Don't be afraid of the dark / remember you're never alone / the Lord will surround you with angels of light...

My mom used to sing this to me, and now I'm singing to my kids but I don't remember all the words. Can anyone help?

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Jan 03, 2025
Afraid of the dark NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been looking for this for years!!! Do you know who the original writer of the song was?

Feb 23, 2016
Listen here: NEW
by: Anonymous

Jun 15, 2015
by: Jill

It was one of my favorite lullabies I sang to my boys. I remember every word:


Whenever the nighttime surrounds you
and you think you're alone in the dark
Remember the Son always shines on the one
who trusts with all of his heart.

Don't be afraid of the dark
Remember you're never alone
The Lord will surround you with angels of light
His love will be with you, all day and all night
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid of the dark.

If you should hear noises around you
don't let them give you a fright.
Just listen and hear God's voice very near
like a sweet, sweet song in the night.

Repeat chorus

Apr 23, 2011
Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes
by: Anonymous

The name of the cassette was Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes. If you put that into YouTube you can get a somewhat rough version of most of the lullabies on the album. It was my favorite tape, and it was yellow!

Apr 04, 2011
1st verse and chorus
by: Mama JLY

Whenever the nighttime surrounds you
and you think you're alone in the dark
Remember the son always shines on the one who trusts with all of their heart.

Chorus: Don't be afraid of the dark
Remember you're never alone,
The Lord will surround you with angels of light
His love will be with you all day and all night
So don't be afraid, Don't be afraid of the Dark

2nd verse already listed above

Feb 24, 2011
Found the album it's on!
by: Anonymous

Feb 21, 2011
cassette it was on?
by: Anonymous

I had that cassette as a child and I'd love to find it for my son. If anyone knows a cassette or album title I'd love to know it.

Nov 29, 2010
remembered the first verse
by: Patricia

Sadly I can't tell you who sings it or what the name of the record is, at least not until I get the tote with all of my records in it out of the closet. Maybe I can get my husband to get them out for me when we put away the Christmas tree, but on a good note I did remember the first verse

Whenever the night time surrounds you
and you think your alone in the dark
remember the sun always shines on the one
who trusts with all of their heart
don't be afraid, don't be afraid of the dark.

Nov 23, 2010
Who sings this?
by: Anonymous

Can you tell me who sings this song and/or the record it is on? Thank you so much!

Nov 23, 2010
Old lullaby
by: Patricia

I can't remember all of it, but I have it on a record in my closet, next time I pull it out I will update this with the rest of the lyrics, I am moving soon, so I should be pulling it out in a couple of months but until then I remember one verse and the chorus, I think it is the second verse

Sometimes you'll hear noises around you, but don't let them give you a freight, just listen and hear God's voice very near like a sweet sweet song in the night.Don't be afraid, don't be afraid of the dark.

Don't be afraid of the dark, remember your never alone, the Lord will surround you with angels of light his love will be with you all day and all night don't be afraid, don't be afraid of the dark

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