Good Night, Emily.

by LJT

Good night, Emily. Sleep tight, Emily.
Jesus keep your dreams.
The God above is the God of love
so little girls sleep in peace.
If ever you should wake up in the middle of the night, remember God is watching you so everything's alright.

In the morning when when you rise,
the first thing you should do
is thank the Lord with all your heart
for watching over you, watching over you. (chorus)

This lullaby is special to me because I sang it to all four of our children changing the name to fit each child. My daughter now sings it to her daughter, Kailey. Our son sang it to his two children. It is special also because of the truth in it--Jesus does keep our dreams; and we should thank the Lord for the sleep in the night. May God bless you and your children.

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Sep 16, 2024
Church Camp Memories
by: Larissa

I went to a summer church camp one year and my counselor sang this song to me and it’s probably one of my most memorable weeks at that camp, it was so sweet and so comforting and i now sing this song to my daughters every single night, I’ve never forgotten the lyrics. To whom ever my counselor was you impacted my life forever 💕 thank you 🙏

Sep 26, 2020
Memories NEW
by: Random kid

This song brings back memories. When I was 8, I went to a summer camp for a week, and the counselor always sung this to us. It's so nice knowing that it has not been wasted.

Mar 14, 2020
How to Order "Good Night, Emily"
by: Anonymous

You may purchase CD and/or a digital download of the Good Night, Sleep Tight Lullaby Album that includes the songs: "Good Night, Emily," "Good Night, Sleep Tight," "Child of the King," Peace Be Still" "Someone Becoming," "Lullaby Prayer," "I Thank the Father," "He'll Take Care of You" "Say a Little Prayer"

I produced this album in the 1980's and it is now soothing third generation babies and parents.

Order your copy for $10 each plus shipping from Scroll down to the third item.

Thank you, and Good Night, Sleep Tight

Pam Mark Hall
Good Night, Sleep Tight Producer

Mar 14, 2020
Ordering good night, Emily CD NEW
by: Carolyn Rieger

I would like two CDs of the Good night, Emily, Sleep tight album. How do I order & pay? I want to pass on the blessing that I received from this album to others, especially a young mom with deep anxieties.

Apr 28, 2019
The Answer NEW
by: Anonymous

To the person who asked a new question the version you mighty be thinking of is The McCaughty Septuplets Goodnight Emily.

Oct 28, 2018
question NEW
by: Anonymous

how can I sample this lullaby? I am looking for a song I used to know that had similar lyrics but it was a male's vocals and am not sure if this is the right version

Sep 21, 2018
Digital version NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello I bought 2 copies of this while ago and I know in the emails it was menfioned sending it digital or mp3. I still don’t know how that works but would like a copy available for my phone. Thank you.

Jul 19, 2018
It's being passed down to the next generation. NEW
by: GranMomMom

I used to sing this song to my kids over 35 years ago, starting with my oldest daughter, born in 1983. I changed "Emily" to each of their names. I just found out my oldest is now singing (most of it) to her daughter - from memory. My heart is full. I couldn't remember all the words, so what fun to find them here! It's also fun to read the comments below and see the sweet memories it evokes in other families. I'm so pleased to find that the CD is available. I just ordered one for my daughter. Thank you so much for having it available.

Feb 04, 2018
My Emily Story NEW
by: Anonymous

I choose the name Emily for our daughter because of this lovely song. We adopted our daughter after 8 failed adoptions. I placed this CD every night, but some how I have lost it. She now a married young lady, but I too would love to find a copy of the CD. All the songs were so sweet.

Feb 03, 2016
Where to Find Good Night, Sleep Tight CDs NEW
by: Anonymous

You may purchase Good Night, Sleep Tight CD at http//
Congrats on your precious grandchild

Pam Mark Hall
Good Night, Sleep Tight Producers

Feb 03, 2016
Looking for an old collection of songs NEW
by: Anonymous

When my son, Ben, was a baby, he went to sleep with a tape containing "Good night Emily", "Good night, sleep tight, little love of mine..." And other lullabies. Noe he is grown, and he and his wife are expecting their first baby. Does anyone know if I can still buy this tape (CD now)? I REALLY want to buy it. Thanks for your help. Barbara

Jan 13, 2016
Digital Download of Good Night, Sleep Tight NEW
by: Pam Mark Hall

Dear Grace,

Yes, I can send you a digital download of Good Night, Sleep Tight. Just go to and place order. When you pay through PayPal, just indicate you want the download instead of CD.

Pam Mark Hall

Jan 13, 2016
Digital copy NEW
by: Grace

Hello! Would it be possible to buy a digital copy of this cd? I listened to this as a child, and now would like to play it for my girls, but we don't really use CDs....only MP3s.

Sep 28, 2015
Order Good Night Emily
by: Anonymous

Emily, Good Night, Emily is on an album called "Good Night, Sleep Tight"

You can order it from:



Pam Mark Hall
Producer of GNST

Sep 28, 2015
See instructions below
by: Tim

Hi Emily,

Please see the directions below on how to contact Pam.

Sep 27, 2015
by: Emily

My name is emily!
I listen to this song when i was a kid. I would love to sing it to my step grandkids. How do i get my hands on this!?

Sep 25, 2015
would love to get 2 copies!
by: Amanda

I grew up listening to this on tape. Now my sister is expecting her first child (any day!) and I would absolutely love to get a copy for her and one for me, too! Does anyone know if there are still CDs available?

Aug 14, 2015
Say A Little Prayer to Jesus
by: Anonymous

My husband rocked our oldest to sleep every night to this album and he danced the father/daughter dance at her wedding to "Say a Little Prayer to Jesus." I would really like a copy of this CD. Thanks. Will email you...

Mar 22, 2015
Wow. So excited to find this...
by: Emily L.

I grew up with this album being played to me night after night. It was so special to me because my name was in the music. Years would go by and the words would still comfort me in trying times. I'm excited to order this CD for our newborn!

Dec 08, 2014
Looking for this CD (Good Night Sleep Tight)
by: Belinda

We used this CD every night for our daughter when she was born and up through her toddler years, and even sang many of the songs even later in life.

She is now grown and due any day to have her own first baby. We would love to have this CD for our little Aubri.

Could you please let me know ASAP if it is available and how I could purchase one?

Please e-mail me ASAP at

Nov 21, 2014
Love Love this song
by: Shergzus

We had this cassette tape when my son (our first child) was born. We also plugged his name into the song and it was his favorite. We literally wore out the tape playing it for both him and his sister. He is 31 now and his sister 26. I would absolutely love to get this in cd format, especially now that my daughter has her first born (also a son). It brings back so many memories and I love that you have the lyrics noted above. I can't believe how well I still remember them. I'd get a copy for myself and one for my daughter for Christmas to help baby Micaiah (pronounced: Mick eye uh)sleep well. Music has the capacity not only to calm us but to minister to our spirit. What a great gift to give a young child.

Oct 01, 2014
Good Night, Sleep Tight CD still Available
by: Anonymous

Happy to hear from you. Yes, you may still order GNST from me. Email me at and let me know how many copies you'd like to receive along with your mailing address. I ask for people to send a donation of their heart's leading along with $5 - $10 for packaging, handling and mailing. You may make donation via PayPal to my account

Sweet Dreams,

Oct 01, 2014
Been missing this CD for years
by: PortiaD.

I listened to this CD all growing up and even through high school. I am now a mother of two and I would love to be able to play the same songs for my two boys and my other future children. Is your CD still available?

Jun 09, 2014
Good Night, Sleep Tight (Good Night, Emily)
by: Pam Mark Hall - Producer of Good Night, Sleep Tight

Greetings friends,
Yes, I still have CD copies of Good Night, Sleep Tight that includes "Good Night, Emily" "Say a Little Prayer to Jesus" "Someone Becoming" "A Child of the King" "Peace Be Still" "He'll Take Care of You, "I Thank the Father" "When I Close My Eyes" and "Good Night, Sleep Tight. It is a compilation Cd with artists including Noel Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary, Debbi Boone, Kelly Willard, Jamie Owens and Dan Collins, John Fischer, Marty McCall, Pam Mark Hall, Jackie Cusic and Patti Roberts. Third generations are now listening to these precious songs.
You may order copies by emailing me directly at

Jun 05, 2014
Goodnight Emily & other songs
by: Livia A.

I would love to order this CD as well...been looking forever to try and find it and see people here talking about excited! Beautiful music...listened to these songs growing up. So glad I've found it.

Jan 23, 2014
by: Pam Mark Hall

Thanks for writing. $20 is fine for the GNST CD. Please email your mailing address and I will put it in the mail.
You may make your donation via PayPal...account is or you may send donation to
Pam Mark Hall
230 Folsom Road
Roseville, CA 95965

To learn about some of my other music, please visit my web-site
and if you are so inclined "like" my Facebook music page

I am so happy that you found me and Good Night, Sleep Tight.


Jan 22, 2014
I emailed and haven't heard back.
by: Emily Woodford

I emailed asking if I sent the money through PayPal and then you will send cd? And if $20 was sufficient for 1 cd? Please let me know I'm anxious for my girls to have the opportunity to use the cd. Thank you.

Jan 14, 2014
Good Night, Emily
by: Anonymous

I am so glad you found me. Let me know how many CDs you'd like of Good Night, Sleep Tight. Send your mailing address.
I send them on a donation basis (please include postage and packaging)
You may make a donation via account is or via check to
Pam Mark Hall
230 Folsom Road
Roseville, CA 95678

Spread the word!

Sweet Dreams,

Pam Mark Hall

Jan 12, 2014
Memories of nights of comfort
by: Emily Woodford

I would be so grateful if I would be able to get this both on cd and mp3. I listened to this over and over again every night. I would love to be able to give my daughters this same comfort.
Lots of love,

Oct 13, 2013
by: Alison Martin

i just played the MP3 for my Olivia. I sang the song to her. Amazing how the words are still in my memory after all these years. She immediately said "Mom you HAVE to download that to my ipod! She sang it as i tucked her in last night and this morning when she came into snuggle before church she was STILL singing it.

So looking forward to receiving the discs and will gladly send payment.
God Bless,
Alison Martin

Oct 12, 2013
They are in the mail
by: Anonymous

I put them in the mail to you today. I apologize for the delay. I am a one woman shop, and I've been out of town on business. Thanks for your understanding.

I also emailed you an mp3 of Good Night, Emily.

Sweet Dreams,

Pam Mark Hall

Oct 12, 2013
for Pam Mark Hall
by: Alison Martin

I've emailed trying to order two CD's with no luck. Please advise how i can get two cd's?

Sep 17, 2013
Producer of Good Night, Emily
by: Pam Mark Hall

Greetings friends,

I produced the album "Good Night, Sleep Tight" in 1981 when I was a new mother. I wrote and sang many of the songs,and I asked my frieds to join in also. Good Night, Emily is actually sung by Brown Bannister (producer of Amy Grant) other songs on this CD are Say a Little Prayer - sung by Jo
hn Fisher, Trees Sway in the Breeze - sung by Jackie Cusic, When I Close My Eyes - Randy Stonehill,
Someone Becoming - Pam Mark Hall, Peace Be Still - Dan and Jamie Owens-Collins, A Child of the King - Marty McCall and Pam Mark Hall, Lullaby Prayer - Noel Paul Stookey (of Peter Paul and Mary and Pam Mark Hall, He'll Take Care of You - Kelly Willard,
I Thank the Father - Debbie Boone, Good Night, Sleep Tight - co-written by Phil Keaggy and Pam Mark Hall.

The record label let it go out of print. The only place you can order it is through me.
Email me at and let me know how many CD copies you want and your mailing address. Please let your friends know. I am working on making it available on a larger scale, but for now. I'm it. Sweet Dreams,

Pam Mark Hall

Sep 16, 2013
So excited
by: Alison Martin

As a child I grew up listening to this lullaby cassette every night. When I had children of my own I desperately searched for it. Unable to
find it , I resorted to singing from memory what I could remember.

My 8 year daughter has begun experiencing nighttime separation anxiety due to the witnessing of a close friends parents divorce. More determined than ever I set out to find this CD to soothe her at night as t did when I was a growing up.

I am so excited to find this site! OVERJOYED! I texted my first as soon as i found this!

Sep 15, 2013
Good Night Emily
by: Anonymous

I've been looking for this sung by Steve Green on an original cassette tape from the 80's. Was hoping to find the entire "album" on cd now. I played this tape for my three children every night after we would complete a "Walk Thru the Bible" Family Devotion. I now have five grandchildren and my daughter has been looking for it to play for her two daughters. Does Steve Green sing Good Night Emily on this version? I'd love to get it. It's blessing multiple generations now. I love it! Many thanks for any info you may provide regarding purchasing this =)

Aug 31, 2013
Good Night, Steep Tight CD
by: Pam Mark Hall

Dear friends,

Your searching is finally over.

You may obtain your own CD copy of Good Night, Sleep Tight that includes songs:

Good Night, Emily
Trees Sway in the Breeze
Someone Becoming
Peace Be Still
Child of the King
Good Night, Sleep Tight

Includes artists like John Fischer, Debby Boone,
Randy Stonehill, Dan and Jamie Owens Collins, Noel Paul Stookey (of Peter, Paul and Mary

Contact me at

Jul 18, 2013
After searching for so long!
by: SandyZ

These lullabies bring tears to my eyes everytime I hear them. My husband and I have been searching for a way to get the album. Our favorite song is : Peace Be Still. Is it still available through you by emailing you?

Jul 15, 2013
Love this song
by: MJones

My daughter Emilee was at church camp last week and the Camp Pastor sang this to her. He learned it years ago from the composer and has sung it to every Emily he meets. It was very sweet and he even let me video him singing to her. He told of a family friend that had adapted it for their daughter Lindsey and sang it at her wedding. This is my new lullaby for her even though she is in middle school!

Jan 27, 2013
Good Night, Sleep Tight
by: Anonymous

I produced "Good Night, Sleep Tight" 30 years ago.
I am so deeply moved that there are so many people who still love it as much as I do. Unfortunately, the record label never re-released it. But you may contact me for copies. It includes, Good Night Emily, Trees Sway In the Breeze, Someone Becoming,
Say a Little Prayer to Jesus, Peace Be Still, He'll Take Care of You. These songs are sung by artists like John Fischer, Noel Paul Stookey, Debbie Boone, Kelly Willard, Randy Stonehill and others.
Contact me at and let me know how many copies you'd like to have.

Sweet Dreams,
Pam Mark Hall

Jan 02, 2013
love this song
by: Anonymous

I had this song when my daughter, Emily, was born. I lost the tape and have been looking for it for a few years. Very excited to have found this. My daughter loved it and now she has a daughter of her own.

Nov 06, 2012
Good Night Emily - CD Copy
by: Anonymous

Good Night Emily is on an album I produced many years ago - it includes other great songs like:
Say a Little Prayer to Jesus
Trees Sway in The Breeze
When I Close My Eyes
Someone Becoming.
Artists like Noel Paul Stookey, Debbie Boone, Randy Stonehill, John Fischer, Pam Mark Hall sing on this CD.
You may obtain your own CD copy from producer,
Pam Mark Hall at

Thank you,
Pam Mark Hall

Jul 04, 2012
I loved this growing up!
by: Anonymous

We had a recording of this growing up and my name is Emelie, so I remember, as a little girl, thinking that it was written for me. Now I sing it to our three boys every night...."Goodnight Tristan, Caleb and Harper. Sleep tight Tristan, Caleb and Harper...." Even though it a mouthfull, I we all love it!

Jun 27, 2012
by: Erica

I loved this song when I was a little girl can someone please tell me who sings it?

Apr 29, 2012
Love this Lullaby
by: Anonymous

I love this song and sang it to my two little girls, substituting their names. Now I sing it to my grandson. Thought I'd forgotten a verse but I was wrong. Thanks for providing the lyrics.

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