Little one I have dreams to sell

My mom sang it to me and I can never remember more than this part. I think maybe after it was something like dreams of most wondrous things. It's a beautiful song so if anyone knows if appreciate it :) thanks!

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Jan 05, 2022
Little one i have dreams to sell; the closest to what i remember. one our school songs back home
by: D.Murray

little one I have dreams to sell. Things that most wonderous are. Sail with me on a rope of cloud from crescent moon afar. High on a cloud, swing on a cloud afar.
Sail with me in my dreamland boat. Off to the evening star. Swing with me on a rope of cloud from crescent moon afar. High on a cloud, swing on a cloud afar.
Little one I have dreams to sell(se...ll, what will your purchase be? Will you buy dreams of every land? Which will you buy of me?
Beautiful dreams? Wonderful dreams? Which will you buy of me? Dreams...which will you buy of me?
(While we're reminiscing on back home and lullabies, read my novels: THE BRASS KEY (I'll never uses this key to get back home, but will forever cherish it.) and, FROM THE SECRET NOOK TO THE MOUNTAIN LOG HOUSE.(Lives forever changed.) You'll be thrilled.

Nov 30, 2021
The dream seller NEW
by: Anonymous

We sang this song at school 73 years ago. I always loved it so thank you for remembering the words.

Sep 26, 2020
part of my recollection NEW
by: Anonymous

Will you buy dreams of faeryland,
beautiful dreams from me?
Beautiful dreams from me.
Which will you buy?
Which will you buy?

Jan 31, 2020
The Dreamseller
by: Anonymous

The dream seller, by e. Markham lee? I think the edition we had was a current one but I think you can still buy the music online.

Jun 05, 2017
Little one I have dreams to sell NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks, nice song. Sang it in the junior choir in 1972

Dec 07, 2015
I have searched for this also and found it NEW
by: Anonymous

The dream seller by E.Markham Lee.

Jun 03, 2015
Little one i have dreams to sell
by: Anonymous

How andwhere can I find the music to this song. I learned it 45 years ago.

Feb 04, 2015
The Drfeam Peddler
by: Anonymous

Beautiful and beloved song... sang it at elementary school 55 years ago! Would love to hear it again.

Jul 16, 2014
From asker
by: Anonymous

Yes that was it!! Thank you so much
:) so happy

May 26, 2014
This one?
by: Anonymous

We sang this at school:

Little one I have dreams to sell
Things that most wondrous are
Say will you have a silver moon
Shining so bright afar
Will you buy of me stars that high
Swing in the trembling trees
Silver moon or golden star
Which will you buy of me?
Sail with me in my dreamland boat
Off to the evening star
Swing will we on a rope of cloud (or gold??)
High on a cloud, swing on a cloud afar.
Little one I have dreams to sell
What will your purchase be?
Silver moon or golden star
Which will you buy of me?
Which will you buy of me?
Dreams, which will you buy of me?

This was 25 years ago so I may be misremembering the lyrics somewhat!

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