Cradle of Love

by Kristy
(Garner, NC)

I will rock you in the cradle of love,
warm you in a blanket of dreams.
And sprinkle you pillow with starlight from above
Rock you in the cradle of love.

An Angel sent down from Heaven you are,
The light of this life you behold
And every dream that crosses your heart,
I pray in time you'll come to hold.

I will rock you in the cradle of love,
warm you in a blanket of dreams.
And sprinkle you pillow with starlight from above
Rock you in the cradle of love.

I had a wonderful CD of lullaby's of which this was one of the songs that I memorized & sang to my sons who are now 12 & 7. I lost the CD between my 1st & 2nd son. I've been trying desperately to find it because it also has 2 other songs I love & sang to them. I'd like to have it for when/if I have grandkids. The other 2 songs were Appalachian Lullaby & Nappy Time.

Thank you for any help you can give!

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Jun 18, 2017
Thank you! NEW
by: Kristy B

I never saw the 2014 comment until I just saw the comment today. However, somebody replied to another post I made about a different song on the same CD back in April and posted a link to YouTube to the CD and songs! I'm sorry it never occurred to me to comment here what the album was. I'm glad you found it and thank you so much for commenting what the album is!! m

Jun 18, 2017
Found it! NEW
by: Anonymous

The album is "nightlight unplugged" by Tanya Goodman Sykes!

I've been looking for it for years! My mom used to play it for me when I was 14 for my little sister's and I hated it, but I just had my first and am so happy to have found it!

I know this is late but I hope it helps!

Apr 30, 2014
I am looking for this cd also.
by: Anonymous

I am looking for the very same cd, to no avail. Hop Little Bunnykins was another song on it.

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