Babys boat a silver moon sailing in the sky ... babys fishing for a dream fishing near and far

by dwl

Babys boat a silver moon sailing in the sky ... babys fishing for a dream fishing near and far...
Somewhere in my life (I don't think it was one of my Mother's) I picked up a few scattered words/verses and it's driving me crazy that I can't find the whole thing. Now that I have a baby coming it has become especialy important. I have tried a number of sites with no match to what I hear in my head.

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Mar 07, 2025
Music available!
by: Anonymous

I have the music! Email me if you wish.

Jun 21, 2024
The body's memory bank NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother sang this to all five of us children. I had forgotten it until Garrison Keillor had a lullaby show years ago, and the memories flooded back. I found my mother's written copy and started to sing it to my grandchildren. My body's memory bank is filled up!

Nov 03, 2023
Dreamcatcher NEW
by: Marta

I started researching this song because it appears in Stephen King's novel Dreamcatcher. A bunch of kids make friends with a disabled boy, and they sing it to him whenever he is crying. It works like a charm :-) My little brother is disabled and likewise loves lullabies. I'm looking for the song to learn it for him.

In Stephen King's version, it is:

"Baby's boat's a silver dream, sailing near and far...It sails from here in Baby's room and to the nearest star; Sail, Baby, sail, sail on home to me, sail the seas and sail the stars, sail on home to me..."

Now I just need to find the music.

Nov 15, 2022
Muti-generational Sleep Song NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother also sang us this song, and I now have grandchildren of my own, and I sing to them. They are 6 year-old Boy twins and a 3 & 1/2 Girl.When they were little we bought them each a colorful handmade Hawaiian quilt and my plan is to add an embroidered patch to put on the back of each, with a verse. I think there may be more actual verses but if not I will use the third verse suggested below.

Nov 15, 2022
Muti-generational Sleep Song NEW
by: Anonymous

My mother also sang us this song, and I now have grandchildren of my own, and I sing to them. They are 6 year-old Boy twins and a 3 & 1/2 Girl.When they were little we bought them each a colorful handmade Hawaiian quilt and my plan is to add an embroidered patch to put on the back of each, with a verse. I think there may be more actual verses but if not I will use the third verse suggested below.

Jun 12, 2022
Beginning and End
by: Judy

My mother sang this song to all three of her children when we were young. I had never heard it anywhere else so I asked her to write down the lyrics for me. When she was in the hospital the last time, we sang it together one late night when she couldn't sleep. I will never forget her sweet face on the pillow, looking up at me, singing "our" song. I'm so fortunate to have those lyrics in her handwriting to remember her love for us.

Mar 13, 2022
A lullaby for 3 generations NEW
by: Caryol Hendricks

My sweet mother sang this to me in the mid-fifties. I listened to her sing my 4 younger siblings to sleep through the years. I sang it to my children. I now have the pleasure of singing if it to my grandchildren as I rock them to sleep in the same rocker I rocked my little ones in.

Aug 11, 2019
Baby's Boat lyrics NEW
by: Sarah

A group of 30 or so 6 year olds sang this as part of our town's 150 year anniversary way back in 1964. The lyrics, as I remember them:

"Baby's boat's a silver moon
Sailing in the sky
Sailing o'er a sea of sleep
While the clouds go by

Sail, baby, sail,
Out upon that sea.
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

Baby's fishing for a dream
Fishing near and far.
His line's a silver moonbeam.
His bait a silver star.

Sail, baby, sail
Out upon that sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me."

Hope this fills on the blanks for you.

Jun 08, 2019
Great Memories NEW
by: Anonymous

As a girl, I was a Bluebird and Campfire Girl. For years I attended their wonderful Camp Wyondot in Ohio where we lived. Songs were a huge part of the experience and how I looked forward to singing them each summer!
The last night of each session, everyone gathered around a roaring fire to sing. Babies Boat made me sob each moving. Now I am happy to find the lyrics once again so I can sing it to my grandchildren. Thank you!

Dec 13, 2018
Baby's Boat Encore NEW
by: Deirdre

Looks like I'll be singing this to another grandchild next July! I'm so excited!

Dec 12, 2018
Memory of Mother
by: Anonymous

My mother sang this song to me, and I would cry and tell her I wouldn't forget to sail back to her. I'm 68 years old and this song still brings tears to my eyes. The last time I heard my mother sing this song to me was on a hot summer day in the 1950's and my mother was rocking me and I remember the smell of her powder she used and her jet black hair as she rocked me. Again I started to cry. I took care of my parents until their death. My parents are gone now, and I cherish that time it was just my mother and I on that hot summer day in 1950.

Dec 01, 2015
another verse?
by: Anonymous

my Mother sang the first verse
"Babies boat's a silver dream sailing in the sea. Far above the fleecy clouds far from you and me."

Oct 09, 2015
Baby's boat a silver moon
by: Anonymous

I recently watched the movie "Awakening" on ON DEMAND with Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro. In the movie, the Mother of DeNiro's character is shown and heard singing this song to DeNiro when he was a little boy. I am 82 years old and my Mother and Dad sang this to us when we were little.

Aug 31, 2015
A Precious Memory!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for reprinting the lyrics! My maternal grandfather would sing this to me, long after I was too big for lullabies, but neither of us cared. <3

Jun 06, 2015
Beautiful song
by: Wanda

I sang this as a child in our Christmas program. No one critized the fact that it wasn't a holiday song because it is such a sweet song. I must have been 8 - 10 yrs. old. I have never found the full lyrics until now. Thrilled. I sang it to my children, best I could remember. Thank you.

Jun 01, 2015
Third Verse
by: Anonymous

My mother sang this to me & my siblings born 1946-1957 and taught it to me to sing to my children. Now I'm singing it to my grandchildren. She wrote a third verse you might want to include.

Baby's sleeping on a cloud
Sleeping safe & sound.
Dreaming of a fairy place
While the world goes round.

Chorus: Sail baby sail out across the sea.
But baby don't forget to sail
Home again to me.

We sing a slightly different tune from what I'm hearing in online videos. It's lighter & less dirgy. But I'm not a musician, so I can't really describe it accurately.

Mar 22, 2015
Baby's Boat lullaby
by: Anonymous

My Grandmother used to sing a version of it to us and it went like this….
Baby's boat's a silver moon
sailing in the sky
Sailing cross the starry sky
Shining oh so bright
Go to sleep darling…. now go to sleep dear
Mommies with you and Daddy is near.

Mar 12, 2015
Written by Alice C.D. Riley
by: Anonymous

Alice C.D. Riley wrote this. It's likely in the book "Songs of the Child World, Lilts and Lyrics".

Here's a wikipedia article about her that has the lyrics of the song, too:

It's a beautiful lullaby.

Mar 02, 2015
by: Anonymous

This is a song my grandmother use to sing to me when I was a young girl. She sang it to my father before I was even a gleam in his eye.

My sisters and I have been trying to figure out where it came from and how it started and we did the traditional searches and came up with nothing.

Today in conversation with my 93 yar old mother, it dawned on me to Google it and there it was.

I thank Google for the access you have given so many of us to realize our challenges and our dreams and to come to conclusion on outstanding family questions.


Jul 29, 2014
Baby's Boat
by: Anonymous

Here is how my mother sang it to us:

Baby's boat's a silver shoon
Out upon the deep,
Baby's sailing for the moon
On the sea of sleep.

Sail, Baby, sail--
Out upon the sea,
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

Baby's fishing for the moon--
Sailing out so far.
The line, a silver moonbeam is;
The bait, a silver star.

Sail, Baby, sail--
Out upon the sea.
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

This song always brings tears to my eyes (even as I type this). My young child's mind worried so for the dear mother whose child just might forget to sail back home to her.
It was my favorite lullaby, and I sang it to my children, too.
Suzy Spafford

Jun 20, 2014
First and last
by: Claude Bennett

My earliest memory is of my mother singing this song to me.....I sang it to her at her funeral.

May 19, 2014
by: jim anderson

Ma used to sing this to my youngest bro circa 1960. Baby's fishing for a dream, fishing near and far. In a boat of silvery dreams, guided by a star. Sail baby sailout across that sea, but don't forget to come right to me. Hope I'm close--I thik I am.

Apr 09, 2014
Another version that's lasted through the years
by: Anonymous

My mother's version was:

Baby's boat's a silver moon,
Sailing in the sky
Baby's going to take a trip
To the bye and bye
Sail baby sail, out upon the sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

I sang this most recently to my adult daughter as she headed out on a long trip to discover the world.

Feb 19, 2014
Baby's Boat.
by: debbieAnonymous

This was sung to me( & all my siblings) by our Mother in our children's rocker. She was a petite 100#women who easily fit in it & held us thru feedings,sickness & bad dreams. She sang it to her grandchildren also. I sang it to my son never fully knowing all the words. I have now become a grandmother & now having the correct verses will make it perfect as I sing to my granddaughter.

Jan 10, 2014
how my Mother sang it
by: Angela

She would add our names,

Angela's Boats a silver dream,
sailing through the sky,
Sailing out across the sea as the ships go by,
So sail Angela, sail, out across the sea,
Only don't forget to sail, back again to me.

Dec 01, 2013
song Baby's fishing for a Dream
by: Anonymous

I remember my mother rocking and singing this to my baby brother..1942.

Oct 20, 2013
Baby boats
by: Anonymous

Thank-you!! I've tried and tried to remember the words to this song my mother sang. (She's 92) I've been singing it to my granddaughter and humming the words I didn't know.

Oct 06, 2013
by: Anonymous

It was written by Alice C.D. Riley.

Oct 06, 2013
The Slumber Boat
by: Anonymous

Baby's boat's a silver moon
sailing in the sky
Sailing o'er the sea of sleep,
as the stars go by
Sail baby, sail
Out upon that sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

Baby's fishing for a dream
Fishing near and far
His line a golden moonbeam is
His bait, a silver star,
Sail baby sail
Out upon that sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

Jul 07, 2013
Silver Boat Lullaby

AHH! My head is happy, the tune runs in my 84 yr old head, but I'd be happier to print out the words and sing it with all lyrics as shown HELP!
ANd thank you to whomever found and recalled and submitted the lyrics!

Apr 15, 2013
Lyrics to Baby's Boat Song
by: Elwood

Baby Boat
by Alice Riley 1898

Baby's boat's a silver moon
Sailing o'er the sky
Sailing o'er a sea of sleep
As the stars go by.

Sail, baby, sail
Out across the sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

Baby's fishing for a dream
Fishing near and far
His line a silver moonbeam is
His bait a silver star

If you find that dream so fair
Happy may it be
This will always be my prayer
May God watch over thee.

Sail, baby, sail
Out across the sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me.

Recording of song by Mezzo-Soprano, Christine Miller 6-16-1914

Jan 24, 2013
age of song
by: Anonymous

my 99 year old mother has suddenly remembered this song does anyone know who wrote it and when

Jun 04, 2012
Title Of The Song Is Slumberboat
by: Joni

Baby's boat the silver moon sailing through the sky
Sailing over the sea of sleep while the clouds float by
Sail baby sail out across the sea
Only dont forget to sail back again to me

Baby's fishing for a dream. Fishing near and far
His line a golden moonbeam. His bait a silver star
Sail baby sail out across thr sea
Only dony forget to sail back again to me. Back again to me

Jan 10, 2012
Camp Song
by: Anonymous

this was a song that the counselors sang to us on the last night of camp as we sailed our boats (a block of wood with a candle stuck in the middle)down the fox river near oswego illinois. a special ceremony and one that has stayed with me. one of those magical times from a beautiful childhood.

Jan 02, 2012
Baby's Boat
by: Anonymous

babies boats are silver moons -sailing through the sky, sailing over the sea of sleep while the stars go by, Sail baby sail out across the sea only don't forget to sail back again to me....Babies fishing for a dream, fishing far and wide her lines a silver moonbeam and bait a silver star....sail baby sail, out across the sea...only don'
t forget to sail back again to me...
I know that it is set to classic music-

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