ah Babby Boo Man

I have a friend from Dublin who is looking for this lullaby, please help

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Apr 23, 2024
Ah babby boo NEW
by: Anonymous

My mum is from Dublin, and she also sang a variation of this to her grandchildren and great grandchildren, as did I to my children and grandchildren, they all loved it and it always worked rocking them to sleep. People in the Uk are always horrified when they hear us singing it though 🤣 I’m laughing to myself when they now hear the extra verse about the sack, I’d never that verse heard before 😂

Here is our verse

Ah baby Boo, I’ll smack you if you don’t go sleepy for your mammy and in the morning when you wake up, you’ll get some bread and milk in your own tin cup.

Jun 02, 2023
Still loved NEW
by: Anonymous

Our version was:
Ah baby boo I’ll beat you
If you don’t go asleep
For your Mammy

Ah boo Jack
Put the boo man in the sack
And don’t go near
My baby ….

Repeat till 😴 asleep

Oct 08, 2021
Mum born in Dublin 1923 NEW
by: Jeannine (O'Hara-Connelly) Moline

Mum always sang it, as did I to my babies,

Ah beau boo, I'll beat you, if you touch my baby.

Ah beau Jack, put you in a sack if you touch (baby's name).

Verses were improvised or the chorus simply repeated until baby or mum or both feel asleep!! My adult children now also sing this to their own sweet little ones. Miss my Mum's sweet Irish voice.

Feb 01, 2021
Ah bold Jack NEW
by: Anonymous

Aah bold Jack, go away with yer sack,
Cause yer not getting my baaaby (or child's name) cause baby is a good little boy/girl,
And he's/she's really good for his/her maaaaammmy.


That's how I know it passed down from my mother's side.. Dublin

I sing it now to my baby haha just came naturally hearing it my whole life..only looked it up now to explain it to my partner...

Jul 18, 2020
Ah Babby Boo
by: Lynn

Our version from my grandmother was
Ah babby boo
I'll beat (pronounced bait) you
If you don't go asleep for your Mammy
I'll put you in a sack
And you'll never come back
Ahh Babby Boo
I'll beat you

Jun 24, 2016
Old Dublin lullaby NEW
by: Fred

Glad someone else remembers it !!
I'm not going mad !

Dec 28, 2015
Ah babby bu. NEW
by: Kristina Dublin.

This is how my mother used to sing it to me as a child and to my children. Ah babby bu I'll smack you if ya don't go asleep for your mammy. I'll get the aul Jack to put ya in a sack if ya don't go asleep for your mammy. Ah babby buntin daddys gone a huntin to get a rabbit skin to wrap his babby buntin in.

Jun 12, 2014
ah bold jack
by: Anonymous

WE had a less punitive version.
Ah bold Jack, I'll put you in the sack, if you go near my baby.
Ah bold Joe, you don't know, how much I love my baby.
Am also from Dublin so is it an Irish thing?

Mar 01, 2013
Ah babby boo
by: Dan

I'm from Dublin and my nana used to sing this to us as kids.. It has loads of verses! I wonder where it originated and if the rest of the verses can be found

Jan 05, 2013
Ah Babby Boo
by: Susan

Ah Babby boo, I'm going smack you if you don't go a sleepies for your Mammy! Ah bold jack I'll put you in the sack if you don't go asleepie, ah babby boo, I'm going smack you if you don't go a sleepie for your mammy!.... I

I know its a weird one but thats how it went!
Frighten the bejesus out of ya!

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