baby girl or mother/daughter title!

I had a cassette when I was younger that were all songs a mother was singing to her daughter. I'm pregnant now and hoping to find the same cassette somehow!

One song had the words "when you hide in time, in time my baby, the time is right for peekaboo baby. Peekaboo! Peekaboo baby i see you. I know you're there. Under the covers trying so hard to hide from your mother but I have no trouble in finding you. I just pull back the covers and say...peekaboo"

Another was "listen to the sound of raindrops falling down. Tapping on the window pane. Nothing is the matter. Its just the pitter patter of the gentle falling rain"

Any help is appreciated!

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Sep 08, 2020
Peek a boo baby song, drip drop

Kelly Willard sang those marvelous songs for my baby daughter back in the ‘90’s!!!

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