little brother dear little brother dear

Once had a purple cassette tape with this song on it I can't remember exactly how it goes but it was something like

little brother dear little brother dear
the night is almost here.

Or something. I used to sing it to my little brother when he couldn't sleep. Now he's gone and I'd really like to find it.

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Jan 09, 2017
I have been looking too!! NEW
by: Raichel

OMG I have been searching for this exact casset tape ever since I found out I was pregnant. I can't find it to save my lage. If you ever figure out what it is please let me know. My email is please Co tact me of you figure out out because she's due next month and I've had no luck finding It.

Mar 29, 2015
tape name maybe
by: Anonymous

maybe you have found it having searched years ago but I think the name was lullabies and slumber songs
or maybe golden slumbers

Sep 01, 2013
Little Brother by Cedarmont Kids
by: Anonymous

I think you're looking for Little Brother by Cedarmont Kids

You can listen to part of it here:,,9256910-24717318,00.html

I also believe you can download if off itunes

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