La lula la lu, underneath the silver stars and moon hush a bye, rock a bye Mammy's little baby, alla balla coo

Sung to me as a baby and now sung to my daughter

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Sep 01, 2016
My mom sang somewhat different words. What is your melody? NEW
by: Dr. Hank

My mom would alternate this lullaby with the "Sleepy Sparrows . . ." one, which I posted a search for earlier.
Her words,
to a lovely lilting melody (Key of F -- a'c"____ , a'c"____ , a'c"_ , a'c"_ , a'c"____ ; a'__a' c"__c" d"__c" Bb'__c" Bb___________ etc.)
LaLu___ , LaLu___ , LaLu_ , LaLu_ , LaLu___ ,
Underneath the southern silvery moon________ ,
Rock a bye, hush a bye, Mammy's little baby;
Mammy's little Alabama coon____.

(The last word was never considered to be a racial slur, but rather a cuddly little animal!)

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