Bye bye baby gonna take a trip to dreamland bye bye baby

by Delanie Keller

My mother sang it to me and my son when we were babies

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Nov 13, 2014
I too was raised on "Bye Bye Baby"
by: Anonymous

Wording was slightly different. The first one I heard sing it was my grand mother then my mother sang it. My siblings and I were raised on this song while being bounced on their knee. Since it his been sung by me to my children and grandchildren and by my children to their children.

The way we heard it was "bye bye baby gonna to take the road to dreamland, bye bye baby gonna take the road to dreamland, bye bye baby gonna take the road to dreamland, bye,bye bye, bye, bye."

Jun 27, 2013
Rest of the words
by: Anonymous

Want to find more of this song if anyone knows the rest

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