i'm going to write a letter to daddy

I'm going to write a letter to daddy
And oh, how glad he'll be,
to get a little letter
all written by me.

I'm going to say that dolly (or Teddy)
is sleeping on the floor.
I'm afraid the noise will wake (him/her)
so please don't slam the door

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Oct 22, 2015
My mom sang this version too me
by: Anonymous

im going to write to daddy and oh how proud he'll be to get a little letter that's written i'll by me i'll send him lots of kisses and one bright shiny curl and ask him to remember his little green eye'd girl.

Nov 12, 2014
I'm Going To Write to Papa
by: Debs

This song was published in the late 1800's, written by Thomas Westendorf. This link will take you to the sheet music. My Grandmother used to sing this to me, my Mother to my children, and now I will sing this to my new grandson. Enjoy http://www.loc.gov/item/sm1880.01385/

Oct 31, 2014
What I remember of it....
by: Elizabeth

I'm going to write to Daddy
I know how glad he'll be
To get a little letter
Written all by me

I'll send him lots of kisses
And one bright shining curl
And hope that he remembers
His only little girl

I'll tell him about my dolly
Who's sleeping on the floor
I hope the noise won't wake her
So please don't slam the door

(There's more but I can't quite pull it from the memory banks....)

Apr 05, 2014
I'm going to write to daddy
by: Anonymous

I'm going to write to daddy, oh how glad he'lbe
To get a little letter, that's written all by me.
I'll send him lots of kissesand one of my golden curls, and tell not to forget, his darling little
I'll tell him bout my dolly, whose sleeping onthefloor, I gfear the noise might wake her so please don't slam the door.
For I must not be bothered, as my mother would say, for when she writes.to daddy, she.sends me out to play.

Dec 21, 2013
I'm writing a letter to daddy-too/2
by: mistymented1

Glad to finally know that I didn't make this song up in my mind. Have never met anyone else even slightly familiar to this little ditty.
The one I loved my dad to sing to me over 50 years ago, is slightly different, but, that may also be due to an slightly faulty memory-lol.

I'm writing a letter to daddy
And oh, how glad he'll be,
to get a little letter
written by his own baby.

I'll tell him about my dolly
She's sleeping on the floor.
I'm afraid the noise might wake
so please don't slam the door
my dad and I often finished up with a chorus of 'Cha-Cha-Cha', which always made me giggle.

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