hes my grandpa, thats my grandpa

by Miranda Herod
(Fayette mo)

There is a song that my friend gave me when I was young that has a little kid singing about his grandpa. he goes fishing and sits on his lap while he is driving. The main part of the song goes me and my grandpa or something like that. This song fits me and my grandpa well and I would really like to find it because he will be gone for 10 years on February 7th 2014. I would be so happy if i could find this song.

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Jun 28, 2020
Found it
by: Kirsti

My Grandpa - The Cole Family Album

Feb 12, 2015
grpa song
by: cheri

i think i found it- check for "Cole Family Album"- i know itunes sells it- im still looking otherplaces- you can buy just the grpa song for 99cents

Feb 05, 2015
He's my grandpa, that's my grandpa
by: Crystal

I too would be thrilled to locate this song! Our 16 yr. old grand son used to play this for his Shupa, (aka) grandpa! I've searched high and low with no luck. Please help!


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