everybody has a song, everybody can sing, song of happiness and love, sing of any old thing, very deep inside your heart, there's a sweet melody, set it free now, let it be now, sing your song to me.

I was taught this song at school and i used to love it. Please help me find the entire song.

Comments for everybody has a song, everybody can sing, song of happiness and love, sing of any old thing, very deep inside your heart, there's a sweet melody, set it free now, let it be now, sing your song to me.

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Jan 14, 2018
Finally I found it! NEW
by: Srutiparna

I've been trying to find this song for ages. Learnt it in school. Thank you so much for giving the lyrics. :)

Apr 08, 2016
The Second Verse NEW
by: Ravi

Everybody has a song,
Everybody can sing.
All you have to do is try:
Even rusty bells ring!
Doesn't matter if your tune
Sounds a bit out of key.
Let it be now,
Set it free now,
Sing a song to me!

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