Lady Moon

by Kath

"Lady moon up in the sky" was sung to me many years ago. I now have a great grand daughter to sing it to but have forgotten many of the words. Does anyone have them?

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Sep 12, 2021
I've found an early copy of the lyrics NEW
by: Brian Layman

This lullaby is shown on the black board in this picture of a Boston school teacher from 1909 (or so the caption said. So it's a pretty early version of the lyrics.

Jul 15, 2021
Sang this to my son from newborn to about 3 NEW
by: sunshines bright

I found it at the library in a book full of lullaby's. wish I could find it on youtube, my son who is now 35 years old found it.

Lady Moon
Lady Moon
Way up high
Come down to baby
From out of the sky.

Baby dear
Baby dear
Way down below
I hear you calling, but I cannot go

In her house, dark and blue, though she must stay
But silent she'll watch you, silent she'll watch you
Til dawn comes your way
Lady Moon......lady moon...way up high.......

Sep 27, 2020
found it!
by: Kelley

the title of the song is "The Baby and The Moon". YouTube has a version -- the one I've known for 25 years -- by Sherri Huffman.

Jan 18, 2020
Sherri Huffman
by: Anonymous

Sherri Huffman covered that on the cassette tapes from 1990 or 1991.

Jan 31, 2019
Lady Moon
by: Linda Hoggatt

I am trying to find a way to "tag" the lyrics to the song Lady Moon that I posted here. So, I’m hoping that by adding the name of my granddaughter Jaedyn and my niece Miranda here it will help them to do an internet search in later years, when I’m no longer able to sing it to them, and they can find the words to the song I sang to them all the time. I’d like to add a note to Miranda too reminding her than when her Mommy, my niece, Angela Dietrich, would have a hard time getting Miranda to sleep she’d call me so I could sing Lady Moon to baby Miranda, and she’d fall fast asleep :). We lost my niece Angela May 30, 2017, just 8 days after she gave birth to her second beautiful daughter, Isabella. Our hearts are broken and our lives are forever changed by passing of my beautiful, kind hearted, free spirited, & truly loved niece.

May 30, 2018
Lyrics to lullaby "Lady Moon" NEW
by: Linda Hoggatt

These are the lyrics I learned from a lullaby cassette and sang to my daughter Brittany from 1994 onwards. I sing it to my grandchildren and great-nieces and nephews now :

Lady Moon
Lady Moon
Way up high
Come down to baby
From out of the sky.

Baby dear
Baby dear
Way down below
I hear you calling, but I cannot go

In her house, dark and blue, though she must stay
But silent she'll watch you, silent she'll watch you
Til dawn comes your way
Lady Moon......lady moon...waaayyy up high.......

Oct 08, 2017
Lady Moon NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you mean the Lady Moon written by G.B Shaw? "Lady Moon that sailest high in the bleak and dreary sky"?

Aug 25, 2016
Lyrics for lady moon NEW
by: Marilynnl

Hush a bye me little one velvet bees are sleeping,
Lady birds to rest have gone and only stars are peeping,
Lady moon up in the sky ,she is here to guide you ,baby darling hush a bye, mumma close beside you

Jan 20, 2016
Lady Moon, Lady Moon NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have been looking for the words to this song for many years! My grandmother would sing this song to me at bedtime whenever I was visiting her and my grandpa overnight. I was recently going through a shoe box of old letters and photos and found a letter grandma sent me shortly after my first daughter was born and I had moved out of state. She asked me if I remembered the song of Lady Moon that she had sung to me when I was little, and revealed that she had also sung it to my mother and my aunt when they were little. She included the lyrics for me, so that I could sing it to my new little girl, who is now a mother herself! What a treasure that sweet little song is, and I will show this letter to my daughter so that it can be passed along again within our family.

Jul 09, 2015
Lady Moon
by: USA

The lyrics to the version of the lullaby "Lady Moon" as I recall:

Lady Moon, lady Moon, far up in the sky
I hear you calling, I hear you calling
But I cannot go

Baby dear, baby dear, far down below
I hear you calling, I hear you calling
But I cannot go

You might find the song via google search; I know there is an album of baby lullabies with this song on it as I had bought it many years ago (on CD in the mid 1990's). All the songs on the album were sung by the same woman (lovely voice) but I don't recall her name. Hope you find the song, good luck!

May 20, 2015
lady moon lyrics as I remember them.
by: D. (England)

My mom sang this to me as a child and I sang it to my children.

Hush a bye my little one velvet bees are sleeping,all the birds have gone to sleep and all the stars are peeping.
Lady moon up in the sky she is there to guide you,hush a bye my little one mommy's here beside you. Hope this helps!

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