
Lips made of sugar in a fudge éclair
Oh how they love their sweetie bear!
Female voices:
When night comes around we climb the stairs
And cuddle up close in grandma's chair
He likes to listen when I say my prayer
Thankin’ the Lord for sweetie bear

Female: He sleeps in the bed right next to mine
Male: And I’m cute as I can be.
Female: With one eye open and one eye shut
He watches over me, oh gee

I just can't forget that country fair
How he looked at me with the take-me-home stare.
Something inside me told me then and there.
He was meant for me

Male: I was meant for you
Female: And would always be
Male: Just belong to you
Female: My sweetie bear.
Male: Your everloving sweetie bear
Your sweetie bear

Mar 23, 2021
more lyrisc
by: Anonymous

i remember more lyrics
wait till you meet my sweetie bear has chocolate eyes and cinnomon hair lips sweet a sugar ......oh how i love my sweetie bear'
when night comes around we climb the stairs and cuddle up close in grandma's chair he loves to listen as i say my prayers thanking the lord for sweetie bear

ha- i am the youngest of 5 and obviously played this over and over on a 45 vinyl

Mar 18, 2021
Sweetie Bear song scared us
by: Anonymous

I was born in '72 but my sisters and I had all my mother's 9 younger sibling's childhood records to listen to. My sisters and I loved the Peter Pan Orchestra albums, but Sweetie Bear, we though was weird and scary.
We would always ask my mom "What teddy bear has HAIR? Teddy bears have fur. And LIPS? Teddy bears don't have lip! And even if they did, how would a teddy bear's lips be tasting like sugar? You don't taste teddy bears! And what fudge eclair can you taste the actual grains of sugar in it?. How about just saying the non existent teddy bear lips are sweet as a fudge eclair.Why say sweet as the sugar in it...so odd. And then the teddy bear sings in the deep voice of an overgrown man...which scared the bejeebers out of us every time! We did not like this song about a teddy bear with lips, and hair instead of fur and eyes that had a take-me-home stare that watched with one eye open.

Dec 29, 2017
This just made me so happy!!!! NEW
by: Charlotte

I was born in 1965, grew up with what seemed like hundreds of Peter Pan records!!!! This was one of my favorites!!! Never thought I'd hear this again!!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful post!!!!!

Apr 27, 2015
Sweety Bear Album
by: Hugh

I was also born in 1963. The youngest of 6. We had a lot of children's albums and this was one I recall listening to often. I believe the album cover was basically just a brown teddy bear sitting on something, maybe a shelf, with a yellow background.

I have a lot of other songs in my head that I believe came from this album as well.

Apr 27, 2015
I remembered this song.
by: Mark Rosen

I was born in 1963. I woke up from a dream remembering this song this morning. I did a google search on the lyrics I located your page, and found the song name. Did a search on YouTube and heard the actual recording in my dream, WAY COOL ! Must have heard this when I was very Young.

It is listed as "Peter Pan Orchestra - Sweetie Bear"


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