as you start to fall asleep i pray the lord your soul to keep

by Juniper

as you start to fall asleep i pray the lord your soul to keep.

i'm not even sure those are the full lyrics but it was a tape and my mother used to play it for me every night. i miss my mom. i want to find the song again.

if it helps it was like a baby christian lullabies or something like that.

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Aug 18, 2024
Found the album on YouTube! NEW
by: Anonymous

I found the album recorded on YouTube. Search for Lov-a-byes Brentwood Music.

May 16, 2019
I had this too! Sang it to my sons. Want a copy for my grandson. NEW
by: Anonymous

Now it’s time to fall asleep, time to find you a dream so sweet...climb the stairs...cuddle in the rocking chair...time to tuck you in, tell you once again how much you mean to me.

May 06, 2019
Lovabyes NEW
by: Anonymous

I loved this tape when I was little. If someone could put it on Youtube, I bet they would garner thousands of followers!

Jun 15, 2017
Christian "lovabyes" recording NEW
by: Anonymous

Mary is accurate in her memories of this wonderful recording. I also worked in a Christian bookstore at the time it came out, and have been so disappointed that I cannot find it again.

I called Brentwood and Benson several years ago, and none of the people working for those companies remembered or could find out anything about the recording.

It contained songs I had never heard before or since, and would pay a high price to obtain the tape or CD now.

May 12, 2015
Lovabyes tape
by: Brittany

I also grew up listening to this tape and currently own a copy if some of the songs. I am a singer and would like to do a remake of this. Does anyone know how I can contact them to get the rights?

Aug 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take Amen

May 01, 2014
Christian Lullabyes Tape
by: Mary

Juniper, the tape you're thinking of was released the year after the Little Mermaid movie. It was named "Lovabyes" and had a pink cover, and was released by either "Brentwood Music" or "Benson Music" both Christian companies. The words: "As you quickly fall asleep, I pray the Lord your soul to keep..."

I worked in a Christian bookstore at the time, and remember it well. Been looking for a replacement for several years now, and can not find it.

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