Sing Me To Sleep Cassette?

by Samaksh

In my childhood I had this cassette named Sing Me To Sleep which me and my mom used to listen to at dusk. Still rings in my ears but I cant find it. The title song is the only one I remember best. so..

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Oct 13, 2020
I had one too with same name!
by: Anonymous

Hello Samaksh,

Did it have the following tracks, lyrics go like :
1. Summertime and the living is easy.. ( the popular old one)

2. Beautiful dreamer

3. One about a sandman - Sandman will come creeping..

4. Hush little baby, don't say a word.. Mamas gonna buy you a mocking bird..

5. All through the night, 6. Slumber slumber
7. Sweet and low 8. Golden slumbers 9.Sweetly she sleeps my Alice fair.

I could go on.. I still remember each one in sequence though the cassette got damaged.

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