Hush my baby it's time to sleep

I've seen the glow on the sea tonight

Hush my baby it's time to sleep.....

I think this is sung by a folk group similar to the seekers. I heard it sung last night by a group of kids, and asked the director if I could see the music, but he told me he learned it off a recording. This is why I am looking for it. Any clues? thanks!

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Sep 16, 2013
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by: Anonymous

Thank you for your help! I told my musician friend the title you gave me, and he realized he knew that song by the title! I now have the lyrics and chords, and am learning it!!! Thank you for your time!I really appreciate it.

Sep 14, 2013
One version
by: footnotegirl

I have a version of this song on a CD. It's titled "The Rigs" and is played by a group called The Dregs (though I don't think it's an original song to them). I can't find it anywhere else on the net.

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