Come along with me

Come along with me and sing a sleepy song,
close your little eyes and yes you'll soon be gone.......

I heard my Aunt sing this so many times when I was a child and now that I am a Mother, I want to sing it to my daughter. I sure hope someone can find the lyrics.

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Nov 17, 2018
Details NEW
by: Anonymous

I first learned this song in the early eighties and sang it to my daughter. It was on the tv show " Size Small" that was filled with great kids music. It was sung by Helen Lumby and aired on TVO. I am not certain of the composer. I cannot find a recording of it anywhere but if any one finds it, I’d love to have it.

Apr 12, 2015
my mom sang this to me, said it was from a tv show
by: Miranda

i just searched for this one to see if it was online but just found this page. This is how I remember it going.

Come along with me and sing a sleepy song
Close your little eyes and yes you'll soon be gone
Over into dreamland, all the sights you'll see
There's lots of things happening in your dreams
Elephants and monkeys sometimes scamper through
And if you are lucky they may talk to you
You never ever know what's waiting there for you
So snuggle on over, 'cause I'm coming too

Apr 01, 2013
Sleepy song
by: Anonymous

Come along with me and sing a sleepy song
close your little eyes and yes you'll soon be gone
over into dreamland, oh the sights you'll see
elephants and tigers in your dreams.

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