Baby Love of Mine

by Nicole

I had a great CD that I played every night for my first son. It had a song on it that I just loved, my favorite on the CD. The song goes:

Baby love of mine, Sweet baby love of mine
It's love you see when you look at me
With those little loving eyes

Baby love of mine, Sweet baby love of mine
coochy coo, here's a kiss for you
Sweet baby love of mine

I don't remember the rest, but I wish I could play it for my new son. Looking for the name of the CD it was on so I can buy it again.

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Aug 11, 2024
Where to find the song NEW
by: Anonymous

I heard the song on a different CD than the Johnson and Johnson one. I heard it on a CD called "Love Songs and Lullabies for Daddy's Little Dreamer." It's available for purchase on Amazon and you can listen to it on You Tube.
Love Songs And Lullabyes For Daddy's Little Dreamer

Aug 11, 2024
I am still looking for this CD
by: Ginger

I got this CD in a Johnson&Johnson gift basket at my baby shower for my oldest daughter in 2003. We played the CD every night for four years and then it eventually got so scratched up. I couldn’t play it for my second daughter I’ve been looking for a copy ever since.

Aug 04, 2024
Trying to find the baby love of mine song pls share link
by: Anonymous

My mom got the Johnson & Johnson soap and lotion as a set from a friend when my brother was born in 2003, and we used to play it all the time for him and he loved this song so much… He is now 21 and I am trying to find this song for my now, two year old boy. Full circle moment <3

May 24, 2020
Found the CD NEW
by: Anonymous

I just bought the cd of of EBay! I loved these songs as a child and my kids love them to I’m going to A lullaby lyric book to pass down to them for their kids.

Apr 27, 2020
I have the title for you NEW
by: Anonymous

Bedtime Lullabies from Johnson & Johnson Baby

Song is called Baby Love of Mine

Apr 27, 2020
Title NEW
by: Anonymous

Its called Bedtime Lullabies from Johnson & Johnson Baby

Apr 27, 2020
Love this song NEW
by: Tiffany

My son was born in 2007 He cried from 6 am to 12 at night. Non stop blood curling cry. So everyday we would go for a ride in the car. He cried and cried until this song came on. It shushed him right up. This song was always on in the car and in the house. We got it as a gift with a lotion gift set from Johnsons and Johnsons. Who knew the key was sitting right in front of us

Jan 07, 2020
I am still searching NEW
by: Anonymous

I am still looking for the audio of baby love of mine and I really need help in finding it

Aug 10, 2019
Baby Love - Tom Wurth NEW
by: Anonymous

May 05, 2019
Still looking NEW
by: Jhill1480

I'm still looking for the Baby Love of Mine CD. Has anyone had any luck?

Jun 01, 2016
Good written custom papers NEW
by: lory

Try our best writing services online!

Jan 19, 2016
Baby Love of mine lyrics NEW
by: Lil_mana8505

Chorus- Baby love of mine
Sweet baby love of mine
It's the love ya see when ya look at me with those little baby eyes
Baby love of mine I love you more with time, coochiee coo here's a kiss for you sweet baby love of mine

I sing to you and you try to sing along
We dont need words to make up a song you sound like an angel I swear you have wings ya bounce while were dancing on my heart strings.

Repeat chorus-

You study your finger and pull on your feet
And roll yourself up in a ball when you sleep
I watch you for hours and never get bored.
And I cant imagine loving someone more

I still have the CD it came with a bathset I bought for my daughter with the bedtime bath... And I sing a few regularly to my youngest who just turned 2 and was 4mos premature.

Repeat chorus

*NOTE* some people may feel more comfortable saying "goochie goo" instead of "coochie coo"... I felt awkward typing it and looked it up... Either is fine it's just what you grew up with. Lol

Jan 19, 2016
Sleepy time lullabies NEW
by: Bridget

Sleepy time lullabies cd is sold on Amazon for about $15!

Dec 18, 2015
great NEW
by: Anonymous

I guess little children like listen to lovely quiet songs :) I reda an essay which I ordered at for my classes in psychology. It was right baout it :)

Aug 25, 2015
sleepy time lullabys
by: marcia

Love this site. I am looking for Sleepy Time Lullabys: Soft Songs for Sweet Dreams by J Aaron Bron and sung by Barbara Bailey Hutchison. I lost my cd years ago and have searched for just as long so that I can play it for my grandchildren. Does anyone know where to buy a copy

Mar 19, 2015
on line listening
by: Anonymous

I found clips of this song and several others from the cd on

You can also purchase others from the same producers

Mar 19, 2015
by: Anonymous

My son Cameron is now 11 and wants me to sing all the songs I can remember every night to him..Sometimes I'm like dude you're going to be in middle school next year..He's like I don't care I still love it! :)and you STILL remember me singing the whole CD from birth while rocking you to sleep until you were 4 sleeping in your own room and I had to buy a CD player to play it every night until it got scratched from him trying to sneak and listen to it during the day trying to put it in himself! Lol I really need that CD again! Has anyone found it yet? Thanks

Feb 10, 2015
Looking to Purchase CD
by: Pam McKenzie

How can I purchase the CD? Can't find it online.

Nov 03, 2014
I looooveeee this Lullaby!!!
by: Malena

Hi, I also love this song it's amazing, My coochy coo is now 10 years old and I still singing this beautiful lullaby to him. he also named coochi Foo!! his first teddy bear when he was just a baby.

If you would like to buy this specific song you can purchase it from apple store for just 0.99 cents the name of the song is "Sweet Lullaby" by Barbara Bailey. I hope it helps. God bless you and your loved ones." coochi coo!!!

May 04, 2014
there you go
by: Abdieloby

Dec 28, 2013
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for making this search. If it wasn't for your lyrics and the comments I wouldn't have been able to buy it. My nephew is now 9; his little sister was recently born and I wanted to sing the same songs I used to for him. Specially Baby Love of Mine and Lullaby Wishes. I have now ordered Bedtime Lullabies from Johnson & Johnson Baby and I'm looking forward to signing them for my niece. Thank you!

Dec 24, 2013
greatful for technology!
by: AK Miles

That's incredible! I can't believe this song and cd is so meaningful to so many others. I picked this up at Ross when my 8 year old was weening. It's what got us through it! She still remembers it and requested it. Thank you!!

Nov 14, 2013
by: carmen reynoso

Este album no tiene despedicios, excelentes canciones/

Nov 12, 2013
My favorite track too!
by: Anonymous

I've been looking for a this cd for over a year, and just found it on You can perform the search with the following title: Bedtime Lullabies from Johnson & Johnson Baby

Nov 02, 2013
I played this on repeat
by: Anonymous

I played this for my girls every night on repeat I loved it ... I can't find my cd I've been looking all over does anyone know if they still sell it?

Nov 06, 2012
I know it
by: Anonymous

It's the Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Lullabies cd. I think the track is called Baby Love.

Sep 16, 2012
I hope you find it
by: Anonymous

it is bedtime lullabies from Johnson's produced by J Aaron Brown David R Lehman 2004
Dreamland Inc
PO Box 330367
Nashville, TN 37203
All Songs JABA Inc./ Nashville, TN 37212
Vocal by Barbara Bailey Hutchison
Johnson & Johnson consumer product company division of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc
Skllman NJ 08558-9418
All this is on the CD I am a grandma and I also love this CD I hope you could find it on line. I think you can best wishes

Mar 22, 2012
Heart break
by: Anonymous

I also had this CD when my son was born and it helped me and my son through some really tough times. Unfortunately it was lost during a house move. Did you ever find this CD? if so, where did you get it from? I have been searching for six or more years.

Feb 10, 2012
love it
by: Anonymous

I have it on Johnson and Johnson bedtime lullaby CD.

Dec 21, 2011
CD title
by: Anonymous

It's called Love Songs and Lullabies for Daddy's Little Dreamer by J. Aaron Brown. It's one of my favorites too. :)

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