Lullaby Lyrics, Baby Lullabies and Baby Music for You

Welcome. Lullabies are so much more than just lullaby lyrics and baby music.  They are part of the way we interact musically with our babies and they are among a baby's first intimate emotional connections with those that love them.

In addition to the development of a baby's emotional bonding, experts say that a Capella music is also the foundation of communication, language, musical and mathematical skills.

Our mission and passion is to support parents, grandparents and caregivers in building and sharing the magic and music of their own  voice with their babies in ways that are easy, fun and also very effective in laying the foundations for their baby's education.

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BBC - Language of Lullabies

Lullaby songs and other baby music can:

- Help you communicate with your child
- Promote your child’s development
- Soothe you and your baby
- and give you something fun to do together!

The last one was big for our family. When our son Clayton was a newborn, we didn’t know what kinds of activities to do with him. We asked friends and family for ideas, looked in books and parenting magazines, searched the web and finally we created games of our own.

It took a long time. That is why we started this site.

We want to make it easy and convenient for you.

Here is some of the great info we’ve collected so far:

Lyrics, melodies and "how to" videos.
Easy songs
Words for the classics
Ideas for non-singers
A "Listening Center".
New songs and angel music, and much MORE…

Thanks for visiting. We look forward to serving you.

Lullaby Lady Amy & her husband and partner Tim

P.S. Do you know which easy and familiar melody matches three sets of lullaby lyrics for children? Here's the answer. You won’t believe your ears!

P.P.S. Are you starting in the NICU? So did we! Here are some ideas on how to use sound and song in the NICU..

What is a Lullaby?.

Lullaby Songs - Alphabetical

Quick Links to Favorite Lullabies

Hush Little Baby

Brahms Lullaby

All Through the Night

Toora Loora Looral

All the Pretty Little Horses

Billy Joel Lullaby

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