baby won't you close your eyes

by Jessica

"mommy's gone to sleep, daddy's gone to sleep, baby won't you close your eyes? Baby won't you close your eyes."

My grandmother used to play my sisters and I a tape of lullabies when we were young, and this is the only part of it I can remember. Now that she's gone and I have my own kids I'd love to share the same songs with them, but I can't remember what the tape was called. All I remember was that the tape had some French/ half English half French songs on it as well. The phrase 'Prairie Lullaby' also rings some bells.. Can anyone help?

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Sep 05, 2016
Lullaby berceuse NEW
by: Anonymous

I believe the album you are asking about is called lullaby berceuse a warm prairie night by Connie kaldor and Carmen campagne

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