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Feb 16, 2025
my late mam NEW
by: Anonymous

my late mam used to sing this to me while stroking my brow

Jan 27, 2025
Sweet dreams NEW
by: Anonymous


Jan 27, 2025
Wasn't sure so made it up! NEW
by: Anonymous

I didn't know the correct words and couldn't really remember what my mum and G-ma used to sing to me so for my kids, I sing:

Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye
Do you want the stars to play with?
The moon to run away with?
They'll come if you don't cry...

Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye
In your mummy's arms your sleeping
And soon you will be dreaming
So baby please don't cry.


Dec 25, 2024
Lula Lula Lula Lula Bye Bye NEW
by: Tami

I grew up hearing a variation of this lullaby. My mom sang it to all of us, and there were 8 of us kids. The words & tune were slightly different, but we all loved it so much.

Oh, Tallulah lula lula lula bye bye
You can have the stars to play with
And the moon to run away with
If only you don't cry-eye

So Tallulah lula lula lula bye bye.
Into mama's arms you go
You're such a little honey pie
So Tallulah lula lula lula
Bye-bye bye
Oh, Tallulah lula lula lula bye.

Aug 12, 2024
Paul Robeson
by: Anonymous

Aug 12, 2024
Lula Lula bye bye NEW
by: Anonymous

It is unfortunately a slave song . Oh my baby my curly headed baby, you daddy's in the cotton field a working for the foooood. Paul Robeson sang it the version is still available on line and it is mesmerising especially to those who fell asleep to it . He also sings ol man river . Her is a beautiful singer.

Apr 29, 2024
Lulla Lulla Lyrics I recall NEW
by: Anonymous

Lulla, lulla, Lulla Lulla baby,
Do you want the moon to play with?
Or the stars to run away with?
They’ll come if you don’t cry.

Lulla Lulla Lulla Lulla baby,
Into mommy’s arms come creeping.
And soon you’ll be a sleeping. Sleeping.
Lulla Lulla Lulla lullaby.

Mar 21, 2024
I’ve always loved this NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m 74 and my mother sang this to me.

Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye
Do you want the moon to play with?
Or the stars to run away with?
They’ll come if you don’t cry

Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye
In your mother’s arms you’re weeping
But soon you’ll be a sleeping
Lula Lula Lula Lula bye

She would start out singing it at normal speed
But would slow it down more and more, as I got more and more sleepy

Feb 17, 2024
How I remember NEW
by: Anonymous

I remember my wonderful late Nan who is sadly missed singing

Lula Lula Lula Lula baby
Do you want the moon to play with or the sun to run away with, they won’t come if you don’t sleep.

Miss her very much but now sign it to my son.

Aug 25, 2023
contrarywise NEW
by: Michael Hughes

Recently a Japanese friend sent me a video of a Japanese lullaby.
The word lullaby triggered my recall of Lu la Lula Bye bye a lullaby my mother sang to me in 1937 or 38

Up to this happening I thought my earliest memory dated from when I was 3 in 1940

What I specially remember is that I hated this song so much that I cried even louder when my mother sang it (she was a musician and had a good voice so it was only the song I was reacting against)

'Thanks for the Memories'.

Jul 18, 2023
I remember Robeson singing this way: NEW
by: Sydney Gurewitz Clemens

Oh my baby, my curly headed baby
I'll sing you soft to sleep
And love you so as I sing
Come, my baby, my curly headed baby
Just tuck your head like a little bird
Beneath its mama's wing.

So lulla lulla bye bye
Do you want the moon to play with?
Or the stars to run away with?
They'll come if you don't cry.

So lulla lulla bye bye
In your dAddy's arms be creepin
And soon you'll be a-sleepin'
Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye.

Mar 02, 2023
Extra words to lullabye NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 75 tears old and my dad used to sing this to me when I was small and couldn’t sleep, I now sing it to my granddaughter but the words are slightly different.

Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye.
Do you want the moon to play with.
The stars to run away with.
Singing Lula Lula Lula Lula bye

Jan 20, 2023
Found it NEW

So glad I found this, fond memories of my Nan singing this to me as a child.

Nov 21, 2022
A 12 year old sings this NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m here in 2022 a 12 year old singing this song to my little brother by remembering a lullaby my mum used to sing to me till I was about 5. I never knew how old the song actually is

Aug 01, 2022
A treasured moment for me. NEW
by: Derek Pask

I have just cred a bucket full, now 83 I felt my mum rocking me gently while singing that very song.

Mar 22, 2022
Memories of a lullaby NEW
by: Coral

So lovely to hear that you remembered,my children were born in the 1980's and I now have 3 grandchildren got to byebyes with this lullaby 🤱

Mar 22, 2022
Thank you xx NEW
by: Cassie

I am so happy that I found this page. It is 5am and I am awake feeding my 7 week old little girl and started to remember a song my mum used to sing to me. I typed in the words I remembered and I found myself here. I never realised how old the song was as I was born in 1984. I am so thankful as my mum passed away 16 years ago. I always remembered her singing this song to me and now I can see it to my little girl. It has bought me to tears finding this so thank you xx

Feb 20, 2022
Origin of Lula Lula Lula Lula Bye Bye lullaby NEW
by: Princessflounce

The song is called Ma Curly-Headed Babby, and it is also commonly known as Lula Lula Lula Lula Bye Bye. It was written and composed by George Howard Clutsam in 1897. Clutsam was actually an Australian, but in the late 19th century he was exploring music in the style of the American Deep South when he wrote this lullaby. It was popular throughout the English- speaking world.

Clutsam died in 1851, around the same time as his lullaby was recorded and re-popularised by the singer (and American Football star!) Paul Robeson.

You can see a copy of the original song sheet on this page:

Feb 15, 2022
Love you Dad NEW
by: Annie McT

My dad used to sing it to me when I was a baby. I'm almost 80. Dad's been dead since 1978. Why has it come into my mind this morning
Love you Dad.xxxx

Jan 13, 2022
Lullaby NEW
by: Common sense

My mother sang it to me, and I to my children.

Tralalala lalalala baby
Do you want the moon to play with
Or the stars to run away with
May they come if you don't cry.

So tralalala lalalala baby
In your momma's arms she'll keep you
And soon you'll be asleepin'
Tralalala lalalala lullaby.

Nov 21, 2021
My Nana sang it to me
by: Anonymous

She sang; Tra, LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA bye bye. Do you want the moon to play with, the sun to run away with......"don't remember this part"........if you won't cry.

And while I never remembered all the lyrics till now, the only part I knew was the beginning, but starting with "tra"

And instead of the word "don't", it was "won't.

What I remember most was her repeating tra LA LA LA LA ......over and over, till my eyes would get heavy, and fall fast asleep.

May 30, 2021
what a song, what a memory, what a lullabye NEW
by: Anonymous

oh tulura lura lura lura bye bye
you can have the world to play with
and the stars to run away with
if only you don't cry

oh tulura lura lura lura bye bye
in your mammy's arms she'll rest you
and soon you'll be aslee eee eep
oh tulura lura lura lura bye

second part
days is done, gone the sun
from the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
all is calm, safely rest
God is nigh

third part
night on Nelson Lake is falling
nature's calling all to rest
and we know that God will help us give
to others that which we count our best

and we know that in his might
God will help us guard what's right
help us to be, closer to Thee
this is our prayer tonight

Falcona Camp, Sudbury, Ontario, sung this song 28 nights in a row in July from the years 1974 to 1982. holding hands swaying with the group at the Lodge right after roll call. awesome stuff

May 20, 2021
Wonderful Memories NEW
by: barbie

Thankyou for giving me the words to Lulla Lulla Bye Bye. I could remember the first few sentences but no further, so thank you everyone. I am now 76 (how did that happen) and want to sing it to my darling little great grandson who loves a lullaby as he is eighteen months. Prior to getting all the words to this lullaby, I was singing about The Brook Bond Van is coming along its way, with a score or more deliveries for today, that means there's going to be fresh tea, for you and me, as fresh as fresh can be, that's Brooke Bond Tea !!
A 50's tv jingle!
Going back to the lullaby, my lovely grandmother used to sing it to me when I was little, all those years ago in the 40's but it remained in my mind.

May 13, 2021
Lulla byebye NEW
by: Anonymous

My mum sang this to me and I sang it to my sons and was delighted to find my first grand son knew it too. Turn out his mother’s family also sang it. But Henry said no that’s wrong! So they had a different version. One of the many below !

Apr 24, 2021
Lulla lulla bye bye
by: Jill Pittman

I used to sing this to my daughter in the 1960s but never knew the second verse. I don't know if it is something that I remembered from my own childhood . Pleased to have found there was more to it .

Apr 24, 2021
Lulla lulla bye bye NEW
by: Jill Pittman

I used to sing this to my daughter in the 1960s but never knew the second verse. I don't know if it is something that I remembered from my own childhood . Pleased to have found there was more to it .

Apr 21, 2021
Lyrics I've always sang NEW
by: Marcus

Go to sleep daddy's little babie (black country accent)
Do you want the moon to play with,
Or the stars to run away with.
They'll come if you dont cry,
Singing lulla lulla lulla lulla bye bye,
Into daddy's arms your sleeping,
And soon you'll be fast asleep singing
Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye

Apr 13, 2021
Lulee bye byes NEW
by: Anonymous

My father sang a version of this to me, and his mother to him:

Lulee lulee lulee lulee bye-byes
Close your sleepy eye- eyes
You shall have the Moon to play with
And the stars to run away with
You shall have them if you don't cry

Happy to find its origins

Mar 05, 2021
Camp Lullaby from 1963 NEW
by: Anonymous

In 1963 at Camp Zoe in Missouri I remember our cabin counselor "Winky" singing this each night to us young girls. I later sang it to my daughter and granddaughter. The words as I remember were:
Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye-bye
Do you want the moon to play with
Or the stars to run away with
They’ll come if you don’t cry
So lulla lulla lulla lulla bye-bye
In your mammy’s arms a-sleeping
The sandman is a-creeping
So lulla lulla lulla lulla-bye.

Feb 14, 2021
This is what my father sang to me NEW
by: Anonymous

Lulla Lulla Lulla Lulla bye bye,
With all the stars to play with,
And the moon to run away with,
Baby do not cry.

With a lu lalu lalu lalul a lu,
Underneath the silver Summer moon.
Hushabye,hushabye mamma's little baby,
Dadda's little lally-baba coon * (Sorry... not appropriate nowadays),
Go to sleep, my little piccaninny,
Briar fox will catch you if you don't.
Lie upon the bosom of your ol' mamma-jinny,
Dadda's going to whack you if you won't.

It could be Lally- baba coo*

Feb 14, 2021
This is what my father sang to me NEW
by: Anonymous

Lulla Lulla Lulla Lulla bye bye,
With all the stars to play with,
And the moon to run away with,
Baby do not cry.

With a lu lalu lalu lalul a lu,
Underneath the silver Summer moon.
Hushabye,hushabye mamma's little baby,
Dadda's little lally-baba coon * (Sorry... not appropriate nowadays),
Go to sleep, my little piccaninny,
Briar fox will catch you if you don't.
Lie upon the bosom of your ol' mamma-jinny,
Dadda's going to whack you if you won't.

It could be Lally- baba coo*

Feb 07, 2021
by: Anonymous

This is how I used to hear it sung to me:

Go to sleep my little picaninny
brer fox will get you if you don’t
hush-a-bye, rock-a-bye, mammy’s little darling
mammy’s little lulla-bama-coon (*could be "Alabama" - by today’s standards offensive I realise)

Lalloo, lalloo, underneath the lonely summer moon
hush-a-bye, rock-a-bye, mammy’s little darling
mammy’s little lulla-bama-coon

Oh my baby, my curly headed baby
your daddy’s in the cotton fields
a-pickin for the man.

There was another verse like the above which I forget...

Lalloo-lalloo-lalloo-lalloo la bye-bye
D’you want the moon to play with
or the stars to run away with?
They’ll come along if you don’t cry

Lalloo-lalloo-lalloo-lalloo-la bye-bye
in your mammy’s arms a-creepin
and soon, you’ll be a-sleepin now

Jan 22, 2021
Words to 🎵lula lula lula lula baby🎵 NEW
by: Anonymous

Words to do you want the moon to play with
by: Anonymous

These are the words as I remember...

Lula lula lula lula baby
Do you want the moon to play with
Or the stars to run away with
They'll come if you don't cry

So lula lula lula lula baby
In your mommy’s (or grandma’s) arms a creeping
And soon you’ll be asleeping
So lula lula lula lula bye

Nov 27, 2020
memories NEW
by: Anonymous

I was part of a mass choir of East End London kids who sang this for QEII in 1962 - for her 10th year as queen.

We sang - and danced - songs from the two Elizabeths.Greensleeves and 'Gathering Peascods' dance for the first, and Parry's setting of 'This England' and Lulla lulla for the second.

I was 9 - and remember it vividly.

Nov 19, 2020
The Actual Song NEW
by: Sally Battersby

This is Paul Robeson song from 1948 called 'Ma Curly Headed Baby'

It's something my grandmother sung to us as children too.

Oh, my baby, my curly-headed baby,
We'll sit below da sky and sing a song
To the moo- oo-oo oo-oon.
Oh, my baby, my little darkie baby,
Your daddy's in da cotton field,
Workin' for the fo- oo-oo oo-od.

So, la-la la-la la-la lullaby-by.
Does ya want da moon to play wid?
All da stars to run away wid?
They'll come if you you don't cry.
So, la-la la-la la-la lullaby-by.

Oh, my baby, my curly-headed baby,
We'll sit below da sky and sing a song
To the moo- oo-oo oo-oon.
Oh, my baby, my little darkie baby,
Your daddy's in da cotton field,
Workin' for the fo- oo-oo oo-od.

So, la-la la-la la-la lullaby-by.
Does ya want da moon to play wid?
All da stars to run away wid?
They'll come if you you don't cry.
So, la-la la-la la-la lullaby-by.


Aug 10, 2020
Great memories NEW
by: Carol Smith

My mother sang this song to all four of her children and her grandkids. I sang it to my three children. Such wonderful memories!!

Aug 04, 2020
Oh Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye sung to me as a child in 1950’s NEW
by: Christine Robbins

Oh Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye,
Did you want the moon to play with,
The stars to run away with,
They’ll come if you don’t cry,

Oh Lula Lula Lula Lula bye, bye,
In you mumma’s arms a peeping,
So soon you’ll be a sleeping Lula,
Lula Lula Lula Lula bye,
Eye eee. Eye, Eye eee Eye.

Jun 10, 2020
Words to do you want the moon to play with NEW
by: Anonymous

These are the words as I remember...

A lula lula lula lala bye bye
Does you want the moon to play with
Or the stars to run away with
They'll come if you don't cry
A lula lula lula lala bye bye

Your daddy's in the cotton field
Singing down below oh oh
A lula lula lula lala bye!

May 20, 2020
Lulabies NEW
by: John Silverman

try a Devonshire ladies choir via youtube singing it holding their babys. Just sent it to a neice. My late wife used to sing it to our offspring.
They are now in their 50s and 60s!

May 17, 2020
Memories of my mother NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 67 and I can still remember my mother singing this to me in England when I was a child. I sang it to my two children and to my grandson. Such sweet memories!

Apr 05, 2020
a family treasure NEW
by: Anonymous

This is our family song. My Dad sang it to me ( I am in my 50s) and I sang it to my children over and over when they were little. The most gorgeous piece of music and sung so wonderfully by Paul Robeson. When my Dad died last year we had this song played at his funeral. Very emotional

Nov 26, 2019
Perfect lullaby
by: Gabrielle

I'm in my 50s, and have been sung this lullaby by my darling Mother, who now has advanced dementia, since I was a child.

Lulla lulla lulla lulla lullaby
Do you want the moon to play with
Or the stars to run away with?
They'll come if you don't cry
Lulla lulla lulla lulla lullaby

Into Mummy's arms be creeping
And soon you'll be a-sleeping
Lulla lullaby
Lulla lullaby
Lulla lullaby

Nov 03, 2019
On hearing Paul Robeson sing this song
by: Anonymous

Fantastic, reading about these different versions. I was pretty sure it was an old American slave ballad,but the comment that maybe it was Scottish first is interesting. Our Mum's version was identical to the Paul Robeson one you can hear on You Tube (Oh, Ma Baby, Ma Curly-headed Baby)--it's just so lovely --but as he sang it in 1948 and I was a baby well before that, she may/must have got it from elsewhere! There was no mention of cotton, Daddy or work; rather, the chorus went "In your Mama's arms be creepin', And soon we'll all be sleepin'...." and (naturally) that's the one I like best.
There are no small children around just now, but I found myself singing it to my gorgeous little curly-haired golden dog. And she loves it!!

Sep 02, 2019
Search Lulla Lulla Byr Bye on YouTube NEW
by: Anonymous

Watch for at least 2 minutes

Aug 13, 2019
Lulla bye byes NEW
by: Anonymous

My Granny sang this to us, and my parents and I sing it to my kids. Our version:
Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye byes
Mammy’s in the cotton
Soon, she’ll be forgotten, with
A Lulla lulla lulla lulla byes

Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye Byes
Do you want the moon to play with
The stars to run away with
Hush, now don’t you cry, with
A Lulla lulla lulla lulla byes.

She patted you on the back as you lay over her shoulder and with her rich deep voice and the safety of her profound love it was the most gorgeous feeling OMG the world to fall asleep in her arms.

Aug 13, 2019
Lulla bye byes NEW
by: Anonymous

My Granny sang this to us, and my parents and I sing it to my kids. Our version:
Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye byes
Mammy’s in the cotton
Soon, she’ll be forgotten, with
A Lulla lulla lulla lulla byes

Lulla lulla lulla lulla bye Byes
Do you want the moon to play with
The stars to run away with
Hush, now don’t you cry, with
A Lulla lulla lulla lulla byes.

She patted you on the back as you lay over her shoulder and with her rich deep voice and the safety of her profound love it was the most gorgeous feeling OMG the world to fall asleep in her arms.

Jul 26, 2019
Bed time song NEW

Loved this song my mum sung it to us and I always sang it to my grandchildren lovely old song with great memories girls still sing it now xx

Mar 26, 2019
Lulla lulla by by ( curly headed baby ) NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother sang this to my son and although she just sang the chorus I have just found that it is part of a longer song sung by Paul Robeson called curly headed baby !!

Jan 30, 2019
Tah-loo-lah Bye Bye NEW
by: Anonymous

So sorry I didn't get in on the first round of comments. Mine inputs are similar, but with a few changes. Yes, I believe this lullaby has Scottish/British roots. The song came from my mother's side and her grandmother was a first generation Scottish American. They were of Cameron and Bell descent. The words my mother sang, and the words I have sung to my five kids are:
Oh ta-loo-la-loo-la-loo-la-loo-la bye bye,
Do you want the moon to play with?
Or the stars to run a-way with?
They'll come if you don't cry.
Oh ta-loo-la-loo-la-loo-la-loo-la bye bye,
In you daddy's (mommy's) arms your sleepin'.
And soon the sun will creep in, singin'
Loo-la-loo-la-loo-la-loo-la bye.
I'm so glad to know the a few of you are still interested in this lovely old lullaby.

Jan 13, 2019
Thanks NEW
by: Coral

Thankyou everyone for your comments and proof that I wasn't dreaming about this lovely lullaby. Since posting I now have three beautiful grandchildren - two cheeky happy boys and a delightful content little girl. They regularly enjoy (I hope) my singing 🌛

Jan 12, 2019
Love this song NEW
by: Anonymous

My nana sung it to me and now I’m singing it to my son.
We changed the first verse to our names though to make it more personal.
So we sung
Mary,Mary,Mary, Mary
Do you want the moon to play with?
Or the stars to run away with?
They’ll come if you don’t cry.

Jan 06, 2019
Old spiritual lullaby - one verse and lovely refrain
by: John

Oh, my baby,
My curlèd baby,
Your daddy's in the cotton field,
A working for de man.

So, lulla- lulla, lulla-lulla, bye-bye,
Do you want de moon to play with?
Or the stars to run away wid?
They'll come if you don't cry.
So lulla-lulla, lulla-lulla, bye-bye,
In your Mammy's arms be creepin'...
Soon you'll be a-sleepin' ...
Lulla; lulla, lulla, lulla, lulla, bye"


Jan 06, 2019
My beloved Grandma. British NEW
by: Anonymous

This song was sang to a sickly child over 80 years ago, by his grandmother when he was in was in one of his attacks, which were any, but I remember and sang it to many babies in an Royal Air Force hospital as a RAF medic Cpl helping feed "all the babies".

Jan 03, 2019
Sing a lullaby song :) NEW
by: Bella

My Grandmother is Scottish and she used to sing this song to my mum, then my mum sung it to me when I was little..

Sing a lu la lu la lu la lu la bye bye
Do you want the moon to play with
And the stars to run away with?
They'll come if you don't cry

Sing a lu la lu la lu la lu la bye bye
In ya mammy's arms,you're keeping,
And soon you'll be a sleeping..

Sing a lu la lu la lu la lu la bye.

Nov 12, 2018
Childhood Lullaby NEW
by: Beth

We used to be sang this as children by my mum and grandma and now I sing it to my own little boy of 5 months!

We sing..
Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye,
Do you want the stars to play with, or the moon to run away with,
They’ll come if you don’t cry.

Lula Lula Lula Lula bye bye,
In you mummy’s arms lay sleeping,
And soon you’ll be, a dreamin’ with,
A Lula Lula Lula Lula bye

Always brings a tear to my eye! Especially when I snag it to him when I was pregnant x

Nov 06, 2018
Lullaby NEW
by: Pat

My Nan sang this to me@ I’m now 79, I sang it to my children &grandchildren, & will sing it to my first great grandchild in January 2019. .Makes me want to cry.!

Nov 04, 2018
Baby's lullabye NEW
by: Caro

There is a line And the stars to run away with, my mum sang it to me. I am 70 so it is an old lullabye, can still hear her voice, wish I knew the words.

Oct 09, 2018
Love this song. NEW
by: Anonymous

Just found this! My grandma used to sing it to me. I’m 59!!!!

Sep 21, 2018
My Curly Headed Baby NEW
by: Mary

I'm also in the UK, but we sang this song at school and I always loved it, I sang it to all of my 3 children when they were tiny. I also remembered some of the words but not all of them so asked Google, and It put the title as 'My curly headed baby' and listed all the lyrics. I just thought I'd let anyone else know in case they want to look it up wherever they are in the world, as it worked for me. Of course, I can't get the song out of my head now complete with all the lyrics, but I don't mind as it still sounds as beautiful to me as it did all those years ago!

Jul 15, 2018
A lullaby to remember NEW
by: Peter S. the Programmer

My Grandfather used to sing this to my Dad. My dad used to sing this to me when I was young. I'm 39 now and I sing this to my baby girl who was just born 3 weeks ago. One day my daughter will hopefully sing this to her child/children.

Apr 26, 2018
My Mother Sang this to Us NEW
by: Anonymous

I am from Pittsburgh and my mother sang this to us. It went like this:

Oh a Lu A Lu A Lu A Lu a Bye Bye
Do you want the Moon to play with
Or the stars to run away with
They'll come if you don't cry

Oh a Lu A Lu A Lu A Lu A Bye Bye
In your Mammy's arms I'll rest you
And soon you'll be a sleeping
Oh a Lu A Lu A Lu A Lu A Bye

Dec 15, 2017
The only way I could sleep til I was 6 lol NEW
by: Anonymous

This is the incarnation I was always sung to sleep with, it settled me right down.

Go lula lula lula lula bye bye, does you want the moon to play with? Or the stars to run away with? Baby don’t you cry.

Go lula lula lula lula bye bye , in your mommy and daddy’s loving arms.

So don’t you cry.....and don’t you sigh.... go lula lula lula lula bye

I will sing this to my kids every night when we have them.

Sep 11, 2017
Old negro song NEW
by: Anonymous hazel stock

I'm British iknow the song well I think it came from British slaves in thr1800s if you look at the wording mom sang it to me 80 yrs ago.

May 04, 2017
My baby Granddaughter NEW
by: Anonymous

My Mother sang it to me too and not saying my age! I only remembered a few lines but now I can sing the whole lullaby to my baby Granddaughter

Sep 16, 2016
Lull a lulla ,baby NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother sang this to me too,and I'm 87 ,!!!!
I never knew all the words till now. Thank you
Just in time for my 5 th great grand child

Aug 05, 2016
Lula lula bye bye Lullaby NEW
by: SuzyB

Lula lula lula lula bye bye. Does you want the moon to play with, all the stars to run away with, they'll come if you don't cry. And its lula lula lula lula bye bye in your mammy's arms you're creeping and soon you'll be asleeping lula, lulua lula lula lula bye.
My Mum used to sing this to me as a baby (I'm 66 now) and my sister (59). We sang it to all our babies as well.
I've often wondered if it was a Deep South lullaby.
She followed it with "Oh my babby, my curly headed babby, your Daddy's in the cotton fields aworking for his coon, oo oon, oo oon." And then Golden Slumbers.
Not very PC now I know but its what I remember. As far as I am aware all my ancestors were English (traced back to 1776)and not American so where it came from I don't know.

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