My Dad sang this to his kids, grandkids and great grandkids.
Sleep and rest on mothers breast. Father will come to thee soon.
Mother alone with the baby in the nest.
Silver shades are out on the west.
Sleep my little one Sleep my pretty one Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Sleep well daddy GLANVILLE L D WITTER
Mar 06, 2021 Rating
Sweet And Low by: Anonymous
Sherri Huffman is the artist.
May 27, 2019 Rating
sleep my little one sleep mt pterry one sleepNEW by: Dorothy
sleep my little one's sleep my pretty ones sleep
Nov 16, 2014 Rating
verse one by: Jane
Breathe and blow. Breathe and blow.Winds of the western seas. Blow blow breezes blow .blow him again to me. Come from over the waters and blow. Come from the dying winds and blow . Blow him again to me. While my little one.while my pretty one sleeps. you have the second verse.
May 14, 2013 Rating
Rest rest on mother's breast by: Carmen
The fame of the song is The Princess Sweet and Low..I used to sing it to my baby girl..she is already a grown woman but I still sing it to's a beautiful lullaby
May 09, 2013 Rating
My mum sang these words by: Sandra
Rest, rest on mothers breast, Father will come to thee soon. Father will come to his babes in the nest, Silver sails, all out in the west. Come to thee soon, While my little one's, While my pretty one's, Sleep.