go to sleep my little picaninny

go to sleep my little picaninny
or the fox will catch you if you don't
hushabye rockabye mama's little darling
hulla hulla baloo

go to sleep mama's little darling

I think the 2nd verse had the moon mentioned but I can't remember anymore. My dad used to sing it to me and I'd love to know all the words .

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Mar 08, 2025
Welsh version? NEW
by: Veronica Cain

Mum used to sing
Go to sleep my litter piccaninny
Brown boots will catch you if you don't.

Nov 23, 2024
A Georgia lullaby NEW
by: Anonymous

My grandma would sing this to as her mom did to her

Go to sleep my pretty baby
Its time for honey child’s to rest
The sandmans coming
Your mamis humming
Snuggle up to your mamis breast
I can hear the night birds calling
Pretty baby don’t you cry
The sandmans coming
Your mamis humming
A Georgia lullaby

Jul 20, 2024
Sweet memories of Vovó NEW
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little pequenina
Vovó’s gonna spank you if you don’t
Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry
Vovó’s sweet querida
Vovó’s little pequenina girl

Jul 09, 2024
There are many versions NEW
by: Duncan

There are several different tunes plus countless variations on the lyrics but this version on YouTube is the nearest I have yet found to the one my grandmother sang to me (and in turn I sing to my grandchildren).
Search You Tube for "Jane Bartlett - Go to Sleep, My Little Pickaninny (Alabama Coon) (Playtime Record 217)"

Jul 09, 2024
Little Alabama Coon. NEW
by: 'Tony Nicoultre'.

To hear the generally acknowledged sing-along tune for this wonderful Southern Lullaby, go to 'Youtube', type in 'Tony Nicoultre', then type in 'Go to Sleep my little Pickaninny'. You will then hear (and see) the tune played on my Symphonion disc player which was made in 1897.

Jul 09, 2024
Unknown NEW
by: Dena Parker

Go to sleep my little pick-a-ninny
Old Fossie will catch you if you don't.
Slumber on the bosom of the nanny Ginny
Mammy's gonna swat ya if you don't
Ha loo ha loo ha loo loo loo loo loo loo
Underneath the silver southern moon.
Hushabye rockabye mammie's little baby
Mammie's little Alabama coon.

May 02, 2024
Hay memories of the song
by: Alice

My mother used to sing this to me when trying to get me to sleep.

It remains a pleasant memory for me. we are a white family, but I'm not sure my mother ever realized there was a racial component to the song. My Mom was from Europe and failed to understand many of the nuances of both the English language and United States culture.

Oct 12, 2023
Hybrid lullaby NEW
by: Anonymous

Grandmother sang it to me. She sang or hummed brahm's lullaby to my white cousins, I noticed as a child. 66 yrs now I know why..
Backwoods redwoods nor nor cal..

Sep 24, 2023
Go to sleep
by: Anonymous

I have found myself singing this again recently as I now have a great grandson. My dad used to sing this, to all babies, with the following alternative to ‘picaninny’ and it was always a favourite

Go to sleep my little chickabinny
Brother Fox will have you if you don’t …
Hush upon the bosom of your old Mama Ginny
Daddy’s gonna smack you if you don’t
Aloo, aloo, aloo aloo aloo underneath the silvery southern moon
Hushaby, don’t you cry Mama’s little baby
Mama’s little Alabamaboo

Sep 14, 2023
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Underneath the silver southern moon
Hush-a-bye Rock-a-bye,
Mama’s little sweetheart
Mama’s little alabamacoon

Loved it, used it for my kids and my grandchildren, just like my mother did

Sep 04, 2023
Georgia lullaby
by: Sharon

I’m 79 and my mother rocked me and sang this lullaby:
Go to sleep my picininny
The stars are peeping,
While you are sleeping
A Georgia lullaby.
I sang this to my babies

Aug 24, 2023
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Mama’s gonna spank you if you don’t.
Hush a bye, rock a bye,
Mama’s little apple pie,
Mama’s little alabamacoon!

Never knew what the alabamacoon was but this is how our family sang it and how I sang it to my kids.

Jul 21, 2023
More on this old song
by: Jim Atkins

The song is actually called little Alabama coon. You can find complete lyrics if you google that title.

May 29, 2023
Spanish onion... Why???
by: DEE

My mum and dad and grandparent.. sang the words..
Go to sleep, my little Spanish onion,
That's all I can remember.
I found myself singing it tonight.... Not sure why it came into my mind.. Not heard it for many decades..
From east midland UK.

Mar 12, 2023
by: Anonymous

My grandfather who was Irish and white, used to sing me to sleep with these lyrics and tune when I was two/three years old. Had no idea what the words meant, but it was very comforting.

Mar 03, 2023
Sheet Music
by: Anonymous

Wow, I'm going through old stuff and just found the sheet music of this song published in Columbus, Ohio in 1916. I thought I'd get online and see if anyone knew about this song. My grandmother used to sing this to me when she put me in bed. I also see that at 83 I'm the oldest person that has commented. It brings back the sweetest memories of Grandma.

Feb 15, 2023
by: Anonymous


Dec 18, 2022
by: Anonymous

My grandfather would sing me to sleep with this. 80 years ago

Nov 13, 2022
by: Anne Lyon

I am 77 and my mother used to sing this lullaby to me every night.
Go to sleep my little picanniny
Or the bully frogs will get you if you don’t
Hush-a-bye, lullaby-mummy’s little darling
Mummy’s little ala Bala coo (at least that is how I interpreted the last words)
There seems to be many versions worldwide. So a popular little lullaby.

Oct 02, 2022
Sausage and polony
by: Duncan

I’m now 70 and my grandma would sing this to my little brother. She was born in 1900 and lived in Newcastle and Gateshead . I’ve followed this string of lullabies but have not usually seen the line " Fried Fish, potato chips, sausage and polony " which is what she would sing along with alabalacoo so it’s exciting to hear it from someone else! Thank you Kathryn!

Oct 01, 2022
Grandma's lullaby
by: Kathryn

I'm 39, born in North East England and my Grandma used to sing this to me

Go to sleep my little piccaninny
Grandma's going to smack you if you don't
Fried Fish, potato chips, sausage and polony
Grandma's little lulla-coo

Jun 02, 2022
Go To Sleep My Little Picaninny
by: Diane

My Grandmother sang to me when I was a child. I'm now 75

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Brer Fox will getcha if you don't
Snuggle on the bosom of your old mammy Ginny
Mammy's gonna swatcha if you don't
Tu ra lu ra lu ra lu ra lu
Underneath the silvery southern moon
Rock a by hush a by mammies little baby
Mammies little Alabama coon.

May 09, 2022
Mixed baby lullaby
by: Anonymous

My dad used to sing:
Go to sleep my little pickaninny
go to sleep my little Ala Coon
cuz if the big moon sees ya
the breyer Fox will get you pretty soon... RAAAAWWWRRR!

Apr 28, 2022
by: Anonymous

My dad always sang this version to me...

Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Bear or fox will catch you if you don't.
Hush-a-bye, lullaby,
Daddy's little baby,
Daddy's little hullybullyloo!

He could never remember where he got it from and I had never thought to look it up till now as I sing it to my son.

Apr 14, 2022
Alabama coon
by: Marini

My mum sang this to me in the 60s and both Mum and I sang this to my daughter when she was born in 1992 and I sang it to her for so many years in fact,that my daughter knows the words too!

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Bogeyman will catch you if you don’t
Slumber on the bosom of your old mammy Ginny
Mama’s gonna smack you if you don’t.
Loo la loo la loo la loo la loo laaa
Underneath the silver southern moon
Hushabye, rockabye mama’s little baby
Daddy's little Alabama coon.

Jan 28, 2022
My Lullabye
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep
My little pickininny
Mamma's little Alabama coon.
Slumber of the bosom
Of your old mammy Ginny.
Mamma's gonna swat you if you don't.
Ooh-wah ooh-wah ooh-wah-wah
Slumber of the bosom
Of your old mammy Ginny.
Mamma's gonna swat you if you don't.
Repeat from beginning...

Jan 13, 2022
by: Anonymous

anyones version go...

go to sleep my little picaninny
the grey grey goose will catch you if you dont
hush a bye, lullabye,
mummas little baby
mummas little baby
mummas little hullabullacoo

Dec 30, 2021
little picaninny
by: rm

My grandmother's version (Australia) was

go to sleep my little picaninny
mumma'a going to beat you if you don't

it seemed quite incongrous to me.

My grandmother was nothing but kind to me always.

Dec 15, 2021
Love this!!! Aww
by: Re

I can’t believe I’ve come across this! My mum always sang a similar version to me. I was born in 86.

Go to sleep, my little piccalilli
Mummy will love you if you do
hushabye, don’t you cry
Mumma’s little baby
Mumma’s little inky pinky pooo

Nov 14, 2021
The same
by: Anonymous

If this comment goes to the correct place, that is almost exactly the way I learned it, except instead of Brother fox she said Brer'n fox and she said alla balla coo.

They didn't know it would be racist and apparently they never heard of Alabama. They didn't know what a picaninny was either. My gram was from the north of England and I think she must have learned it from a stage show that she went to see.

Nov 14, 2021
A lullaby for all ages
by: Rosie

I too am in my 80's. My mother (b. 1910) sang that lullaby to all of us kids and we loved it - because Love is the soul of my mother and her lullaby. (I do not know where she learned it. Maybe from her mother?) I have sung it to grands and great-grands.

Go to sleep my little Picaninny
Brother Fox will get you if you don't.
Hush-a-bye, lullaby,
Mammy's little baby:
Mammy's little Alabanty coon.

My nother died in 1980's. We were all gathered round her bed and I sang the Lullaby to her - Go to sleep my Little Picaninny...

Oct 30, 2021
Ohhhh no way
by: Kim

I sing this song to my daughter currently and had no idea how racist the original and the word picanninny is, i sing...

Go to sleep my little picanninny
Mammys gonna catch ya if ya dont
Hush now, lullaby, mamas little baby
Mamas little lulla baba boo

Though my mums version was SMACK instead of CATCH, i thought best to change that but now i maybe should rethink picanninny, tho my daughter is 9 now so too late lol

Thanka for the info though!

Oct 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

My mum used to sing this to my babies and I sang it to my granddaughter .

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Brer Fox’ll catch you if you don’t.
Slumber on the bosom of your old mama Ginny
Mama’s gonna swat you if you don’t.
So loola-loola-loola-loola-loola-loola-bye
Underneath the sunny southern moon
Hushabye, lullaby mama’s little baby
Mama’s little Alabama coon.

Maybe it’s not PC now, but it was always sung with nothing but love.

Jul 10, 2021
My grandma sang this to us
by: Anonymous

My grandma sang this version to us as kids and now with my own grand baby am going to have to find a way to change the apparently inappropriate words !! Oh my !

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Briar fox will get cha if you don’t
Snuggle in the blossom of your ol’black mammy
Mammys little alabamy coon

Jun 28, 2021
Different lyrics
by: Anonymous

I always thought the words were (my grandad used to sing it to me and I’ve sang it to my kids"

Go to sleep my little piccalilli
Daddy’s (grandpa) going to kiss you if you don’t
Hush a bye hush a bye
Daddy’s (grandads) little baby
Daddy’s (grandpas) little lalabala coo

I think my grandad changed the words or I’ve done a bit of Chinese whispers!

Had no idea the real words are inappropriate today

Jun 26, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have memories of my dad singing this to me
I wonder where the origin of this song came from, I thought it was a specific cultural lullaby but there seems to be many different versions?

my version went like this:

Go to sleep my little pickaniniy
Father fox will catch you if you don’t
Rock-a-bye Rock-a-bye daddy’s little baby
daddy’s little pick-a-pona-poo

Jun 17, 2021
Go to sleep
by: Anonymous

I have memories of my mother singing

Go to sleep my baby
Close your pretty eyes
Mama’s going to rock you
And sing your way to paradise

Great big moon is shining
Stars begin to peep
It’s time for little pickaninnies
To go to sleep

May 21, 2021
Sung from generation to generation
by: Anonymous

My mom had this sung to her by the nanny, in Turks and Caicos 1926. She and the nanny sang it to us in Jamaica 1940s and 50s, we sung it to our children in Canada in the 70s and to my grandchildren in the 90s.

Go to sleep my little pick-i-ninny
Boogie man will get you if you don't
Hush-a-bye, lullaby
Go to sleep my sweetie pie
Go to sleep my little pick-i-ninny

May 05, 2021
An Alabama Version
by: Anonymous

My mother was born on Alabama. She sang this to us. She learned it from her mother (born in 1888).
I's a little Alabamy coon an' I ain't been born very long.
I 'member seein' the big, round moon,
I 'member hearing' the darky's song.
Well, the sun shines bright in the cotton fields,
where I lays an' I plays all day.
But, when it come nappy time,
Dis what my mammy say:
Go to sleep, my little pickanninny
Papa gonna git cha if ye don't.
Hushaby, dontcha cry,
Mama gonna whoop ya if ye won't.
A-loo, a-loo, aloo-ah, loo-ah, loo
Slumber neath the big, round, silvery moon.
Mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama coon.
The music was slightly different from the way it's recorded on YouTube. Same basic tune but simpler.
My older sisters wouldn't let her sing it to their children. It took my mother a while to get that it really was racist.

Apr 16, 2021
Georga Lullaby
by: Sven Engblom

My grandmother had a roll for the player piano called Georgia Lullaby. It came our around 1900. More info can be found on this at https://repository.duke.edu/dc/hasm/b0547

Words are:
Go to sleep my little pick-a-ninny
Time for little chiles to rest
Playtime is over, sleep time is nigh
Snuggle up to your mammy's breast
Oh I can hear the night birds calling
Colored baby don't you cry
The sandman's coming, your mammy's humming
A Georgia Lullaby

I still play this on my accordion.
Sven Engblom

Apr 13, 2021
Didn’t know it was Alabama
by: Kim, Rugby, England

My mum sand this to me from late 1950’s and I sang it to my 5 children in 80’s and 90’s

Go to sleep my little piccaninny
Mamma’s gonna smack you if you don’t
Hush a bye, hush a bye mamma’s little baby
Mamma’s little allaballa boo

Feb 10, 2021
My Mother's version
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep, my little picaninny, the bear fox will get you if you don't.
Snuggle to the bosom of your ole momma Jinny, you're momma's little Alabamy coon. Mamma's little Alabamy coon, will grow up to be a woman some day.
See the big circle 'round the moon, ta la, la la lay.
My mom told me her mother sang thos to her and her mother sang it to her. My grandmother's family was from England or so I'm told. It is politically incorrect these days but it was sang to me with love and I sang this to my daughter with love. I'm glad to see others had heard various versions over the years confirming that it wasn't judt made up. Possibly a nanny sang it to her charges and it was passed down.

Jan 17, 2021
My Scottish granny's version
by: Anonymous

My grandmother sang this version to us as babies:
Go to sleep my little picanniny
Brother fox will catch you if you don't
Hushabye,Rockabye Mama's little baby
Mama's little Alabama coon.

Jan 15, 2021
Pickaninny lullaby
by: Anonymous

My (Australian) nana’s version, which my mum still sings to my baby:

Go to sleep, my little Pickaninny.
Brother fox will catch you if you don’t.
Hush-a-bye rock-a-bye mama’s little baby.
Mama’s little lulla bubba coon.

Jan 06, 2021
Old recording version
by: Anonymous

Link to a 1970’s recording!


Jan 06, 2021
Link to original tune sheet music!
by: Anonymous

Here is a link to the original tune!


My moms version went:

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Brer fox will catch ya if ya don’t
Slumber on the bosom of your dear of nanny Jenny
Or your mammys gonna slap ya if ya don’t
Shaloo shalee sha lie lah lie la oh
Underneath the southern silver moon
Rockabye hushaby mammas little baby boy
Papas little Alabama coon

Jan 06, 2021
Sheet Music!
by: Anonymous

Here is a link to the original tune!


My moms version went:

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Brer fox will catch ya if ya don’t
Slumber on the bosom of your dear of nanny Jenny
Or your mammys gonna slap ya if ya don’t
Shaloo shalee sha lie lah lie la oh
Underneath the southern silver moon
Rockabye hushaby mammas little baby boy
Papas little Alabama coon

Dec 15, 2020
Rock-a-bye Song Sung by Mother
by: Anonymous

My Mother used to sing this version of this song to us when we were little, back around 1950:

Loo a-loo a-loo a-loo a-loo
Underneath the silvery shining moon;
Rock-a-bye Shush-a-bye
Mammy's little baby
Mammy's little Alabama coon

Oct 30, 2020
Watch out
by: Anonymous

My mom used to sing this all the time to me when I was younger , hers was a bit different though . it was this

" go to sleep my little pickaninny
The big man will get you if you don’t watch out
Hushabye , don’t ya cry
Mommy’s little ickle wickle woo"

I never understood it , but it sure did send me to sleep

Oct 24, 2020
Nicer English version
by: Anonymous

This is the version I was taught- from my mum- from her mum. All from Yorkshire:

Go to sleep my baby
Close your pretty eyes
Angels up above you
Great big moon arising
Stars begin to peep
Time for little pickaninnies to go to sleep

Oct 23, 2020
1970s, rural Australia
by: Anonymous

My Nanna (country town, NSW, Australia used to sing this to all babies and young children in the family. I remember asking her what a pickaninny was. Her interpretation of the story was of a little Aboriginal baby in the arms of her Nanna, who needed to go to sleep or her mother would be angry. My Nanna was a beautiful person who instilled in all of us that all people were equal. While the words are inappropriate today (although my Nan must’ve felt the last line of the chorus was wrong even then), in naive times of 1973, it was a human allegory that resonated with me as a 4 year old and - as incongruous as it sounds - implicitly instilled in me that babies, Mums and Nannas were the same all over the world.

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Mama says she’ll smack you if you don’t
Slumber on the bosom of your old Nanna ginny
Nanna’s little lullabulla coo

Oct 22, 2020
Down thru the Generations
by: Anonymous

My mother was born in 1904 and she passed this lullaby down to her children. The words were slightly different (not culturally correct for our day and age), but same idea and the use of picaninny.

Aug 06, 2020
by: Anonymous

My mother told me that her mother sang this to her children. Mum is no longer with us but she was born in 1924. She was amazed when I found the lyrics on line.

Aug 03, 2020
Go to Sleep My Little Picaninny
by: Anonymous

I googled this song to sing to my grandchild. I remember hearing it from watching American films growing up in England in the 60s where I learnt about Black culture watching American films. I think the big jovial black Nanny sang it to the child of the house.

Aug 03, 2020
Go to Sleep My Little Picaninny
by: Anonymous

I googled this song to sing to my grandchild. I remember hearing it from watching American films on England in the 60s where I learnt about Black culture watvi American films. I think the big jovial black Nanny sang it to the child of the house.

Jul 26, 2020
YouTube recording
by: Anonymous


Jul 26, 2020
Why so many differences?
by: Duncan

There are so many examples of this song! I've included mine earlier, but does anyone have any suggestions on:
* the original source of the song / lullaby?
* why it was so popular in the UK?
* why there are so many variations to the lyrics?
It's so obviously a catchy and memorable song on one level but it seems to have inspired a vast number of differences!

Jul 26, 2020
Rocking with grandma
by: Sheryl Sweeney

My English grandmother rocked me at night singing, in the early 1960s, rock a bye grandma's little pickaninny
Underneath the silvery moon I was a little white child, but had a dark complexion. I always loved her rocking and singing that special song for me ♥️🖤

Jul 15, 2020
Version from around 2010
by: Anonymous

My relatives used to sing it like this:

Go to sleep my little pickaniny
Brare Fox’ll get you if you don’t.
Hushaby, Rockaby (insert name of relative) little baby
(Insert same name) little pickaniny dee.

Jul 03, 2020
Naught little ninny?
by: Marti Sinclair

My dad grew up in Brechin, Scotland,and his mother was Welsh. He sang this lullaby to me in the early 1950s in Maryland. He never used racist language, so the meaning was evidently lost on him. I adapted it for my own babies and sang this to them. "Hushabye you naughty little ninny, Mama spank your bottom if you don't go to sleep, we'll sing a song and tell a little story, Time to say your prayers. Time to count the sheep."

Jul 03, 2020
Naught little ninny?
by: Marti Sinclair

My dad grew up in Brechin, Scotland,and sang this lullaby to me in the early 1950s in Maryland. He never used racist language, so the meaning was evidently lost on him. I adapted it for my own babies and sang this to them. "Hushabye you naughty little ninny, Mama spank your bottom if you don't go to sleep, we'll sing a song and tell a little story, Time to say your prayers. Time to count the sheep."

Jun 07, 2020
1960’s Lancashire version
by: Anonymous

Sung to my mum in 1960’s Lancashire and subsequently to me.

"Go to sleep, my little pickaninny,
Brer Fox will catch you if you don’t.
Slumber on the bosom of your old Nana
Nana’s little yalabalacoo

A-noo, a-noo, a-noo na-noo na-nye-nye,
Underneath the silver shiny moon.
Hushabye hushabye Nana’s little darling,
Nana’s little yalabalacoo

May 14, 2020
Hull UK
by: Anonymous

My mum used to sing this version to me in the 50s and I then sang it to my children. Loved it!

Go to sleep my little pickininny
Johnny Fox will catch you if you don’t.
Slumber on the bosom of your old mama Jinny
Mama’s little lamb abama boom,

Oh I ain’t been born very long
I remember hearing one sweet song
As they took me down to the cotton fields
Where I rolled and I tumbled in the sun
Daddy picked the cotton
Whilst my mammy watched me grow
And this is the song she sang.....

Go to sleep my little pickinny.....

May 11, 2020
Welsh and Australian variation
by: Anonymous

I am 73 and my Mother when I was very young taught me the words "Go to sleep my little pickananny, fairy folk will catch you if you don't, hush a bye, rock a bye mamma's little buba, mamma's little Alabama coo." My mother came from Welsh descent.

Mar 31, 2020
50's Lancashire full version
by: Anonymous

This was the version we learnt in the 50's in Lancashire:

I remember seeing one sweet moon
I remember hearing one sweet song
When they took me down to the cotton fields
Where I rolled and tumbled in the sun
Whilst my Daddy picked the cotton
Mama watched me grow
And these were the words she sung:

"Go to sleep my little picaninni
Mama’s going smack you if you don’t
Hush-abye rock-abye, mama’s little baby
Mama’s little Alabama coon"

Mar 06, 2020
Howdon on Tyne version
by: Anonymous

as sung to me by my mum in the early 1960s ~

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Red forks will get you if you don't
Lullaby hushabye, mammys little darling
Mammys little inky pinky poo.

Strange stuff indeed!

Feb 16, 2020
1959 British version
by: John Ward

I was born in 1959, and I remember my mother, (born in Staffordshire, 1920}, singing this version to me. Has anyone been able to trace how this relic of the Jim Crow era in the USA became a widespread lullaby in Britain?


Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Brer Fox'll catch you if ya don't
Slumber on the bosom of your old mam Jinny
Mama's goin to whop you if you won't
Lu - la-lu, la-lu, la-lu, la-lu,
Underneath the silver southern moon
Hush-a-bye, rock-a-bye, Mama's little baby
Mama's little Alabama coon.

I's a little Alabama coon,
What ain't been born very long;
And my names are going to be John Henry Clay
When I's big, I's a-going to wed the A la Gal,
And we'll have picaninnies of our own
And the A la Gal will rock 'em on her bosom,
And this'll be the song she'll croon:

[repeat from the beginning]

Jan 27, 2020
Lullaby from childhood
by: Anonymous

My Mom and Dad sang

Go to sleep my lil picininni
Go to sleep my lil alacoon
Cuz if the big moon Sees ya
The briar fox will get you Pretty soon

Dec 07, 2019
Grandma Appleby
by: Duncan

My grandma sang a version of this to me and my brothers in the 1950’s. I sang it to my daughters and now to my grandchildren.
Grandma lived in Newcastle, played the piano and sang in a quavering voice. She took my mother as babe in arms to the cinema to watch Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer (1927) so I know she was familiar with some minstrel music.
Her version as I remember it is:
Go to sleep
Mammy's little baby
Mammy's little alabalacoo
Fried fish potato chips, sausage and prolong
Mammy's little alabalacoo.

They took me down to the cotton fields
And there they lay me down to sleep
Mammy’s picked the corn and daddy picked the cotton
There they lay me down to sleep.

She also sang another song:
What's the matter honey
Feelin kinda blue
Did those white folks chillen
Run away from you
Don't you never mind 'em
Mammy's little dove
Mammy’s loves you just as much
Even though you black as night
Isn't that enough to make you happy
Dry those tears and please don't cry
Mammy loves you just as much

Dec 03, 2019
Me too
by: Anonymous

Sung to me and my sister as babes in Lancashire in late 60s, early 70s

Go to sleep, my little pickaninny
Mummy’s going to spank you if you cry
Hush-a-by, lullaby, mummy’s little baby
Mummy’s little allabamacoo

It was only recently when I heard that pickaninny wasn’t just a nonsense word I clocked on!

My mums still about and would be horrified!

Nov 17, 2019
Fried fish version
by: Anonymous

Ihis is the strange version I heard via my mother in law who sang it to my babies.
Go to sleep my little picaninny

Daddy's going to slap you if you don't.

fried fish tater chips sausage and paloni

Daddys gonna buy you yellow shoes

Nov 11, 2019
Go to sleep my little picaninni
by: Anonymous

My dad sang this lullaby to me in the 1960s

Go to sleep my little picaninni

Daddy’s going smack you if you don’t

Hush abye rockabye mammas little baby

There’s going to be a little barmacoo

Strange lyrics......probably the Lancashire version as he came from Rochdale

Nov 11, 2019
in Lancashire probably learned it in Blackpool
by: Anonymous

I already contributed my version in here but I think those of us whose family came from Yorkshire or Lancashire got those lyrics from music halls in Blackpool.

My Yorkshire grandmother's version was similar but she said "B'rer Fox is going to smack you." And she said "hallaballacoo." (I'm sure she wouldn't have known what an "Alabama coon" was.)

It must have been a catchy song and they never really understood the words so they just made them up as well as they could remember.

Nov 11, 2019
Go to sleep my little picaninni
by: Anonymous

My dad sang this lullaby to me in the 1960s

Go to sleep my little picaninni

Daddy’s going smack you if you don’t

Hush abye rockabye mammas little baby

There’s going to be a little barmacoo

Strange lyrics......probably the Lancashire version as he came from Rochdale

Oct 08, 2019
Lullaby mentioning Alabama
by: Anonymous

My mother used to sing this to me in the early 1940s, but I can find no trace of it on Mudcat or anywhere.

Can anyone help?

Honey don't you worry cos you skin ain't white. Daddy'd going to be here soon.
So honey don't you cry.
Just wipe your shiny eye.
You'll always be my Alabama coos(sic)

Sep 26, 2019
The first song I heard and remembered
by: Anonymous

My mother sang to me,
Go to sleep my baby, don’t you cry no more,
Mamma only loves her baby.
All the other Niger Coons sleep apon the floor,
Mamma only only loves her girl.
Go to sleep
Mammas little baby,
Mammas going to spank you if you don’t.
Lullaby, Hushaby Mammas Little baby.
Mammas little Alabama Coon.

I know that some of the words used are considered to be highly offensive but any loss of language in it’s original context is a loss of heritage and therefore a piece of history is lost and gone forever.
It was sang to me in love and comfort and that is it’s meaning to me.

Sep 09, 2019
A Lancashire Version
by: Anonymous

My mum sang this to me in the mid 1950s. I am sure she was unaware of any racist meaning and I went on to sing it to my children until I suddenly realised what I was singing!
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mamas going to smack you if you don’t
Hushabye rockabye mummy’s little baby
Mummy’s little alla balla coo

Sep 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

My grandmother sang a shortened version to me in the fifties and early sixties. I sang it to my younger sisters and my children when they were little, until one day I really listened to the words. I was a bit ashamed that it took me so long to realize what it was about. I think, when you have heard it all of your life you don’t really hear the words anymore. Needless to say, I haven’t sang that song for many years.

Sep 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

My grandmother sang a shortened version to me in the fifties and early sixties. I sang it to my younger sisters and my children when they were little, until one day I really listened to the words. I was a bit ashamed that it took me so long to realize what it was about. I think, when you have heard it all of your life you don’t really hear the words anymore. Needless to say, I haven’t sang that song for many years.

Aug 21, 2019
lullaby my mom sang
by: Linda

go to sleep my little picaninny
underneath the bamboo tree
go to sleep my little picaninny
cause your are mama's little alabama coon.

my mom sang this in the 50's

Aug 07, 2019
Love You Mom
by: Anonymous

My mom, may her soul rest in peace, use to sing this to me when I was still young. I am 64 years now and still remember it as if was yesterday and can't help to cry when I think of her and sing it to my self. Her version went like this;

Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Mamma's going to smack you of you don't
Hush-a-bye, Rock-a-bye
Mamma's little bundle full of joy


Greetings from a winter sunny South AFrica.
Love You All!

Jul 16, 2019
Mystery Solved--Thank You
by: Robert H

My nanny, who was Welsh but lived in London when she was recruited (circa 1953) would sing this when I was small (circa 1955)

"Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Mama's gonna beat you if you don't
Hush-abye my little pickaninny
Mama's little harla barla coon"

I'm floored to see so many postings here from people of recent British ancestry, given the song's distinctly Dixie roots.

I never understood the last line, of course, but you don't ask for etymological explanations when you're three. I did ask, many years later, and both Nanny and Mum (also from London) said they had no idea either! It's been a mystery for me for more than 60 years. "Alabama coon" makes it all clear, but obviously to English ears it was as meaningless as hubba-habba-moon.

BTW, I never found that being threatened with a beating was sleep-inducing, even when I was three. As to the racial slurs, let's not even go there.

Jul 07, 2019
Georgia Lullaby
by: Sven Engblom

My Grandmother had a player piano which had a roll called "Georgia Lullaby". It went:

Go to sleep my little pica-ninny.
Time for little child's to rest.
Play time is over, sleep time is nigh,
Cuddle up to your mammy's breast.
Oh I can hear the night birds calling,
colored baby don't you cry.
The sandman's coming, your mammy's humming,
A Georgia Lullaby.

In the recent past I have played this song on my accordion at several nursing homes. They all seem to like it.

Sven Engblom

Jun 06, 2019
Full lyrics
by: Anonymous



I's a little Alabama Coon!
And I has n't been born very long;
I 'member seein' a great big round moon!
I 'member hearin' one sweet song!
When dey tote me down to de cotton field,
Dar I roll and I tumble in de sun!
While my daddy pick de cotton, mammy watch me grow,
And dis am de song she sung!
Chorus: Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Brer' Fox'll catch you if yo' don't;
Slumber on de bosom of yo' ole mammy Jinny,
Mammy's gwine to swat yo' if you won't. (swat! swat! swat!)
Lu la lu la lu la lu la lu!
Underneaf de silver southern moon;
Rock a by! hush a by! mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama Coon.

Dis h'yar little Alabama Coon!
Specks to be a growed up man some day;
Dey's gwine to christen me h'yar very soon!
My name's gwine to be Henry Clay!
When I's big, I's gwine to wed a yellow gal,
Den we'll hab picaninnies ob our own!
Den dat yellow gal shall rock ‘em on her bosom,
And dis am de song she'll croon:

Chorus: Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Brer' Fox'll catch you if yo' don't
Slumber on de bosom of yo' ole mammy Jinny,
Mammy's going to swat yo' if you won't.
Lu la lu la lu la lu la lu!
Underneaf de silver southern moon!
Rock a by! hush a by! mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama Coon.

May 09, 2019
my mum's version
by: Anonymous

My mum used to sing this to me in about 1956 and on

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mama's going to smack you if you don't
Hush-a-bye, lullaby
Mamas little allaballacoo.

I have sung this to my grandchildren when they were small and never thought anything of it being racist or anything bad about Mama is going to smack you! My daughter-in-law didn't think much of it though!

May 09, 2019
Mammy Jenny
by: Anonymous.1

I am 83 years old and my grandmother used to sing it to me when I was small.

I remember the lines -

Slumber on the bosom of your old mammy Jenny
Mammy will smack you if you don't.

Mar 31, 2019
Words and Melody
by: Anonymous

http://monologues.co.uk/musichall/Songs-L/Little-Alabama-Coon.htm -- these are the words.

You can listen to the chorus here:


My gram from England sang it to me and she was born in 1881. It's an old song from a musical show.

Mar 31, 2019
Not a 50s original
by: Anonymous

Sorry Anonymous, it's not original from the 50s. My Grandmother sang those words to her babies at the turn of the 20th century, my mum sang it to me and my sister and to my sons. Not at all pc now and there must be many who have been offended over the years. I have never sung it to my grandson.
It is a pretty tune though.

Mar 31, 2019
they didn't know
by: Anonymous

I don't know if people were consciously trying to make it non racist, but I think it's more likely that they had never heard of Alabama so they said it the way it sounded to them. For instance my English gram said, "halla ballacoo." She had probably seen the show at a music hall in Blackpool, liked the song, and had no idea it was racist because she didn't know the meaning of the words. I am American and have forgotten if this was an English song or an American song now.

Mar 31, 2019
Re a terrible discovery
by: Anonymous

It sounds as this American popular song from the beginning of the century was substantially altered by some Australian families to reduce the racist content. In our family’s case, not only the words but the tune as well. It seems as though your mother was trying to do that?

Mar 31, 2019
A horrible discovery
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Mother Fox will catch you if you don't.
Hush-a-bye, slumber-eye
Mummy's little baby
Mummy's little lullabullacoo

Oh, the moon shines 'the light on pretty Red Wing
The breeze is sighing
The night bird's crying.

Far away beneath the stars her love lies sleeping.
The Red Wing's weeping
Her heart away.

Mum used to sing us this song in Australia (late 1970s). It had a beautiful melody I could make sense of all the words except "lullabullacoo".

When my son came along, I sang it to him and I became curious about the word I didn't understand. Thanks to the Internet, I discovered that "lullabullacoo" was actually "Alabama coon."

My mum is White Australian. My dad is Black African. I was pretty disturbed and upset by this discovery. I explained to my son why I couldn't bring myself to sing it to him anymore (he was about five). I still don't know how to talk about it with Mum.

Mar 21, 2019
Go to sleep
by: Anonymous

I remember my mammar singing it as
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mammas gonna find you if you don’t
Hush my dear don’t you fear
Mammas little baby
Mammas little coola coola coo

Do you want the moon to play with
The stars to run away with
Do you think you will leave me now
Singing coola coola coola coola coo .....

Or something like that (it was 55 years ago!)

Mar 20, 2019
Original Song 1950s
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little picanniny
Brer fox will catch you if you don’t
Slumber on the bosom if you’re old mama ginny
Mamas gonna whack you if ya don’t

Oooo la loo la looo la looo la loo
Underneath the silver southern moon

Rockabye Hushabye mamas little baby
Mamas little Alabama coon

This is the original. A song from the 1950s
Possibly quite controversial these days and those who are easily offended might want to choose a different lullaby for their babies😂

I hope this has helped (sorry for any spelling errors)

Mar 14, 2019
Go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Anonymous

Here is the YouTube link, the first chorus is as I remember it but then I think both the melody and the sentiments were adapted to make them much sweeter!
Apparently written by Hattie Starr c. 1915.

Mar 14, 2019
Go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Anonymous

Our family version was
"Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Here in your mammy’s arms.
Go to sleep my baby, silence comes in dreams.
God bless Mammy, God bless Dad,
Make them happy, make them glad.
Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
The angels will watch over you"
It was a sweet tune but not the one in Tony Nicoultre’s machine. No foxes or spanking either!!

Jan 24, 2019
In reply to Identical....
by: Anonymous

The Australian post is mine.:-) My great-great-grandma was from the same region in the UK so that makes sense!

Jan 18, 2019
by: Anonymous

The previous post, Australian version, is nearly word for word the song I was sung by my Gram from Yorkshire back in the 1950s.

I posted mine a few years ago but this is the first time I've ever seen one the same as mine. Brer Fox and 'alla balla coo. They obviously had no idea what "Alabama" was, and the last word, to them, probably resembled the cooing sounds a baby makes.

Thank you!

Jan 18, 2019
Australian version
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little picananny
Brer fox will catch you if you don't
Hushabye lullabye mama's little baby
Mama's little hulla bulla coo

This is how my mum sang it to me as a child in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Australia

Jan 18, 2019
Little Picaninny
by: Astrid

My Mum came from Holland and used to sing...
Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Mummy won't like it if you don't.
Hush a bye, lulla bye, mummies little darling.
Rock a bye my baby, I love you.

Jan 16, 2019
My mom sang this to me when I was little.
by: Anonymous

When my mama took me to the cotton field I rolled and I tumbled while she sung. While my daddy picked the cotton and my mama watched me roll their is the song she sung.
Go to sleep my little pikaninny brother fox will get you if you don’t slumber neath the bosom of your ole mamie Jenny. Brother fox will get you if you don’t. Alloo alloo under the big round moon. Rock a bye hush a bye mamas little baby mamas little Alabama coon.

Sep 17, 2018
Tune for "Go to Sleep my Little Picaninny".
by: "Tony Nicoultre"

In answer to Dorothea's question of 17th, go to YouTube, type in "Tony Nicoultre" and then type in "Go to Sleep my Little Pickaninny" and you will hear(and see)this lovely lullaby being played on my 120 year-old disc musical box.
Happy listening!

Sep 17, 2018
? melody
by: Dorothea

My Irish great grandmother sang a version of this song to us in the 60's ! I need to hear the song song! I cannot remember it! How can I make that happen?

Aug 24, 2018
Aussie version
by: Chelsie

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Less the Fox will get you if you don't
Hush aby hush aby Mummas little baby
Mummas little cooly coolly coo
A loo a loo a loo a loo a looy
Underneath the silver sulphr moon
Hush baby hush baby mummas little baby
Mummas little coolly coolly coo

This is the version my mother sang to me in Australia.

Aug 06, 2018
Sweetest little Pickaninny or Everybody calls me honey
by: Julie

My Momma use to sing this pickaninny song to me in the 1950's. This is what I remember, anyone know the name or full lyrics to this song?
Sweetest little pickaninny, walking down the street one day. Looking so forlorn and lonely seems as if he lost his way.Someone asked him what his name was, this little tot with kinky head. Looking up with his big brown eyes this is what he said. Everybody calls me honey, i don't know why they do. Maybe its because my Mammie calls me honey too. I ain't been around any honeybees I'm afraid that they might sting me. Still everybody calls me honey and you can call me honey too.
There is another verse but I don't remember all the words. One line I remember. From his eyes a love light shineth.

Jul 30, 2018
Go to sleep
by: Anonymous

I'm from London and my nan was a Geordie, she used to sing to me

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Daddy's going to whack you if you don't don't
Hushabye hushabye
Mama's little pudding pie
Mammys little Ali Baba moon (changed from coon)

Jul 11, 2018
The Melody for this Lullaby,
by: "Tony Nicoultre".

Go to https://youtu.be/6bI5RhW1gJw on YouTube to hear the melody for this lullaby and you will see that the chorus exactly fits the words.

Jul 10, 2018
Little picaninny
by: max horton

I used to sing this to my grand and great grandchildren.

Go to sleep my little Piccaninny
Close your eyes and still your sleepy little head
Go to sleep my little picaninny
It’s time that piccaninnies were in bed
Snuggle down and dreams will come your way
Think of all the things that you have done today
So, go to sleep my little picanniny
Close your eyes and still your sleepy little head
Close your eyes my
Y little picaninny, it’s time that picanninnes we’re in bed
Snuggle down and dreams will come to you
Think if all the things, tomorrow you can do
So got to sleep......(etc over and over as it never ends)

Jul 09, 2018
Also My Family Lullaby
by: Anonymous

Little picaninny was sung in my family since the 1800's. Does anyone else remember a Southern song from the same era "Brer Fox jumped up one moonlit night, and axed the moon to give him light, for he must run with all his might afore he reach the farm-o" It goes on about old aunt jenny, the winder, John-john-john, the black duck and more. Not a lullaby, but does it ring a bell with anyone? Also was sung for years in my family originally from the Deep South in the 1800's.

Jul 02, 2018
I've sung this to all my grandkids; though my kids hate it.
by: Gretchen 70

Go to sleep, my little pickaninny,
Br'er fox'll git ya if ya don't
Lay your head on your ole mammy Ginny,
Mammy's gonna swat ya if you don't.
Tu-ra-lu, ra tula rula lu lu
Underneaf da silver-shiny moon--
Hush a bye
Rock a bye
Mammy's little Alabammy coon.

Jun 25, 2018
Great/grandfather’s version
by: Anonymous

My mom still sings this to this day, and she learned it from my great grandfather on my dad’s side:
Go to sleep, my little pickaninny
Cause the fox is gonna get you if you don’t
Go to sleep, my little baby
Momma’s little Alabama coon
Roll along my sweet one
Underneath the silvery-solvery moon
Hush a bye, rock a bye
Mammy’s little baby
Mammy’s little Alabama coon

I love that there are so many people who know the same plantation song my great grandfather sang!

Jun 06, 2018
Lil Picaninny words
by: Anonymous

Heres how my Jamaican Grandmother, mom and myself sing it:
Go to sleep my little picaninny
brother fox will get you if you don't
hush a bye, lullaby, mommas little baby
mommas little honey baba coo
And the daddy picked the cotton and the momma picked the cotton
this is the song they sang
tu ralu ralu ra lu ra lu
brother fox will get you if you don't
hush a bye lulla bye
mommas little baby
mommas little honey baba coo

Apr 18, 2018
Shut your eyes now you little pickininy
by: Anonymous

My mom sang it differently than what I have mainly seen posted here. This is what I remember...
Shut your eyes now you little pickininy
Shut your eyes now you Alabama coon
For the big moon sees that you ain't sleepin' any
And the ol' brer fox is coming pretty soon
Ho cake is done now
But you just can't have none now
For I'm gonna put 'em up on the shelf
There's no use a lookin'
For the possum is a cookin'
And the little pickininy's gotta rock himself.

Apr 18, 2018
My Nans version
by: Anonymous

I’m 47 years old and from London, my Nan used to sing this to me and my children when we were small.
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Nanny will wop you with a kipper if you don’t
Hush a bye, don’t you cry, nanny’s little baby
Nanny’s little ally Bally boo.

Apr 18, 2018
Mammys lil Jammy
by: Lisa Kay

(Sang to me by my mom.her mom to her. We are from the georgia alabama way altho we are yankee New Englanders now)
Go to sleep my lil pica-ninny
Ol Brare Fox'll getcha if you dont



There is an irish lullabye similar
In so that it has the toora loora loora in it

Apr 09, 2018
Go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Mum Heazlewood

I have loved reading the versions of this song! This my mamba sung to my sister and I every night when we stayed at her house and I sing it to my kids.
Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Briar Fox will get you if you don’t.
Slumber on the breast of your old ma and Ginny (?)
Mama’s going to swat you if you don’t
Glory, glory hallelujah!
Underneath the silver southern sky
Hushabye, lullaby, hear my little baby
Hear my little picaninny cry.

❤️❤️ love you Nan. Xxx

Apr 07, 2018
So surprised
by: Mr D.

My Mom was from Kentucky and used to sing a version to all us blonde haired siblings. We had no idea it might be offensive as she sang it with love. Ours was:
Hush a bye my little pichaninny
The big fox will get ya if you don't
Hush a bye and Rock a bye mammy's little baby
Mammy's little Alabama Coon
Too la loo la loo la loo la loo
Slumbering under a souther moon
Hush a bye and rock a bye
Mammy's gonna swat you if you don't

Mar 27, 2018
by: Anonymous




Mar 17, 2018
Nana Evelyn's song
by: Anonymous

My children's Nana always sang this and we always cringed at the lyrics.
Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Brer fox'll get ya if you don't,
Slumber on the bosom of your old Mama Ginny,
Mama's little Alabama coon.

She never thought about the lyrics as it was passed down to her from her grandmother.

Feb 04, 2018
Little Pickaninny 1865
by: Anonymous

My great grandfather brought this version back with him from Virginia after he fought in the civil war: Go to sleep my little pickaninny, Mammy's gonna whip you if you don't. Rockabye, hushabye down in ole Virginnny, Mammy's little baby, Mammys little Alabama coon. Feed him on potatoe skins, never get the gout. Lay him in a corn cob bed. For he's a black pickaninny from the state of ole Virginny, Goodness gracious how he grows! It has been passed down thru our family since 1865 and still lulls our babies to sleep.

Jan 24, 2018
Little pPicaninny
by: Isabel

These are the words I remember. Go to sleep my little pica ninny, mummy's going to smack you if you don't. Slumber on the bosom of your old mummy Ginny, Brer fox will get you if you don't. Go to sleep my little pica ninny, underneath the sunny southern moon, hush abye don't you cry, mummas little baby, mummas little Alabama coon.

Dec 22, 2017
by: Anonymous

Rock a bye my little picaninny, mana’s little ala Bala cor
Rock a bye my baby, mammas little ala Bala coe.

Nov 20, 2017
What i heard
by: Anonymous

What I had (early 1990's)

Go to sleep
My little pickaninny
Mamma's gunna wop you if u dont (wop wop)
Safe in the arms of your old mother ginny
Mammas little baba baba coo

Nov 19, 2017
Pickaninny different line of verse
by: Anonymous

My Irish grandmother used to sing this to me nearly 60 years ago with the usual derivatives but with the line about jelly no one has mentioned ... she never did the Alabama coon bit !

I am mixed race and from NW England and it’s fascinating to find out about the other stories regarding this ... it just popped into my head and I found this site !

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Foxes gonna get ya if you don’t

Squish you squash you make a jelly of you ...

( if my grandmother made that line up much respect2her )

Nov 15, 2017
My mum used to sing something similar to me and my brothers and her grandkids
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately the lyrics are disappearing from my memory but Mum's version started with

Little picaninny in your cosy bed of bark
(can't remember the rest now unfortunately)
(then it finished with...)
See the sun is setting o'er the mountains in the west
Soon the starlight you will see
Little aborigine.

Mum also used to sing another little lullaby along with the one I've outlined above. It was very slow and low and soothing

The lyrics weny something like (not sure of spelling)
Momma Warranoa
Momma Wathanoa
Momma Warranoa
Momma Wathanoa
Sleep little baby sleep
Momma watches o'er
Sleep little baby sleep
Momma watches o'er

Nov 08, 2017
My grandmothers
by: Anonymous

My grandmother sang this to my mother and all her siblings, my mother to me and my sister, and to my boys. It goes
Go to sleep my little picaninny, briar fox will catch you if you won't. Underneath the bosom of your old mammy ginny mammy's gonna swap you if you don't. Lula lalu la lula lula laddie(or lassie) underneath the silvery southern moon. Hushaby, don't you cry, mamm'ys little baby, mammy's little picanniny coon.

My mother was born in 1912, so it is a very old lullaby

Oct 20, 2017
Sung in the early 50's by my parents.
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little tiny baby
Mummy is going to catch you if you don't
Lullaby Hushaby
Mummy's little baby
Mummy's little lulla bulla coo.

You have the sun and moon to play with
and the stars to run aways with
Baby don't you cry
So lulla-lulla, lulla-lulla, bye-bye,

In your Mummy's arms be creeping
Soon you'll be a-sleeping
With a lulla, lulla, lulla, lulla, bye.

Above is Mummy's version.
Daddy sang this to us too, in his version he sang Turrla, Lurra bye. They both sang it to my children and I now sing it to my beautiful grandchildren.
I am English and was born and brought up in India.
I am in my late 60's now and it makes me feel happy and sad at the same time thinking about my wonderful parents.

Oct 12, 2017
go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Anonymous

this is what I learned:

go to sleep my little picaninny - grasshoppers get you if you don't. for the wise man up in heaven sent you for me to love....
go to sleep my little picaninny grasshoppers get you in you don't.

Oct 08, 2017
go to sleep
by: peter chisholm

my mum used to sing,
go to sleep my little picaninny, the bogeyman will get you if you don't
hushabye don't you cry, papa's little baby
mama's little lalabalacoo.

Sep 17, 2017
Found at last.
by: Blackpool 2017

I m 86 but still remember sitting on my gran's knee as she sang my favourite lullaby. It was very upsetting to learn that this song I now considered to be offensive! I also use to sing it to my children and now to my grandchildren.
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mama's going to spank you if you don't
Hush a bye. Rock a bye
Mama's little baby
Mama's little Alabama coon.

Aug 27, 2017
Such a pretty melody
by: Anonymous

From Central NJ. My grandmother (b. 1927) used to sing me:

Go to sleep, my little pickaninny
Underneath the silvery southern moon
Rock-a-bye, hush-a-bye,
Nanny's little baby,
Nanny's little Alabammy coon.

La-loo, La-loo,
My little pickaninny,
Sandman'll get ya if ya don't
Rock-a-bye, hush-a-bye,
Nanny's little baby,
Nanny's little Alabanmy coon.

I now live in California and have a son of my own, so I have adapted the lyrics to be more appropriate. I couldn't bear to give up the melody.

Go to sleep, my little bitty baby
Underneath the California moon
Rock-a-bye, hush-a-bye,
Mommy's little baby,
Loving dreams will be here really soon.

La-loo, La-loo,
My little bitty baby,
Sandman'll get ya if ya don't
Rock-a-bye, hush-a-bye,
Mommy's little baby,
Loving dreams will be here really soon.

Aug 11, 2017
adapted version I use today
by: Anonymous

My husband's grandmother used to sing to her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren:
Go to sleep my little piccaninny,
Grey fox will have you if you don't, woof, woof!
Lullaby don't you cry, mama's little baby,
Mama's little alli balli boo boo boo.

I now sing to my grandchildren the same version but as I don't feel comfortable with the first line, I have substituted cutchy-wutchy for piccaninny.
It was interesting to see how many versions of the song there are. My husband's nan was from Hackney, London, born and bred an east end cockney, lovely lady from a large family.

Jul 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

My grandmother sang this to me in the 1940's. No mention of being smacked or eaten by a fox, a much gentler version;

Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Underneath the silver shining moon
Hush a by, don't you cry, Mammy's little baby
Mammy's little Alabama coon

Jul 14, 2017
Old grammar school song
by: Anonymous

Sang this in grammar school, third grade, Chicago, 1930s. Next to last line was "slumber on the bosom of your old mammy Jenny, brer fox'll get you if you don't."

Jul 08, 2017
My Great-Grandmother's Version
by: ColleenTaylor

Go to sleep, my little pickaninny;
Underneath the silver southern moon.
Rocky-a-bye, hush-a-bye, Brother Fox'll get you,
Brother Fox'll get you if you don't!

So, go, to sleep.....

There may have been something about the Sandman getting you also. Scary words for a little kid trying to get to sleep!

Jun 18, 2017
My mum's version
by: Graeme

Go to sleep my little chicka biddy
The brown fox will catch you if you don't
Hushabye, lullabye, mammies little baby,
Mammies little Alabama coo.

Jun 08, 2017
The version I remember.....
by: Lynda

Go to sleep my little pickled onion
Underneath the vinegar and spice
Fried fish, chip potatoes, sausages and baloney,
The boogey man thought it was all very nice!

No idea where this came from......

May 24, 2017
My mum sang this
by: Anonymous

My mum sang
Hush a by my little pickaninny slumberin on the bosme of your old mamy Ginny mama's gonna getcha if youdon't

May 07, 2017
Listen to "Go to Sleep my Little Picaninny".
by: 'Tony Nicoultre'.

This lovely lullaby was written by Hattie Starr in 1897. You can listen to it being played on a disc musical box made in that very same year of 1897.
Go to 'YouTube',
enter 'Tony Nicoultre',
and then enter 'Symphonion 106 Disc Musical Box'.
I do hope it works for your baby !

May 06, 2017
Our lullaby
by: Anonymous

I'm from Wales and my grandfather used to to this song to me when we would have a "cwtch" (Welsh word for cuddle" to get us to sleep. His version was

Now ain't ya little alabama coon,
You ain't be born so very long,
I remember seeing a big round moon,
I remember hearing one sweet song.

And when I was a boy, mama took me to the cotton fields,
Where ibrumbked and I tumbled in the sand,
Daddy picked the cotton, mama watched me grow,
And this is the song we sang..

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mama's gonna whop you if you don't,
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Mama's little baby
Mamas little Alabama coon.

That was 4o years ago, and he also used to seeping it to my mum as a child. Mtself and all must cousin's have sung this to our children. We call it "Bampys song". I don't know where it come from but it is a very dear lullaby Tom our family.

Mar 13, 2017
little picanninny
by: sandra

mu mum used to sing this lullaby when I was a child I sang it to my daughter and now my grandson.,i have often wondered where it originated and was there other words to it , we only sing this bit

go to sleep my little picaninny
mamas going to smack you if you don't
hush a by rock a by mamas picaninny
mamas little ali bali coo coo coo

on looking at this site I see there are lots of versions of it im really pleased I found this site

Feb 24, 2017
picaninny lullaby
by: Anonymous

The version that has been passed down through at least 4 generations in my family is:
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mamma's gonna smack you if you don't
close your eyes, dont you cry
Mamma;s little apple pie
Mamma's little alla balla bush.

Dec 13, 2016
The tune.
by: 'Tony Nicoultre'.

You can hear this lovely little lullaby tune playing on my 1897 made Symphonion 106 disc musical box by entering 'Tony Nicoultre' onto YouTube.
The tune was written in 1893, just 4 years before.

Dec 05, 2016
Our Version
by: Jeff Lawrence

This lullaby was from my Mothers Family. I have sung it to my 2 children and all my six grandkids. It is likely of British or Nova Scotian origin

Go to sleep my little pickled onion
Mamas going to spank you if you don't ta ra ra
Hush a bye. Hush a bye
Whiskers on a catfish
Daddy's bringing mussels home for tea

If anyone knows of this version please post

Nov 13, 2016
Memories of this Lullaby from the UK
by: Anonymous

Born in SE London in 1955. My Dad used to sing this lullaby to me:

Oh she's Daddy's little alla balla coin
And she ain't been born very long.
Underneath the silvery shiney moon,
Daddy's going to sing a great big song:
Go to sleep, my little piccaninny
Daddy's going to smack you if you don't.
Hushaby, don't you cry, Daddy's little baby
Daddy's little alla balla coon.

Dad was always singing his own made-up songs to us kids, so naturally I thought this was another knew.

I'm so amazed that this is a real song and versions of it are sung around the world.

My very earliest memory is of lying in Dad's arms in their bedroom at night, with moonlight or street lights shining through the window and his lovely deep voice singing to me. I remember feeling safe.

Nov 07, 2016
Go to sleep my little picaninny lullaby
by: Anonymous

Wow, my Mom sang this song to me in the 50's. I see there are sooo many different versions! Here are the words my Mom sang....

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mama's gonna spank you if you don't
Slumber on the bosom of your ole Virginia mammy
Mama's little Alabama coon

Oct 30, 2016
2 verses of " Go to sleep my little pickaninny"
by: C.s. Blackburn

My dad sang this song to me, here is his version.
The words are not great but the tune and the memory if him rocking me to sleep are so precious.
Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Bears and fox will get you if you don't.
Slumber on the bossom of your old mammy pappy
Momma going to swat you if you don't.
Toodaloo, aloodaloo a who ah (something like that with ten beats)
Underneath the sunny silvery moon
Rockabye, hushabye, rockabye my baby
Mammy's little Anna bella cue.

Oct 25, 2016
White girl waking up
by: Anonymous

I just learned today that pickaninny is offensive (luckily via serendipitous wikipedia rabbit hole, not by using it myself), and it led me to here...

My grandma used to sing me this song as a baby and a little girl - a shorter version, with the "fox gonna catch you" bit. She was from West Virginia and had an African American caretaker when her mother became mentally ill, so I assume she probably learned it that way. I'm glad I never accidentally used this term in front of anyone.

I'll always treasure the memory of my grandma singing the lullaby, but I will be careful not to repeat a word that was used to dehumanize so many people. We may wish words didn't have such troubled connotations, but to refuse to respect that history is to deny the real pain and suffering of others - and we'll never learn better if we stay in denial.

Thank you everyone for this candid discussion.

Aug 15, 2016
go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Chris

My mother used to sing this to me in 1943 -1946

Honey don't you worry 'cos your skin ain't white.
Daddy's going to be here soon.
So honey don't you cry,
Just wipe your siny (sic) eye.
You'll always be my Alabama coos.

Aug 09, 2016
The way my grandmother sang it
by: Anonymous

This is how my grandmother sang it to me:

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Underneath the silver shining moon
Hush-hush-a-bye now, don't-don't-you-cry now
My little Paigey, my little sweetheart, my little Alabama coon!

Jul 05, 2016
Special memories
by: DJ

I was born in SE England in 1964 and my mum sang this to me. It's one of my most treasured memories of childhood bedtimes. I sang it to my babies 20 years ago and today sang it back to my 86 year old mum who is now like a child again. She smiled and remembered it and joined in with me, a very special moment. Our version was this...

She's mumma's little Alabama coon, and she's not been born very long.
I remember seeing a big white moon, I remember hearing one sweet song.... and... it takes me back to the cotton fields, to the rough and the tumble in the snow (snow?? where did you get that from mum?) where my dadda picked the cotton and my mumma watched me grow, and this is the song she sang. Go to sleep my little pickaninny, mumma's going to smack you if you don't (and she used to whisper 'no she won't') Hush a bye, don't you cry, mumma's little baby, mumma's little Alabama coon.

Such a beautiful lullaby and so sad that offensive meanings have attached themselves to simple descriptive words that it's innappopriate today to pass this on...

Jun 23, 2016
1961 version
by: Timothy Morgan-Owen

My mother used to sing it to me I was born in 1961 and she in 1931. Her version is I expect an anglisized version or that they didn't hear the original version.

Go to sleep my little piccaninny
Mumm's going to smack you if you don't,
Hush-a-bye, Rock-a-bye,
Mummy's little baby'
Mummy's little alli-balla-boo.

Mar 03, 2016
Lullaby lyrics
by: Dorset UK

Thank you, my mother at 99.5 has been singing this lullaby which her mother used to sing to her . . . I never heard it as a child . . . I found these lyrics on line :



I's a little Alabama Coon!
And I has n't been born very long;
I 'member seein' a great big round moon!
I 'member hearin' one sweet song!
When dey tote me down to de cotton field,
Dar I roll and I tumble in de sun!
While my daddy pick de cotton, mammy watch me grow,
And dis am de song she sung!
Chorus: Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Brer' Fox'll catch you if yo' don't;
Slumber on de bosom of yo' ole mammy Jinny,
Mammy's gwine to swat yo' if you won't. (swat! swat! swat!)
Lu la lu la lu la lu la lu!
Underneaf de silver southern moon;
Rock a by! hush a by! mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama Coon.

Dis h'yar little Alabama Coon!
Specks to be a growed up man some day;
Dey's gwine to christen me h'yar very soon!
My name's gwine to be Henry Clay!
When I's big, I's gwine to wed a yellow gal,
Den we'll hab picaninnies ob our own!
Den dat yellow gal shall rock ‘em on her bosom,
And dis am de song she'll croon:

Chorus: Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Brer' Fox'll catch you if yo' don't
Slumber on de bosom of yo' ole mammy Jinny,
Mammy's going to swat yo' if you won't.
Lu la lu la lu la lu la lu!
Underneaf de silver southern moon!
Rock a by! hush a by! mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama Coon.

Written and composed by Hattie Starr - 1893
Performed by Bessie Wentworth (1873-1901)
Performed by Nellie Richards (1864-1932)
From monologues.co.uk Music Hall Lyrics Collection

Mar 02, 2016
Singing on the front porch steps.
by: Anonymous

My dad was gifted this by a neighbor who would sing it to the neighbor children from her front porch steps. He was very little when he learned it. He in turn sang it to his children: " Go to sleep my little picaninny, the big fox will get you if you don't. Resting on the bosom of your old mammy Jenny, you're my little picaninny babe. Oh, we took you down to the cotton field and we rolled you around in the sand, and papa picked the cotton and mama sang the song and this is the song she sang: Go to sleep my little picaninny, the big Fox will get you if you don't...

Feb 27, 2016
Looking for lyrics
by: Shanahrn@yahoo.com

My grandmother sang this and shes gone now. I cant remember all the words. If you know plz let me know

Lil picanny child swinging o the garden gate... Cryn cause his lil heart was sore. So mammie in her lap takes the lil weepn chap and whispers in her own kind words. Stay on your side of the high board fence and dont mind what them white chiles say.

Feb 19, 2016
My Little Picaninny
by: John Duggan

I'm 62 years old. My Grandfather used to sing this to me.
Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Underneath the silver shiny moon
Hush a bye, don't you cry
Mammy's little baby
Daddy's little Alabama coon........

Feb 11, 2016
Shortened version
by: Anonymous

this version was sung to me by my grandmother, and her according to her, her grandmother before that:

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Mama's little baby,
Mama's going to spank you if you do.
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Mama's little alabala-coo.

I don't remember if there is any more to the song, but I recollect a lingering melody.

Jan 17, 2016
Pickaninny Song
by: Anonymous

My mom passed down this song that was sung to her by her mom and gram:

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Brother fox'll few you if you don't
Hushabye, lullabye
Mammy's little baby
Mammy's little pickaninny coon.

Seems politically incorrect now but I sang it to all my kids, too, and now to my grands.

Jan 12, 2016
Special memory
by: Gillian

I am 77, my mother from Northumberland sang this to me, and I sang it to my 4 children. It is a very special memory. I am so pleased to find it is special to so many people.

Go to sleep,my little picaninny
Mammy's going to spank you if you don't
Fried fish, tatie chips,sausages and polony
Mammy's little Alabama Coon.

Jan 12, 2016
Special memory
by: Gillian

I am 77, my mother from Northumberland sang this to me, and I sang it to my 4 children. It is a very special memory. I am so pleased to find it is special to so many people.

Go to sleep,my little picaninny
Mammy's going to spank you if you don't
Fried fish, tatie chips,sausages and polony
Mammy's little Alabama Coon.

Jan 11, 2016
by: Tjc5370

My nan always used to sing this to me. I still sing it to my youngest as i did with the older children too.

Go to sleep my little Picaninny
The bogeyman will have you if you don't
Hush a bye
Don't you cry
Mama's little baby
Mama's little coo black coo

Jan 04, 2016
Lullaby memories
by: Anonymous

When I was a baby this was sung to me as it was all the children in the family. The words that were used were:
Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Lest the fox will get you if you don't
Hushabye hushabye mumma's little baby
Mamma's little Cooley Cooley coo

A loo, aloo, aloo alooey
Underneath the silvery sulphur moon
Hushabye hushabye mumma's little baby
Mamma's little Cooley Cooley coo

So great to know this lullaby still lives on, it was referred to as the Koori lullaby to us though. I will always use this within our family so it can be passed on

Jan 04, 2016
by: Karma

This was sung to me over 60 yrs ago by my dad. All wording same except 'the flying fox would get me if i dont'. We grew up on ptoperty so we were afraid of the flying foxes as kids. I now sing my great grannies to sleep with it, the sing along til they drop off. Great memory.

Jan 03, 2016
little pickaninny
by: Anonymous

My remembered version! So many versions of this it seems! My Nanna sang this to me nearly 60 years ago in Yorkshire,England
Go to sleep my little Pickaninny,
Brery Fox will catch you if you don't.
Hush a bye, rock a bye, Mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little billy,bolly,boo.

Dec 24, 2015
Go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little picaninny girl (boy)
close your eyes
close your eyes
of you go to sleepy town
sleep sleep sleep
sleep sleep sleep
sleepy sleepy sleepy ,sleepy town
shoo shooo sho
shoo shoo sho
soo soo soo

I am now a grandmother and this is a version of the song my Dad sang to me 62years ago and I sing to my grandchildren in a monotone quite voice. Works every time. No foxes of wolves etc.
Happy dreams all oxoxo

Dec 11, 2015
My nan sang this
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mama's gonna drop you if you don't
Hush a bye don't cry
Mama's little baby
Mama's little baba-baba-boo

Dec 06, 2015
Has any one heard this one, my grandmother use to sing it to me
by: Anonymous

Oh picaniny mine, oh picaniny mine,
Close you great big eyes and slumber dear,
ere the moonbeams shine.
All the birdies are asleep, since the falling of the dew, but in this whole wide world there aint,
another little babe like you

Nov 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

I'm 23.
My mum used to sing

Go to sleep my little picanniny
Brair fox will catch you if you don't
Slumber on the bossum of your old Mumma jinny
Mummas gonna swat ya if you don't.

too rolloo rolorolo rali
Under neath the silvery southern moon
Husha bye rock a bye mummas little baby
Mummas little Alabama coo.

Nov 09, 2015
North West Cumbria
by: Anonymous

Hi born in 1961 Mam used to sing this version to me

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
mama's going to smack you if you don't
Hush a bye rock a bye Mammy's little darling
mammy's little inky pinky poo!

Indie sing it to my children but always thought the smacking bit was a bit brutal!!!

Oct 28, 2015
Aussi Version?
by: Anonymous

So my grandmother always sang it as

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Blair Fox will catch you if you don't
Hush a bye, rock a bye, mummy's little baby
mummy's little bangie wangie coo

but I never heard a 2nd verse...

Oct 13, 2015
song lyrics
by: US lady

Does anyone know the origins of "go to sleep little baby", the lyrics seem ominous to me. They sang it on oh, brother. It has been interesting to read these stories and how long they last in our minds and hearts.

Oct 06, 2015
Little Alabama Coon
by: Theresa Hall

I found a recording of the song by Rosa Ponselle on YouTube. All the words are there too.

Sep 29, 2015
Atlanta, GA
by: Anonymous

Passed down several generations of Georgia natives:

Go to sleep, my little pica-ninny
For the fox will catch ya if ya don't
Linger on the bosom of the o'le mammy Jinny
She's a gonna swat ya if ya don't.
Aloo aloo aloo aloo aloo a
Underneath the southern silvery moon
Hush a bye, don't ya cry, Mama's little baby
Mama's little Alabama coon

Sep 08, 2015
Crossed the Atlantic!
by: Janey

I grew up in Liverpool in the 1970s and my grandma sang this to all the babies. We had no connection to the USA so I don't know where it came from.

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mamma's gonna spank you if you don't
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Mama's little Alabama boo

Aug 27, 2015
Southern Lullaby
by: Jossikins

My mom, born in the US of a southern mother in 1909, used to sing this as her grandmother had sung it to her.
"Go to sleep my little piccaniiny,
Brer Fox will catch you if you don't.
Slumber on the bosom of your old mammy Jinny,
Mammy's goin' to swat you if you don't.

Loo la loo la loo,
Underneath the silv'ry southern moon.
Hushaby. lullaby, mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama coon."

I find it interesting that my mother-in-law, born about the same time, but in South India, a totally different culture, on the other side of the world, sang the same lullaby, with little difference, to my babies back in the 70's.

Aug 27, 2015
Simiar to "Anonymous"
by: Anonymous

My mom (whose maternal origins were in West Virgina) used to sing to us:

"Go to sleep my little piccaninny
Brer Fox will catch you if you don't.
Slumber on the bosom of your old Mammy Jinny, Mammy's goin' to swat you if you don't.
Loo laloo laloo
Underneath the silvr'y southern moon.
Hushaby, lullabye, Mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama coon."

Interestingly, my South Indian mother-in-law sang the same lullaby tune to my babies back in the 70's, same tune, different words.

Aug 26, 2015
my version!
by: Anonymous

My Mother sang

Aloo Aloo Aloo Aloo Aloo
Brer fox will get you if you don't SH SH
Hush a bye Rock a bye Mommas little baby
Mommas little alabama coon

Aug 26, 2015
My loving grandmother used sing this to me for me to go to sleep when i was so little
by: Thejaka

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Theres a fox to catch you if you dont
Hush- a- bye,lullabye mummys little baby
Mummys little alabama coon...

Aug 07, 2015
by: B J Fred

Go to sleep, my little pick-a-ninny
Climb up on yo mammy's knee
Day time is over
Sleep time is nigh
Hush while mammy sings a lullaby

Aug 04, 2015
Golden memory
by: Maureen Ford

I was only 2 in 1953 when my Grandfather very sick with Cancer would sit me on his bed and sing this song to me.
I only remember the first 4 lines and it is the only memory I have of him. Thank you for singing to me Grandad xxxx.

Jul 23, 2015
What we sang
by: Anonymous

My grandma sang this to all 5 of her children, my mother sang it to us and I sing it to my babies ❤

Our version:

Go to sleep my little picaninny
The prairie fox will spank ya if you don't
Hush a bye rock a bye mamas little baby
Mamas little lullaby a coo
Mamas little lullaby a coo
And your going to grow up some day you will remember the big round moon and they old sweet song she sang.
Well we took ya down to the cotton field
where ya rolled and a tumbled in the sun
Daddy picked the cotton
and mama watched ya grow
This is the song she sung

Jul 18, 2015
Go to sleep my little .....
by: Sue

Go to sleep my little picaninny ...the boogie man will catch you if you don't .....fried chips,, tetties,sausage and polony, mammy will keep you safe all night.

Jul 17, 2015
Als sung in Holland!
by: Anonymous

This is my version, which my English mother taught me, She sung it for her Dutch grandchildren:

Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Tommy fox will have you if you don't
Hush a bye, don't you cry
Mummy's little baby,
Mummy's little Alabama coon.

Elizabeth (Holland)

Jul 05, 2015
my Mums Version
by: Sue

Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Mummy will smack your bottom if you don't.
Hush a bye, Lullaby, Mummy's little baby,
Mummy's little bulla bulla boo.

This is also the words I sang to my children and grandchildren.
I never knew what a bulla bulla boo was, still don't.

Jun 20, 2015
favourite lullaby
by: Anonymous

my Mother who was born in 1918 sang this to me, as her mother had sung it to her


i also sang it to my children but tried to remove the racist bits, and adding quickly after mama she wont love you if you dont-but she does!I turned Coon into Coo, tho i did leave piccaninny
My daughters sing a further "cleaned up" version to their children.
it must have been a really popular song early in the 20th century given so many comments.

Jun 13, 2015
For Laura
by: Anonymous

Who is I?
My Mum taught me the orginal words.
I must have been away!

Jun 09, 2015
Old children's song
by: Chris Donovan

I'm going on 47 now and when I was a child I was sung this song which my father used to sing to me and my brothers before we went to sleep. He was also sung this song when he was a child by his father and so on on goes the history of this song through the generations of my family. I am from London England now living in West Virginia and I have taught my wife this song along with many others.

My version is different like everyone else's.

Go to sleep my little picininny, Bria fox will catch you if you don't.
Hush a bye don't you cry momma's little baby, Momma's little Alabala coo.
She's a momma's little Alabala coo, and she ain't been born very long.
She's never seen a great big moon, she's never heard her mommy sing a song.

May 15, 2015
Our family lullaby
by: Laura

My husband taught my daughter and I this version from when he was a little boy and we love singing it together.

"Go to sleep, my little pickaninny
The golly fox will catch you if you don't.
Sitting in the arms of your ol' mumma Ginny
Your Daddies little alla balla coot"

May 05, 2015
Sydney, Australia, 1990s version
by: Anonymous

My parents used to sing this, with these lyrics;

"Go to sleep, my little pickaninny,
Flying birds will get you if you don't.
Hushabye, Mummy's/Daddy's little baby,
Mummy's/Daddy's little Lulla lulla loo"

Mar 27, 2015
Hull England 1960s version
by: Anonymous

My dad used to sing me this version, which his grandfather sang to him in Hull England in the 1960s:

Go to sleep, my little pickaninny,
Daddy will have to smack you if you don't.
Hushabye, lullaby,
Daddy's little bye-bye,
Daddy's little pickaninnynoo

Mar 04, 2015
Alabama Coon
by: Katie

This lullaby has been passed down for generations. I am 24 and plan on singing my children to sleep with it one day. Here is my family's version:

Go to sleep my little pickaninny,
Ol' Brer fox'll get cha if you don't watch out.
Hush-a-bye, mammy's little baby,
Mammy's little Alabama coon,
Mammy's little Alabama coon.

Feb 01, 2015
Mississippi Moon
by: Anonymous

Me Nana in Newcastle sang it to me. It was "Brother Fox will catch you if you don't" and the second verse was "Underneath the Mississippi moon". I was looking on here to see whether there were any other verses. I sing it to my granddaughter, but because she lives in Brixton I make it Mammy's little Alabama Boop-boop-boop. That isn't very good for a lullaby, as she anticipates it and wakes up for it.

Jan 24, 2015
my grandads version - I'm 53 now!
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little pickaninny, underneath the silvery silvery moon. Rock a bye hush a bye mummy's little baby, mummy's little alabama coo!

Jan 20, 2015
northern England
by: Anonymous

I remember being in his arms as my dad softly sang this to me 55 years ago.
''You ain't been born very long. I remember the day you were born,when your mama picked the cotton in the fields all the day, this is the song she sang ...Go to sleep my little pickanninny, dada's going to smack you if you cry, hush a bye hush a bye,mamas pickaninny, dada's little hulla bulla bye...''
My dad was in the RAF during the war and was based with an American unit. I wonder if he learnt it then ?

Great website, loved going down memory lane !

Nov 22, 2014
Gram from Yorkshire England born 1885
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Brer'n Fox will spot you if you don't.

Hush a bye, rock a bye
Mama's little darlin'

Mama's little halla balla coon.

I think it probably came from a musical show that was going around back in the 19th century, early 20th.

Aug 27, 2014
by: Anonymous

The song was written for the stage show, Aladdin, Jr., circa 1893. Staged by David Henderson's American Extravaganza in Chicago.

Lyrics are at: http://www.bartleby.com/248/1469.html

As Figgypud points out, you can hear Rosa Ponselle’s 1899 version at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOWuerPPEcQ

My mother and grandmother sang it to me and I sang it to my kids.

I find it amazing that the song was passed down from generation to generation by so many families!


Aug 26, 2014
Little Alabama Coon
by: Anonymous

I am 73 and my grandma & mum sang this to me & I sang to my grandchildren.
Go to sleep my little picaninny underneath the sunny side the moon, hush a bye don't you cry Mammy's little baby, Mammy's little Alabama coon. Then one day the little coon was gone forever more, God had took the dusky little elf and Mammy at the door sits and rocks for days of yore and croons to her kind old self. Honey stay in your own back yard, don't ya mind what the white chile do, what do suppose they gonna give a black little coon like you, stay inside your high board fence and honey don't you cry so hard, go out and play as much as you please but play in your own back yard.

Aug 26, 2014
Kansas version?
by: Anonymous

This song has been passed down to my grandmother from her Nanny, my mother, and I sang it to my kids. Our version goes...

"Go to sleep my little picaninny
momma's going to spank you if you don't
sleeping on the bossom of your ole Mamma Ginny
Mamma's lil baby
Mamma's lil baby
Mamma's lil Alabama coon."

Aug 02, 2014
Original recording
by: Figgypud

The song "Mama's Little Alabama Coon", written in 1899, was popularised when a recording was released by Rosa Ponselle. You can hear it here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOWuerPPEcQ

Jul 15, 2014
Does anyone know this song
by: Anonymous

My mother used to sing this and I did find it on the internet once, but can't now.

Bye a little wagon to haul the baby out, give her nice fresh air. Feed her on bananas and she'll never get the gout, tie a yellow ribbon in her hair.
Bye, bye baby I'm your mommy, up and down she goes. She's a little picaninny from way down in ole virginny. Oh my goodness how she grows.

Jul 04, 2014
boogey man
by: kathy

go to sleep my little picaninie
the boogey man will get you if you dont
hush a by dont you cry
mommas little baby
mommas little uccleborough coo..oo.o

May 27, 2014
Little Alabama coon
by: Anonymous

This has been sung to every baby in my family for at least 3 generations. Our version is....

Oh, I'm a little Alabama coon,
And I ain't been born very long,
I ain't seen one big round moon,
I've never heard one sweet sweet song.
Well they took me down to the cotton patch
Where I rolled and I tumbled in the sun.
While mammy picked cotton and watched me play
They sang the song she sung....
Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Brother fox'll getcha if you don't,
Snuggle on the bosom of an ol momma Janey,
Daddy gonna swatcha if you don't.
Hush a by, rock a by
Mommas little babe,
Daddys little Alabama coon.

May 15, 2014
go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Anonymous

My mother used to sing it like this

Go to sleep my little picaninny the sandman will get you if you don't
Go to sleep my little picaninny the sandman will get you if you don't
Hush a bye hush a bye, mommas little baby,
we'll sing a little picaninny boo.

May 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

My Mother sang
Aloo, Aloo,Aloo aloo aloo Brer Fox'll get you if you don't ssh ssh. Hush a bye rock a bye Mammas little baby, Mammas little Alabama goo.

I'm 56 and Canadian I have no idea where she learned that. My Grandmother was from Leigh Lancashire and she sang it as well.

Apr 17, 2014
Many fond memories
by: Veronica

My mother sang this to me, I sang it to my kids and now I am blessed to be able to sing it to my grandaughter.
I'm a little Alabama coon
I ain't been born very long
I saw the great big round moon, when they tucked me under in the cotton field, and I rolled and I tumbled in the sand,
While my nanna picked the cotton all day long this is the song she sang.
Go to sleep my little picaninny, brother fox will get you if you don't
(SWISH, SWASH-soft taps on bottom)
Ramble on the bosom of your ole nanna dear, brother fox will get you if you don't.
Aloo, Aloo, Aloo, Aloo, Alooo
underneath the silver sky above , hushabye, hushabye nanna's little baby, nanna's little North Carolina (use any state name) Boo.

Love the fond memories - no hesitations, it's an endearing connection to my heritage,

Apr 13, 2014
Picaninny coon?
by: Susie

This is how my great grandma sang this to me with a comforting little swat:

Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Mammy's gonna swat you if you don't, Swat Swat,
(with soft affectionate swats)
Hush a bye, rock a bye, Little picaninny,
Mammy's little pickaninny

Aloo, Aloo, aloo aloo aloo
Underneath the silver shiny moon
Husha bye rock a bye
Mammy's little Picaninny
Mammy's little Alla Baya coon.
(or was it Alabama Coon)

Apr 13, 2014
Picaninny coon?
by: Susie

This is how my great grandma sang this to me with a comforting little swat:

Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Mammy's gonna swat you if you don't, Swat Swat,
(with soft affectionate swats)
Hush a bye, rock a bye, Little picaninny,
Mammy's little pickaninny

Aloo, Aloo, aloo aloo aloo
Underneath the silver shiny moon
Husha bye rock a bye
Mammy's little Picaninny
Mammy's little Alla Baya coon.
(or was it Alabama Coon)

Apr 13, 2014
Picaninny coon?
by: Susie

This is how my great grandma sang this to me with a comforting little swat:

Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Mammy's gonna swat you if you don't, Swat Swat,
(with soft affectionate swats)
Hush a bye, rock a bye, Little picaninny,
Mammy's little pickaninny

Aloo, Aloo, aloo aloo aloo
Underneath the silver shiny moon
Husha bye rock a bye
Mammy's little Picaninny
Mammy's little Alla Baya coon.
(or was it Alabama Coon)

Apr 12, 2014
Remembering lyrics from childhood
by: Anonymous

My grandmother used to sing:
"When my mummy and my daddy took me down to the cotton fields
Well we rolled around and played around, while my mummy watched us grow
And this is the song she'd sing
Go to sleep my little picaninny
Brother fox will catch you if you don't
Hushaby, lullaby mammas little baby
Mammas little lulla bulla boo"

Loved it, finding the original lyrics is a bit of a shock, but those were the times. Very fond memories of this song!

Apr 11, 2014
My remembered lyrics
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep, my little picaninny,
Mama's (insert name/title of relative) gonna smack you if you don't,
Hushabye, hushabye, Mama's little baby
Mamas little alabalacoo....

Apr 10, 2014
Aussie version
by: Aussie Tina

Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Go to sleepy byes,
Go to sleep my little picaninny,
Slowly close your eyes.

Simple film is Aussies.

Apr 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

My Grandma used to sing to me

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Fox is gonna get you if you won't
Slumber on de bosom of your ol mother Ginny
Mama's little half a bag of coal

It's amazing how words get changed!

Mar 31, 2014
Fairy Fox
by: Anonymous

The version I was brought up with was:
Go to sleep my little picaninny,
The fairy fox will get you if you don't . . .

Mar 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

Looks like it was written for the stage show, Aladdin, Jr., circa 1893. Staged by David Henderson's American Extravaganza in Chicago.

Lyrics are at: http://www.bartleby.com/248/1469.html

Here it is on YouTube sung by Rosa Ponselle, 1899L http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOWuerPPEcQ

I like my family's version better. Not so racist and no slapping.

Give me a holler if you find these links interesting!


Mar 30, 2014
Sing to your baby
by: Anonymous

Hi I sang this to me daughter as my Mum sang it too me . I feel very strongly that these old traditions should not be forgotten. This is my version .
Go to sleep my baby , close your pretty eyes angels are above you peeking at you baby , from the sky's great big moon am shining stars begin to peek cause its time for llittle picaninnas to go to sleep . My mum said that picaninnes were little black babies which sounds bad now but could be true in the fifties please no bad feelings meant just enjoying the past

Mar 30, 2014
Go to sleep my little Picaninny
by: Anonymous

My Grandad used to sing this to me when I was little, he used to sing "Go to sleep my little picaninny hungry fox will get you if you don't, hush a bye, don't you cry, mummy's little baby, mummy's little usha buba goo. And she took you down to the cotton fields and rolled you in the grass and she sang and she sang so merrily, merrily she sang this song. And so it begins, I've got good memories of this song x

Mar 27, 2014
English version
by: David BainesAnonymous

I'm 80 and was born in London England. My mother and sister used to sing to me:
Go to sleep my baby
Close your pretty eyes
Angels up above you
Peeping at you dear one from the skies
The great big moon is shining
Stars begin to peep
It's time for little picaninny's to go to sleep
Picaninny's time to go to sleep.

Mar 14, 2014
Mama's little pickinannie!
by: Sierra

My grandmother always sang to me before bed when I was little. This old lullaby being one of them. Her lyrics were slightly different from others but still great. I can remember the lyrics now.

Go to sleep mama's little pickinannie
Brother fox is gonna get'cha if you don't
Slumber on the bosom of your old grandma Jenny
Mama's gonna spank ya if ya don't

Lue, Lue is the brights of her moon
Hush-a-bye, rock-a-bye, mama'a little pickanannie, mama'a little pickinannie.

Feb 27, 2014
My Gran used to sing to me
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Brother fox will catch you if you don't
Hush a bye lullabye mummas little baby
Mummas little Alabama coon

It became Gran, mine and my brothers joke song as we made her sing it way past 'lullabye age' before we would go to sleep laughing. Fun memories

Feb 26, 2014
My dad used to sing this to me when I was younger. I still remember this part
by: Riley

Go to sleep, my little pickanninie
Boogeyman'll getcha if you don't.
Hush a bye, rock a bye, momma's little baby
Daddy's little alla baya coo.
Aloo, aloo, aloo aloo aloo.
Underneath the silver shiny moon
Bum bum bum
Hush a bye, rock a bye, momma's little baby
Daddy's little alla baya coo.

Feb 04, 2014
Great memories
by: Sharon

Always wondered what an amber bamber coo was when I was little an my grandmother say this to me but it's her version of Alabama coon

Jan 29, 2014
My mums version
by: Sheila Burns

I was born in 1948 and my mum sang
Go to sleep my little pica ninny
The brer fox will catch you if you don't.
Hush a bye, rock a bye
Mammies little lamb a bam a coo!

Jan 28, 2014
Go to Sleep my Little Picaninny
by: Victoria H-Amos

Wonderful to know that others know this lullabye, I am 48 and my mum who was born in Manchester UK in 1928 used to sing this to me when i was very little. Looking back, when I was older it used to amuse me that a lullabye that are normally soft and calming had the word "smack" in it.I do wonder if the origins are from USA and that she learned it from her parents who emigrated to America in the depression of the early 1920s, but only stayed 2 years partly due to homesickness, before returning to Manchester:-
Go to sleep my little Picaninny,
Mummys going to smack you if you dont!
Hush a bye rock a bye mummys little baby,
Mummys little Alabama Coon

Jan 27, 2014
This is what my grandma sang to me
by: Rosemary

Go to sleep my little picaninny
mama's gonna spank if you don't
slumber on the bosom
of your old mama Jenny
Mama's little walla balla coon

She was born in Scotland, and I would love to know how she came to know this song. She died in 1982 at 102 years of age!

Jan 25, 2014
My version of "Go to sleep…"
by: limehouse

This song comes down to me from my Swedish grandmother through, my grandmother and mother. We often wondered how a Swedish lady learned a Southern black lullaby.

Oh, they took me down to the cotton field,
Where I rolled and I tumbled in the sun,
While my pappy picked the cotton,
My mammy watched me grow,
And this is the song she sung.

Aloo, Aloo, my little pickaninny,
Underneath the silvery southern moon,
Hush-a-bye, Rock-a-bye, Mammy’s little baby,
Mammy’s little Alabamy coon.

Aloo, Aloo, my little pickaninny,
Underneath the silvery southern sky,
Sleep on the bosom of your ol’ Mammy Jenny,
Brother fox will catch you if you cry.

Jan 22, 2014
Old lullabye
by: Anonymous

I am 60 and my mum used to sing to me. Aloo aloo aloo, underneath the sunny skies are blue, hush a bye don't ya cry mummies little angel daddies little alla balla coo. I now sing it to my grandchildren .

Jan 12, 2014
Go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Anonymous

24 years of age, and my mother sang this to me:

Go to sleep my little picaninny
Underneath the silver shining moon
Got to sleep my little picaninny
underneath the silver shining moon
Hush a-bye hush a-bye mamas little baby
mamas little alla balla coo
Lay your sleepy dreamy head upon your mothers chest
Alla balla alla balla coo

Nov 25, 2013
Alla bala coo (lullaby)
by: Anonymous

My nan sang these words "he's a little alla Bala coo, and he ain't been born very long, I remember seeing a big round moon, I remember hearing one sweet song, now they took me down to the cotton fields, they rolled me and they tumbled in the sun, while my daddy picks the cotton mammy watched it grow this was the song they sang, go to sleep my little picaninny the bogey man will get you if you don't, hush a bye don't you cry mammys little baby daddy's little alla bala coo.

Nov 23, 2013
by: Kathleen

I am 84 years old and remember my mother sang these two lullaby's to me.
Oh, ma babby, ma curly-headed babby,
Your daddy's in the cotton fields,
A-workin' 'neath the stars and the moon.

Oh, ma babby, ma curly-headed babby,
Your mammy's gonna sing a lullaby to you,

Oh, lulla, lulla, lulla, lulla, bye, bye,
Does ya want the stars to play with,
Or the moon to run away with,
They'll come if you don't cry.

Oh, lulla, lulla, lulla, lulla, bye, bye,
In your mammy's arms you're creepin',
And soon you'll be a-sleepin' lulla,
Lulla, lulla lulla, lulla, bye.

(2nd lullaby)

Go to sleep, ma little picaninny,
Mammy's gonna spank you if you don't,
Hush-a-bye, hush-a bye, baby,
Mammy's little coochy, coochy, coo.

Nov 14, 2013
Im 50 abd my mums version is!
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep, my little picaninny Bogeyman will get you if you don't
Hush a bye, rock a bye Mummy's little baby
Mummy's little Alabama coon

Nov 05, 2013
mummy bear
by: Anonymous

At 72 years of age I remember my mother singing this to me:

Go to sleep, my little picaninny
Mummy bear will get you if you don't
Hush a bye, shush a bye Mummy's little baby
Mummy's little Alabama coon

Oct 30, 2013
M y Nanas version
by: Anonymous

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
daddy fox will catch you if you dont,
hushaby rockaby nanas little baby
nanas little alabama coon

well she took him down to the cotton fields
where he rose and he tumbled in the sun
as the nannie sat and watched the cotton grew
and this was the song she sang,

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
daddy fox will catch you if you dont,
hushaby rockaby nanas little baby
nanas little alabama coon

Oct 29, 2013
What I remember
by: Anonymous

My gran used to sing this to me. What I remember is:
Go to sleep my little picanniny, Bala fox will catch you if you don't. Hush-a-by don't you cry. You're grannies little baby, you're grannies a-la Bala coo.

Aloo aloo aloo aloo a lulla. Underneath the silvery shining moon. Hushaby don't you cry. You're grannies little baby. You're grannies little ala Bala coo.

Oct 29, 2013
picaninny lullaby
by: Anonymous

My grandmother (raised my her mammy in the Florida glades) used to sing this to me as well.

These are the words I remember.

Go to sleep my little pickaninny
Brer fox will catch ya if ya dont
husha bye rocka bye mammys little ninny
mammys little Alabamy coon.

Oct 21, 2013
by: Anonymous

My grandma sang it and I remember it clearly

Go to sleep my little
Brayer fox will catch you if you don't.
Slumber on the bosum of my old mama Ginny
Mamas gonna lick you if you don't

Boola Boola Boola Boola Boola
Underneath the silver cresent moon
Hush a bye
Mommas little baby
Mommas little Alabama coon

Oct 17, 2013
Piccaniny song
by: Jo

My nana used to sing this to me. These are the words I remember and now sing to my granddaughter. Go to sleep, my little piccaninny,Flying fox will catch you if you don't. Slumber on the bosom of your old mama ginny. Mama's little lulla bulla croon.

Sep 14, 2013
picaninny lullaby
by: Anonymous

I am 47 years old. My mother sang this lullaby to myself and my younger brother....the words I recall from.my mothers version are as follows;

' Go to sleep my little pickaninny, mamas little boca boca booooo......close your eyes shut them tight mamas little baby...mamas little baca baca booooooo....'

Jul 31, 2013
go to sleep my little picaninny
by: doris

I am 78 year old. My father use to sing this song for my sisters and me. The words I know are go to sleep my little picaninny bear a fox will catch you if you don't watch. Hush a bye hush a bye daddy little baby. tola tola slumber on the bossum of your old mammy's ninny. That all I know.

Jul 31, 2013
go to sleep my little picaninny
by: Doris

I am 78 years old and my father sang this song to my sisters and me. The words I know are go to sleep my little picaninny bear a fox will catch you if you don't watch out. tolaloya. Slumber on the bossum of your old mothers ninny. Can't remember the rest.

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