Ride in a big pirate ship paddle a small canoe Fiddledy faddledy whoop de doo you have a dream I know you do.

Sang this to my son in the 70's as a baby. I believe it came from a Hawaiian or possibly Nephi Hannemann record. Would love to get the rest of the words and find out who wrote/sang it. Can anyone help?

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Sep 28, 2017
Just what I was looking for! NEW
by: Anonymous

Mahalo nui! My dad played his Hawaiian albums, including Sons of Hawaiʻi. This song is so nostalgic for me. Now, I play it for my keiki.

Nov 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

I don't have the lyrics, but I found the song on Amazon:

Dreams by Eddie Kamae and the Sons of Hawai'i

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