night night sleep tight the stars are bright and twinkling up on high,

Night night, sleep tight,
the stars are bright and twinkling up on high,
and very soon the shining moon will sail across the sky.

Childhood memory of a tattered little book containing above poem. Have used it for my children too but would like to find its source and a book containing it for posterity. Does anyone know where I might find one?

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Apr 21, 2018
Please help NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi there, Does anyone have the full lullaby for
This extract. My Grampa used to read it to me and he has recently passed away and I would love to read a short passage for his funeral. Just the text version is fine - written out as a comment! If you can help I would be so grateful! Thank you!

Nov 07, 2014
Happy Days
by: Anonymous

My mother kept my copy and has just given it to me. It is called Happy Days, illustrated by Eulalie, and was published in 1954 by Collins. It is very small - only 4 inches square.

Oct 04, 2014
From the same book - I had it
by: Anonymous

Jack can scoot on any foot while Jippy runs behind. The panting pup can't catch him up but really doesn't mind.

Early 1950s when I was little.

May 27, 2014
Good night sleep tight the stars are bright.....I remember too!!
by: Jo

Wow I too remember a tatty little cloth book my lovely mum used to read me everynight and I too taught my children the above poem. I would love a copy to have as a keepsake....did you ever find one I have been looking for ages.

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