Fairies are coming down the shuteye road tonight

Fairies are coming down the shuteye road tonight
Brownies are coming with them too
To watch o'er the babies till the sun comes up
And the birds are flying in the sky so blue.

I wonder what the stars would say, if only they could nod,
Baby (name) was not asleep.
For they would know just what to do

Does anyone know where I can find a recording?

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Jul 09, 2022
Fairies are coming NEW
by: Gill

I'm searching for this as my mother used to sing it to me!
Fairies are coming down the shut-eye road tonight,
Brownies are coming with them too,
To watch over (name of child) till the birds wake up
And the sun is shining in the sky so blue.

I wonder what the stars would say if only they could know
That little (name)'s not asleep:
And what the soldier men would say as faithfully they go,
Their evening watch to keep.
The birdies too are all shut-eye and gone to bed.
So close your little eyes so blue,
And lay your weary golden head upon the bed
And I will sing to you ... (repeat, ad infinitum!)

Nov 12, 2017
Fairies Lullaby NEW
by: Teresa G

My Dad used to sing this to me and I would love to know more.

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