Cassette Tape Series
What is the name of a 3 cassette tape series for children c.1988-1990, where a woman tells stories and sings?
I had this set as a child, and as an adult, I'm looking for the name of it again so I can hopefully buy/find it out there somewhere. I vaguely recall songs like Lavender Blue, and All the Pretty Little Horses on the tape, as well as stories about some animals that fall into a hole and need help getting out, and a little jungle boy born with something (mana?) in his hand that he doesn't let go of until a nasty jaguar tells him to do it.
I remember that one of the tape covers was blue, one pink, and the other might have been yellow or green, but they all had a characterized sleeping baby on the cover. I can't remember much, but I believe there were several people on the tape singing and telling stories, but my favorites had the woman telling the story. It also had a tinkling sound between the songs and stories.
It was my favorite and I hope to find it again!