Sleep, Mama, sleep
Our cottage vale is deep
The little lamb is on the green
With snowy fleece so soft and clean
Sleep, Mama, sleep
Sleep, Papa, sleep
I would not, would not weep
The little lamb he never cries
And bright and happy are his eyes
Sleep, Papa, sleep.
Sleep, Mama, sleep,
Near where the woodbines creep;
Be always like the lamb so meek,
Kind and gentle, oh so sweet
Sleep, Mama, sleep
Sleep, Papa, sleep,
Thy rest shall angels keep.
While on the grass the lamb shall feed
And never suffer want nor need
Sleep, Papa, sleep
Sleep, Mama, sleep
Background Information
The melody for this lovely lullaby comes from the English traditional lullaby “Sleep, Baby, Sleep.” The repetition is so comforting and rhythmic and the imagery is beautiful.
The loss of a baby is unimaginably traumatic, private and personal. Those of us close to the grieving family are often lost for suitable words of support, comfort or consolation. Angel Baby Lullabies provides support and comfort to parents and families in their time of bereavement. The music is simple, soft, gentle, and makes a thoughtful and considerate gift during a very difficult time.