dreamland cassette tape

I purchased this lullaby cassette tape in early 1990's for my adopted daughter. It was our favorite lullaby tape and it was lost during a move. I have been searching for years unsuccessfully and always thought I would remember the songs...but :[ It has a picture of an infant in a blue sleeper; sleeping in the right lateral position on a cloud. It had a female vocalist with a very soft/mellow voice. I have spent many hrs searching at home and online and shed many tears during my search. Can anyone help me here? It is very dear to me and it was produced by Integra Development in 1990.....thank you

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Feb 07, 2025
Lullaby Cassette from Women and Infants Hospital NEW
by: Irene

This lullaby cassette was given to me in 1990 from Women and Infants Hospital in Rhode Island when my son was born. The songs were song by a woman with a soft and calming voice. I would love to find it. It means a lot to me. Thank you

Feb 26, 2024
Mother and baby tape cassette
by: Hannah

I've just posted about a mother and baby tape from the 90s that my mum used to play for me and my sister. I have been looking for it for years and now I have a newborn son, I'd love to play it to him. There was sailing to dreamland:
Sailing to dreamland across the moonlit bay with stars up above you to guide you on your way.
And brahms lullaby but with different lyrics: Go to sleep go to sleep Mr sandman is waiting just to guide you on his way with a basket full of dreams while the moon up and high ****** - don't remember the rest :(

Jan 13, 2024
Father time? NEW
by: bob

I too am looking for a cassette tape, or at least the recorded songs of lullabies that was purchased in the 1990's

It came with a toy clock that you could set a timer on to put your kids to sleep. The closest I have found was "father time" by Homestead, manufactured in 1988. There are a couple for sale, but the tapes are all fairy tales, not lullaby songs.

This tape was the sweetest collection of softly song lullbies. It put us all to sleep. Wish I could find it or whoever recorded it. Awesome for kids, pretty good for adults as well.

Sep 26, 2023
Looking for a 90s song
by: Tounne92

Hello everyone, im looking for a book/cassette from the 90s that had a specific song. I remember the pages for this song were a picture of a baby in a forest, all very green. Here are the lyrics if anyone could help, I would be so grateful as I have been looking for so long. « Rocking, Rocking, dreamy little baby. Riding on a pony, off to slumberland. Goodnight, sleep tight. Dreamy little baby. Ridding on a pony. Off to slumber land. Sun goes down. Pretty baby round and round »….. 💗

Feb 24, 2023
Now on Youtube! NEW
by: Katie

I have converted the cassette and uploaded it to youtube for whoever is interested!


Jun 20, 2022
I found it!
by: Katie

My mom found the cassette!! Of course the writing is mostly worn off. I’m going to see if I can convert it. Kng1129@gmail.com

May 22, 2022
This has got to be it!!
by: Lisa

Joanie Bartel- Lullaby Magic. It also had Wynken Blynken and Nod. All off the songs had instrumental versions as well.

May 22, 2022
Looking for the same one!! NEW
by: Lisa

I am positive I am looking for the same one. I remember Hush little baby as well!! I just starting looking but I played it for my son born in 1988

Feb 20, 2022
Has anyone found out who sings this? NEW
by: Katie

Did anyone find this?? I remember the lyrics "sleepy time he come for my baby" and I really want to play this for my own babies now!

Sep 20, 2021
Songs From Dreamland
by: Anonymous

I believe this lullaby book was called Songs From Dreamland. It is a purple book with beautiful illustrated pages and it comes with a cassette tape of the lullabies. I think my mom has it still.

Dec 21, 2020
Would love to be to find it! NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m almost sure that Kelly is talking about the same one I’ve been looking for! One of the songs was "all the pretty little horses"

May 28, 2020
Discovery Toys tape
by: Kelly C.

Was it from Discovery Toys? I also loved a lullaby cassette from the mid 90s. One of the songs I remember was "Rhapsody in Blue". Anyone else remember this tape, or it's title?

Feb 21, 2020
looking for the name of this song NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a cassette tape. early 2000s woman's voice and one of the lyrics had something to do with "will your eyes be blue" does anyone know what I am looking for?

Mar 30, 2019
Lullaby collection please help!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Am I following the order inquiry about a cassette from 1990s??

Did it include "sleep baby sleep your father tends the sheep..". " Rockabye"
and "hush little baby"
I was given a cassette in January 1992 and I played it over and over til it fell apart. The tempo was smooth as silk and the woman's voice was crystal clear and smooth soprano. It's not Amy robbins-wilson or Jeanie bartels although they sing almost as sweetly...

Aug 30, 2018
Me too! NEW
by: Debbie

I sang "evening's upon us my little one. Climb into my arms and we'll rock awhile" to all 3 of my sons in the 1990s and would love to find a recording of this. If possible, in time for our mother-son dance at my first son's wedding this September 22nd. Pls pls let me know if you find anything. :)

Jun 28, 2018
Still searching NEW
by: Jennkniffin@gmail.com

I'm still hunting this down for all of us! =D

Jun 24, 2018
Dreamtime ? NEW
by: Anonymous

I believe this is the tape I have been looking for. It came free with a Mother and Baby magazine. I played it to my son, born 2002. There was a lullab, Sailing to Dreamland, and then another following it that mentioned the Sandman. I would so love to find this tape or know the other lullaby's name and lyrics. Thank you.

Jun 22, 2016
Looking for the same NEW
by: Anonymous

Did you happen to find the cassette??

Aug 30, 2014
Looking g
by: Anonymous

I would love to find this cassette also .any idea how and where I can get it

Nov 18, 2013
dreamtime cassette
by: patty ann

thank you Katie please advise if it is possible for me to obtain the cassette appreciate all efforts aph600@msn.com

Oct 30, 2013
DreamTime cassette
by: Katie

Hi there, my mom used to play this for me when I was a little girl. I know the exact tape you are talking about. It is called "Dreamtime" not "Dreamland". I hope that helps. If you need more information, let me know and I can try and find the cassette in my house. Best wishes!

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