dear little lamb of mine, find sleep and peace in dreams

by Taylor
(Austin, Tx)

Dear little lamb of mine, find sleep and peace in dreams
I'm here my dear, I swear I'll never leave
Divine, sweet child, virtue in your bright eyes gleam
Cry not Angel, let fear leave in the night, a thief

....I'm sorry that's all I know! I remember I loved this lullaby so much, but I just can't remember it! I want to be able to sing it to my kids one day! Does anyone know the rest?

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Jul 05, 2014
I know!!!
by: Hannah

Dear lamb of mine, find sleep and peace and dreams
I'm here my dear I swear I'll never leave
Divine sweet child virtue in your bright eyes gleams
Cry not Angel let fear leave in the right a thief
Monster depart afraid of what's to come
Be strong, dear one, smile bright into the night
Strong and sure be loud and bang your drum
Never deceased fight on my fair young knight
Close your eyes as you lean on my arm
With one smell wish I hope you safely live
That this world should deny to you all harm
Held Close and dear just wish to you I give
Dear lamb of mine find sleep in peace in dreams
Sweet and chaste walk forward towards the light
No longer chat with the nightmare regimes
Upon strong wings you sleeping soul takes flight

Oct 07, 2013
What is the beat?
by: Anonymous

I love this also! But I do not know how it goes I lost the beat! Can anyone tell me or give me a link ?

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